Moon sighted, Ramazan begins on Thursday

First fast to be observed on July 11.

Web Desk July 10, 2013
Ramazan to begin on Thursday. PHOTO: FILE

The moon that marks the beginning of Ramazan has been sighted all over Pakistan, reported Express News.

The first fast of the month will be observed on Thursday, July 11, 2013.

On Tuesday, the Ruet-e-Hilal committee had announced that no moon could be sighted in most parts of Pakistan, and clerics had come to the conclusion that Ramazan would not begin on Wednesday.

Pakistan Meteorological Department had said the chances of the moon being sighted on Tuesday were low.

The government unveiled a Rs2 billion Ramazan relief package providing subsidies on 13 essential items and selling about 1,500 items on reduced rates through the Utility Stores on Tuesday.


Alsahdiq | 11 years ago | Reply

@Water Bottle. No need for such an expense. The Muslim intellectuals have already given solution to this problem of knowing when to start the new Islamic month by organising to give near accurate forecast and then sbstantiating the forecast with relaying Shahahdut from many countries across the world i.e. from Australia to the Americas since the last 18 years. The only problem is that Muslim Ummah is pledged as they show through their deeds to remain under the influence of some Opium. Opium pusher do roaring business with the Muslim Ummah as one can see. Rumzaan started according to what Allah showed in the sky from Wednesday for all Muslims of the world from Australia to the Americas. On the one end of scale are the Arabian and Turkish authorities who enforce a home grown rule of fixing the advent of new Islamic month. Miraclously the Arabians, this month disappointed many of their Opium taking followers by obeying Allah by starting Rumzaan on Wednesday whereas the Turks and a few others stuck to their bidut. Ulamah in this part of the world are on the other end of scale sticking to some story which Allah has given every proof to be dubtful by showing the moon in the sky. Allah showed that the Ulamah in this part of the world started Rumzaan from its second day by refusing to accept trustworthy Shahadut that came from Austarlia to the Americas. The moon seen in this part of the world on Wednesday evening was of 55 hours in age. Moon enters its second day of age at 42 to 44 hours.

MJ | 11 years ago | Reply

@Usman: The irony here is that you have an issue with "d" vs "z" sound while the correct pronunciation of your own name is "u-th-maan" as per Arabic tajweed rules.

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