Pakistan slips to eighth in world hockey rankings

Pakistan was ranked sixth in the previous rankings which continue to be dominated by Germany.

APP July 11, 2013
Pakistan finished seventh in the Hockey World League. PHOTO: AFP/FILE

KARACHI: After a disappointing performance at the Hockey World League, the Pakistan hockey team plunged to eighth in International Hockey Federation (FIH) rankings released on Thursday.

Pakistan, which was placed sixth in the previous ranking, slipped two places after the national team finished seventh in the league, which doubled as qualifiers for next year's World Cup.

Now Pakistan team will be making last ditch effort to qualify for the world event by winning the Asia Cup which is scheduled to be played in Malaysia from August 24 to September 1.

On the other side, the German national team, which won the league, maintained their hold on the top spot in the FIH rankings. Germany is followed by Australia and Netherlands.

India is ranked at the number 11 spot.


Maqsood-ul-hassan | 10 years ago | Reply

I want to pakistani hockey at number one place.

piddler | 11 years ago | Reply

Slip out of the race altogether as and save us the foreign exchange pls

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