The court also ordered all other respondents in the case to be arrested, and gave 24 hours deadline to the authorities to implement the orders.
The court maintained that National Accountability Bureau (NAB) will be responsible if any of the respondents manage to escape.
"The chief justice ordered that all concerned, regardless of their rank, who have been booked in the case be arrested and if someone leaves the country, then chairman of NAB will be held responsible along with his investigating team," lawyer Aamir Abbas told AFP.
"The sixteen include Raja Ashraf," said Abbas, adding that Ashraf had not been referred to by name by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.
Abbas, who represents NAB, said the defendants had been ordered to appear before the Supreme Court on Thursday.
In Pakistan's financial capital, the Karachi Stock Exchange fell sharply as reports of the order flashed across local television news channels.
The KSE 100 index lost 453.46 points, or 2.74 per cent, in little over half an hour, to stand at 16,633.18 just before 3:00pm– 559.74 points down on opening.
The Supreme Court's order came at a time when Minhajul Quran International (MQI) chief Tahirul Qadri was leading a long march in Islamabad to demand electoral reforms.
Participants of the march were seen celebrating while chanting "Long Live Supreme Court" when Qadri mentioned the court's decision during his speech.
PM Ashraf was given the title of Raja Rental after he was accused of receiving kickbacks in the rental power projects. He was also accused of buying property in London from money earned through corruption in various scams.
He has been defending himself in the Supreme Court.
On March 30, the apex court had directed the National Accountability Bureau to proceed against those who were in the post of minister for water and power from 2006 till the next general elections. As a result, on April 20, NAB issued arrest warrants for 33 persons, including Ashraf.
Case background
Earlier last year, the court directed NAB to proceed against all government functionaries involved, including the ministers for water and power during whose tenure the RPPs were approved or set up, and the minister and finance secretary holding charge when down payment for RPPs was increased from 7% to 14%.
Liaquat Jatoi and Raja Pervaiz Ashraf were water and power ministers in 2006 and 2008, respectively, while Shaukat Tareen was the finance minister in 2008, when down payment was increased.
Of the 19 RPP deals signed initially, only nine were allowed to function after a damning Asian Development Bank evaluation report. Subsequently, six of those nine RPPs were discontinued.
Excellent work SC. Please also issue arrest orders for the rest of the cabinet and 70% of parliamentarians.
@Pak101: "@Indian Wisdom: You can’t even dream of independent SC like ours……"
I don't doubt it!!! Judiciary in Paksitan is one of the handful institutions which is still functioning efficiently. What i meant is selecting Raja Rental was the unfortunate thing that happened to Pakistan. Pakistan deserves someone better who can lead her out of this mess.
If you all think that justice is being served, then you all are noobs. If you are still not able to understand the plot, then you all deserve to live under such rulers. You are being played with! All of you!
I dont think its a good move by supreme court. What of Pakistan when there is NO ONE to rule the country? Marshal law?
A pointless court decision. A summon would have been sufficient. But then how could the judges grab headlines.
The CJ and the likes of tsunami khan and Qadri are a disgrace!
Wow! I am an Indian & will have to praise such system of Pakistan where Court can order arrest of PM in corruption cases!! KUDOS !! May similar system comes in India too- more than 50% of ministers will be behind Jail.
or is our police giving him the last chance to run away from our beloved Pakistan
@gp65 .: There was a typo in my earlier statement. I said "In India, the existing COAS lost a case where the net outcome would have been his suspension. "
I meant "In India, the existing COAS lost a case where the net outcome would have been his extension."
Good decision, i support SC and those who are saying this is drama of Qadri, CJ and Armay living in a fool's paradise.
I think the media has got carried away on this one.
2013 will be the year of change. Inshallah....CJ you did a great job just fire another one......
It is time all the high and mighty are brought under rule of law and equal justice for all. All those that have stolen Pakistan people's wealth must be thrown in jail until they give the stolen money back and also apologize to the nation.
Doesn't it occur to people in Pakistan that the power shortage could be deliberately exacerbated to hurry through some deeply unfair rental contracts ? Unfair in this context being a euphemism for corrupt and literally holding the country to ransom where sovereign guarantee is given. So commissions are guaranteed no matter who is in power. Think for a minute before jumping on anti democracy bandwagon. This individual should never have been nominated as PM let alone appointed as one. By doing so, the President proved his undying hatred for the country.
