According to the final results, Imran Khan whizzed past everyone else by securing 87.78% of the online votes, Pakistani child activist Malala Yousafzai secured 3.29%, Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi 1.98% and the Indian film actor Aamir Khan 1.81%.
The final tally revealed that Imran had more than 11,000 votes, 88 per cent of the total. According to a press release, the Asia Society is a nonpartisan, non-profit institution with its headquarters in New York. It was founded in 1956 by John D Rockefeller III.
It is the leading educational organisation dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among people, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 25th, 2013.
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Two things are common between Omar the Great and Imran Khan. They dont cheat, they dont allow others to cheat. They are not corrupt, they dont allow others to corrupt. They are not theives, they dont allow others to steal.
Unfortunately we have bundle of politicians who are looting nation wealth, pakistan need a leader who take the country towards success and prosparity. Now Imran Khan is the best option for all Pakistanis to get rid of Looters. Therefore, I apeal all Pakistanis living inside and abroad to ensure costing their votes in 2013 eleaction and choose honest leaders.
I don't blame Mr. Zardari & Mr. Nawas; people can judge better. My message is to please if you love your country, coming generation and want a developed Pakistan then please do not elect those who are corrupt, export your wealth abroad, make their business abroad countries and will fly away in danger.
IK is no match to Nawaz or Shahbaz Sharif. SS son is an MNA. IK's not. NS son in law is MNA. IK's not. SS son in law thrashed a bakery wala and was set free for ' lack of evidence ' IK cannot do it. I do not understand why people recommend IK for Asia award.?
@Adnan Siddiqi Man you need to have some information before you come up with some unheard and illogical things which don't even make sense and cannot be confirmed from any source. If you believe I claimed it just to support my case then please google it or you can even get your answer from the link below. http://www.insaf.pk/AboutUs/FAQs/tabid/105/Default.aspx
Dear Imran khan ! Give me an honour that i cast my vote for you.
Brother, the majority of the pollsters belonged to All Pakistan Troll Association who cast their vote via multiple IDs and through some other unscrupulous means.
Imran got 88 percent of the total votes. Wow! And how many voters were from PTI's online army?
Despair not my brother; Mian Sahab is on his way to becoming the PM of Pakistan. NS does not have to contest in some unknown congeniality contest called the Man of Asia.
How politicized are you ? You should be proud that someone from your country won...yet you are putting comparing him unfavorably to others... you may say you call the truth like you see it.. fine...but when pakistan wins a cricket match or tournament by chance , and against teams that are better, do you put the team down or celebrate??? @Mirza:
This is not fair. Look at the wealth of Mian Brothers. Look at their palaces. Look at the 600 policemen guarding them against the evils of the common public. I recommend Mian NS as the Man of Asia.
Buddy, I was actually responding to Osman but out of the blue you decided to jump on a bus which wasn't exactly heading to your destination. Any how, your logic about innuendo and hearsay should also apply to Osman who claimed that Musharraf asked IK to become the PM back in the days.
After the Qaid Azam the personalty we will proud atleast .... you deserve more then this sir...
Nothing will change
love u IK
Imran may not win on traditional votes as the reality speakers here, He will cruise to victory by the voters who never voted before plus who will registered for the first time the youth! Imran appeals to educated and youth that was never interested in voting because of obvious faces going around in our politics. Well awared people by the media now plus new type of voters who are now willing to break the cycle of "demonocracy" is the reality that old tried and tested are not realising.
Pakistan of today has been changed in last 5 years who are kept up dated by electornic and social media, they can observe and see what these two major parties are really upto and delivered nothing!
Pakistan khan 'zindabad'
@Adnan Siddiqi: What is this what your uncle said, because he knows a guy who knows a guy. Funny how you know the inside story and yet no one else does. A trademark of a true pakistani Good for you.
You make our day again Imran Khan. We are with PTI
11000 votes and such euphoria? That's not even enough to win in any one constituency.
IK greatest disappointment
For God sake get real! No way & I mean no guy IK can come close to PM house. He is living in Cuckoo World.
Imran Khan zindabad, PM in waiting.....
