The Sindh High Court (SHC) directed on Tuesday the Sindh police’s law officer to appear before the judges on June 28 and bring along a “complete record” of the targeted killings taking place in Karachi.
Headed by Justice Ahmed Ali M Sheikh, the bench also issued notices to the provincial home secretary and provincial chief of the Rangers for the next hearing.
The Sindh High Court Bar Association (SHCBA) had taken the provincial government and chiefs of the police and paramilitary forces to court for failing to curb the killings of lawyers in targeted attacks.
Mustafa Lakhani, the association’s president, had stated that the law and order situation in Karachi was deteriorating and the lives as well as properties of citizens, including lawyers, were not safe. “Since 2007, over 40 lawyers have been assassinated in Karachi,” he said, adding that law enforcers have failed to restore peace in the city.
He also told the judges that whenever a member of police or other government official is killed in any incident of violence, the victim’s family is compensated. “Advocates are targeted in the city, but their heirs are not being compensated.”
Lakhani pointed out that the death sentences awarded to the criminals were not being executed, which, according to him, encourage other criminals to commit crimes.
He pleaded the court to direct the authorities to take measures to stop the targeted killings of citizens, especially lawyers in Karachi.
He also requested the court to direct the government to compensate the slain lawyers’ families.
During the last hearing, the bench had issued notice to the home secretary, IG police and DG Rangers, but none had appeared.
Published in The Express Tribune, June 19th, 2013.
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No amount of seeking reports and statements will be of no use. Pakistan secret agencies, ISI, FIA, IB, Police etc know the culprits and can round up Heads and members ;lashkars and miscreants. It is clear that they are not performing their duties or else are not compitant. In later case they should be removed and sent home and new one appointed. If we do not have talent it may be imported from other countries. Any one held should not be granted any type of bail. Speedy trial courts be constituted and capital punishment be awarded. Give a thought. It is happening in Saudia, Gulf Countries and Iran we can seek their help