@Pak101: "@Indian Wisdom: You can’t even dream of independent SC like ours……"
You have no idea about our judiciary. As early as 1975 Justice Sinha of Allahabad high court ruled against the then Prime Minister Mrs. Gandhi. Many of our ministers are in jail for corruption. Your judiciary however can act against politicians but will not take action against army leadership. Unlike your judiciary that did not dare pass any orders against FIA and ISI senior in the missing persons case in Baloch and even when they refused to come to court when summoned no contempt of court was issued. In India, the existing COAS lost a case where the net outcome would have been his suspension. Court openly tries cases of corruption by military also which is unheard of in Pakistan.
Our judges speak through their rulings and do not go around giving speeches. That is the difference.
peeps r all ova criticizin this revolution as manufactured....
im kinda fine with this 'manufactured revolution' thing considering we live in materialistic times of...
'manufactured popularity' (beiber, 1D, mindless 100 crore bolly flicks) 'manufactured relations' (money=lasting companionship) 'manufactured love' (lust is more or less the obvious intent) 'manufactured joy' (owning the latest iphone) 'manufactured hope' (KONY, PTI, shazeb getting justice meaning we do too)' etc etc etc
so if we can manufacture all that why not manufacture a revolution....!
Lets see what happen if SC fails to arrest Gilani. Arresting PM is non-sense.
a bad decision for country at worst time,a perfect conspiracy,
@Pak101: @Indian Wisdom: You can’t even dream of independent SC like ours…… We dont want either.We always love to deal with our ministers through democratic means.We will kick them out in the next election if they r corrupt.The current situation surprised me and a conspiracy has been hatched.There is no logic to issue arrest warrant for a person while he is holding a post of PM.This is equally disgraceful and undemocratic.Do you people actually believe in democracy?Have patience man .What about your corrupt military?.Who will issue arrest warrant for them.?Wake up and smell the coffee.
May Allah save Pakistan democracy and the people of Pakistan must not face another Dictator in the coming days.
I suppose there is no sanity left in Pakistan. As to how the Supreme court can order the arrest of a Prime Minister when he enjoys immunity under the constitution is beyond comprehension. One could understand a suspended order. It is a shame that individuals use constitutional apparatus to further their ambitions. And make a mockery of democracy, justice and the common man. It's so amazing to find see so many on this tab congratulating the Chief Justice; the fact is that it is more of revenge and petty politics and less of justice that's being delivered. Whatever the merits of the case, Pakistanis faith in the constitution would be impaired forever.
@all,Chairman NAB resigns...SC orders temporarily pends:) till the appointment of new chairman!
Is anyone else tired of this crusading Chief Justice? Start a trial, and get the PM to defend himself because arresting the PM without a fair trial implies "guilty unless proven innocent". And why has the press gone silent on the Chief Justice's son's case? Who will protect you from the "protectors"?
Not a good decision. Establishment is showing its muscles. They want to take politicians out of the care taker government and place their people (technocrats) to key positions. Once they are in, elections will be postoponed for later time until the withdrawl of NATO troops completed from Afghanistan. Imran Khan, MQM and Qadri Sahab will join hands and work on establishment's agenda under the label of 'change'. ironically it is the same label used by Obama to win his first term. Where is the world an elected prime minister is treated like a napkin and no one cares?. Can't the judges summon him to court rather ordered him to get arrested without conviction? their order cause stock market plunge and further chaos in Pakistan.
By reading comments, What I understand is, mostly reader are on short fuse. They can be happy or angry in instant. Nobody try to to look through for future of their own country. My judgement is as follow. Qadri march ON SC verdict flair up on border. means boots are marching in for long haul. 2014 closing in fast. it will be massacre in Baluchistan on name of national interest. World will put lot of restriction on Pakistan. And end result will be you guys (who are happy now) looser. These circumstances are not good for regular Pakistani. Please read between line, no matter who saying it.. Another Army rule will be last death nail in country name Pakistan. Try to save it before it is too late. Even USA take 300 year before democracy could mature enough to elect color person can be elect as President. Be practical don't believe in miracle. Singh
Now CJ is on a hat trick...