@Adnan Siddiqi I've been following him from a very long time, never heard any such thing. If its a fact then I might burst out laughing aswell but maybe he said that in some other context. Whatever the case, he needs to sweep else we are doomed.
How a poll that puts Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi at less than 2% and IK at more than 87% can only be a joke with reality. A leader who won Nobel Peace Prize for her continued incarceration and standing up to military leaders should not even be compared to IK who supported Gen Mush and never went through the rigors and offered sacrifices for democracy. These polls can give much higher rating to IK than Nelson Mandela also. Here are some of the awards that the great Burmese leader received: Suu Kyi received the Rafto Prize and the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 1990 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. In 1992 she was awarded the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding by the government of India and the International Simón Bolívar Prize from the government of Venezuela. In 2007, the Government of Canada made her an honorary citizen of that country,[12] the fourth person ever to receive the honour.[13] In 2011, she was awarded the Wallenberg Medal.[14] On 19 September 2012, Aung San Suu Kyi was also presented with the Congressional Gold Medal, which is, along with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honour in the United States.[15]
On 1 April 2012, her party, the National League for Democracy, announced that she was elected to the Pyithu Hluttaw, the lower house of the Burmese parliament, representing the constituency of Kawhmu;[16] her party also won 43 of the 45 vacant seats in the lower house.[17]
Nawaz Sharif should have been on this list also... for "saving jamhooriat", lol.
If we are to believe IK's benefactor from the past, i.e. Musharraf and Ehtesham Zamir; it was actually IK who wanted a sum of 100 NA seats handed to him on a platter. Listening to this outrageous and incredulous wish, Musharraf and Zamir looked at each and burst out laughing :D
@kHaN: You are not even khan forget about being a tiger!
@Tanzeel: You have already predicted that he will not win in the election all the people who still want to vote for the same old parties who destroyed Pakistan all I can say shame on them.
@Khan you forgot that he was also offered the seat of prime minister under that dictator, which he refused.
The man the legend. History will prove that we were the nation who was blessed with Imran Khan. Next PM insha allah !!
@Tanzeel I am afraid, your euphoria will be over when IK wins the elections, I hope you wont cry then?
@Khan You are not even a paper tiger. At least! he is something, but you are a non-entity!
Some people need burnol here! IK is Pakistan's most son, and richly deserves this award. Those who are whining against him due to political bias or inferiority complex, should confess that even a million of you put together cant compete with Aura, charisma and persona of the great IK. So you haters! Take it or lump it!
This is not the ground reality.The fact is that he is destine for bitter defeat in the forth coming election.Even he will not win the mna seat which was granted to him by the dictator in 2004 election..
Inshallah PTI will sweep the general elections this year under the leadership of Imran Khan :)
A good human being. Although I belief this poll was very much manipulated.
My leader....
Paper Tiger! Will see him in the election.
May Imran finish All corruption from Pakistan I am with you IK
May Imran vanish all corrupt politisons from Pakistan
I like the description for IMRAN Khan on Asia Society's Website ;)
Imran Khan (Pakistan) Former cricket star Imran Khan is shaking up Pakistan’s political system with his bid for Prime Minister on the ticket of Tehrik-e-Insaf, the political party he created in 1996, which runs on a platform of anti-corruption policies. Although he is leading in opinion polls, it is not expected that he will be elected by the National Assembly.
No surpise! Next PM of Pakistan. Inshallah.
excited to be casting my vote for PTI.
similarly we'll sweep the up coming polls in Pakistan, and the result will be PTI got votes 87.78% n rest of all parties got only 12.22%, inshallah.
Where are the haters now? And dear tribune, why isn't this post on your facebook page?
He's to be declared as the World's person of the year..! Proud of you Mr. Khan..!
Lv u khan
well lets call him Pakistan Khan - Next PM in.
Imran khan love you . Proud to be the part of PTI . May ALLAH always help you Ameen.
IK u rock :)
InshAllah Taala you will sweep the next general elections in the same way! Aameen.
He will also sweep the upcoming election.....inshallah.
He deserves it!
just waiting for imran khan to sweep elections 2013 aswell