Sad Day for Pakistan once again. Instead of letting a system takes it's natural course, institutions have apparently conspired to bring down a government that was about to finish it's term in any case! Why now and not 5 months ago when this PM was originally announced? The elections would have provided atleast a few new leaders and representatives. No one in the media or politicians or even lawyers has even questioned that Supreme Court's order is illegal and unconstitutional. Art. 248 of Constitution of Pakistan provides protection to everyone from Pres., PM, CM to Ministers that they will not be answerable to any court for exercise of any powers. And yet here we are ONCE AGAIN! Pakistan's 'decision makers' have proven once again their shortsightedness and demagoguery. India has elections, some do good work, some do corruption, some turn out to be downright racist - some get caught, some get voted out, some are killed off! But the system is not derailed because of short-term plans of U.S. 2014, or Pak Army 2013, or ISI machinations.
Meray Aziz Ham Watnoooo ... Time is coming
Long live CJ we are with you ...
No matter how much one hates the PPP, PML-N, PML-Q, MQM, JUI, MQI, Armed Forces etc one has to appreciate the fact that their sheer misgovernance, corruption, feudal mindset, incompetence, treason, cowardice etc showed us the true faces of not only politicians but also social activists & media persons. Their actions have finally aroused the nation which was asleep for 65 years!!! Better late than never!!
I think it is in our best interest that this Government be dissolved & make way for elections within 90 days! I see no conspiracy behind all this & even if there is then majority of the Pakistanis wouldn't care much since PPP-PMLN led Government has done nothing but put us in more miseries! Good decision by SCP!
SC ordering arrests every time before the Govt. completes its term. Isn't it crossing the limits? Granted there might be court cases for corruption against the PM but then is it a fair deal by the SC to just order his arrest straightaway? Does it happen anywhere else in the world?
Anyways, also really appalled to see Pakistanis celebrating across various new & social media platforms on hearing the news.
clash of institutions is not good for the fledgling democracy
@Indian Wisdom: You can't even dream of independent SC like ours......
Interesting to see military remaining untouched, blunder after blunder.
No doubt now that Qadri, fauji and judiciary are all conspiring together. Why can't Establishment just leave these democracy alone.
Now CJ is on hat trick...
why the more relevant question rather than what is the decision......more importantly it is shameful for all of us, stake of individuals are more important than stakes of nation.....and national epitome conditioned
Now CJ on a hat trick....
American Hospital Dubai +++++++++++++++++++ The great President has shown the way.
As usual the Great PPPP Guys think it is a Conspiracy against Democracy ,the timing of this could be a coincident but the fact remains that there was Huge Misappropriation in Rental Power projects and these Guys were responsible no doubt ,can anybody disagree with this that this Case went through the SC and all due timing was given to all .
May all this end in a Better way for Pakistan .
As Quran Says ,Allah Ho Khair Ur Makareen .Indeed Allah is the Greatest Planner of All .
allah help our nation.
Will Nawaz Sharif appreciate SC order in rental power case. He will be in dilemma now being a strong pillar of statuesque.
this is no time for playing tricks?...why cant we allow the system to run its course...i dont know why people think that there are shortcuts to change the state of affairs in Pakistan. i think constitution should be immediately amended to make the al CJPs permanent PMs of Pakistan..not that i support this government but i really dont think that the country can afford any more adventureism
Call in the ARMY
Great decision by the supreme court of pakistan, salute to CJ.No body is beyond law even the president and chief of armed forces.All must passed through narrow filter of accountibility.
CJ is cooking something with establishment , smells messy !
Perhaps the CJ should have resigned when his son's misdeeds came to light, as current CEC said at the time. Pakistanis are not so stupid that they don't see whats going on. The SC has lost every bit of credibility with this verdict.
all PPP can do is pick the crooks as its leaders !! shame indeed
i have no problem with the order. just the timing is a bit of concern
Game is Just Began .... More to Come Very Soon .. Be Ready for More Excitement Updates.
Is anybody hearing the sound of "Boots" marching in??????
And some still question our SC?
clarify me the game more please Hats off to CJ of SC :)
It is regretteble that some people are connecting the arrest orders of PM with Qadri rally. It is merely a coincidence, the rental power case was going on for some time.
The timing of the Order is perfect..
When SC and army are here, how can anyone expect a smooth transition of government! Poorly played game. Too obvious
Next in line will be Arsalan Ifthikar. Wait and see.
What a timing, Hails to SC..
Looks like Pakistan is heading towards Iran type of government system. Dr Quadri will be the Khumeni of Pakistan. Army-judiciary- mullah axis seems to be emerging.
Please do not allow them to escape from Pakistan .....
Well Done..!! Sir We Need someone who can protect PAKISTAN & Hat's OFF for you Efforts.. sir you can make a better PAKISTAN We are always withyou...
Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry Thankyou.. As, PAKISTAN people are always Behind you for you Support
What a perfect script. Arrest orders issued the day Qadri lands for revolution. What a joke Pakistan's establishment has made of Pakistan.
I don't know a great deal about the case itself but, even if I were to assume the worst, the SC lacks so much tact in their actions that it makes you wonder how bad the lower judges/lawyers are if they're the ones holding the upper ranks of the court system. They're not helping the accusations of having a vendetta against PPP rather than simple concern for the law. The pattern is forming even if both sides publicly deny that there is a clash. Those cases can wait for better timing and they know it. The proof of that is how long they've already been waiting. They could have done it quite a while ago or even wait for a future time that already isn't that far away, but no, they choose times that causes the most drama which interferes with plenty of things. There's only so much time in a day. It will take away equal or higher amounts of time that should be spent on progress when Pakistan has so many problems as it is that it's going to look like someone took creative license when writing future history books even if it's 100% accurate. You can say they're terrible and don't do a whole lot even when there's a lack of drama but, that's really not the point. The court knows exactly what they're doing and it doesn't help the country one bit. It just gives the CJ more press speech time. You'd think they'd have learned after the Gilani contempt nonsense. It may go unsaid for image purposes but most would probably have told themselves they wouldn't make things so chaotic a second time and give patience a shot. If people don't like giving criminals in the government such a luxury they should probably look into not creating a situation where they can hold such positions in the first place.
One down one to go!
Good Decision at bad time ...
Another historic verdict in the chequerd political history of PAKistan....
Well tht was completely unexpected!! Cheers!
I think that Raja Parvaiz Ashraf deserves the situation he is in. After he came into power, through illegal terms he tried to nominate his son in law for some senior post in World bank in Washington DC, but he was refused. I believe that almost all of the politicians in Pakistan are corrupt and there needs to proper investigation about other cases which have not as yet been revealed. It is great that our supreme court has not as yet been invaded by the corruption that has flooded Pakistan and are taking the right stand in ordering the PM to be arrested for his rental power case. The court is made for providing justice to the innocent and giving the people their rights and anybody who disobeys the law should be given the punishment they deserve even if the culprit is the PM of Pakistan. Any such cases in future should also be brought out in the open and other politicians should also be punished.
Impressive planning by the establishment.
This is good news. Arrest all corrupt ---be it government servents,polititians and all others and try them according to law in open
Very good move from SC
Let the games begin!
God bless Pakistan !
CJ: "And this is how its done...Mr. Qadri "
"Long Live Supreme Court",Long Live Supreme Court
2013 is the year of Pakistan InshAllah !!
Now am a believer good bye democracy
FINALLY, Justice is being served.
Who ever in Pakistan has been annoyed by constant power shortage. The continous "bijli nahi hai... light nahi hai" thing. Who ever had been busy in very important work and all of a sudden power goes out. Who ever had a problematic time with generators, UPS. Today is the day to be happy ! The following guys are included in the arrest list by the honorable SC.
Minister water n power Chief Secretary water n power a dozen of MDs of PEPCO Chief Engineers
All these guys have been responsible for our power shortage. They had 5 years... 5 YEARS !! They deserve the most strict punishment. SC has done its job, as always.
Amazing Drone attack @ PPP
get prepared for martial law!
Good Decision at wrong time , might be mixed up with Qadri's march...This should have been decided Earlier.Anyhow, Good Luck Pakistan !
Love you Supreme Court ! :D
Enter your city here
At a loss of words to express my grief, surprise, shock, happiness.............
why this 'timing'?? ...any guesses? :)
Waaoo! Great decision and perfect timings
conspiracy in full action!!
Allah is helping people of Pakistan and Qadri :)
this all done by establishment, at one side dr Qadri and at another S.C has been asked to push the falling wall (Girti huee deewar ko ek dhakka or do)