'Musharraf will be received by CJ'

Gilani said former President Pervez Musharraf will be received by the Chief Justice upon his return to the country.

Agencies/naureen Aqueel September 13, 2010
'Musharraf will be received by CJ'

MULTAN: Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani has said former President Pervez Musharraf will be received by the Chief Justice upon his return to the country.

He was talking to the media at Javed Hashmi's house where he had gone to inquire after the PML-N leader's health.

Former President Pervez Musharraf recently created an uproar in political circles when he claimed that he could become the president of Pakistan once again, though he feared returning to Pakistan could be risky.

The retired army general told the BBC that he would form a new political party and stand for parliament in the next general elections in 2013.

Musharraf said he was aware of the risks involved if he returned to Pakistan, but that he still wants to return to restore the country’s self-confidence. He admitted his popularity had waned but said it was still strong among the majority of Pakistanis who do not vote.

Musharraf, who lives in self-exile in London, said he is not scared of the possible legal cases against him and insisted that he will to try to lift Pakistan out of, what he terms, a ‘pathetic situation.’

The former president's comments were greeted with scorn from political rivals who held him responsible for the crisis currently facing the country.

Still a popular leader?

Spokesman of former President Pervez Musharraf and central leader of All Pakistan Muslim League Barrister Mohammad Saif said that the people of Pakistan have reposed confidence in the former President, after a pledge of more than Rs200 million was made in a telethon run by a private TV channel.

He said that Pervez Musharraf could end lawlessness, unemployment and poverty if he returned.

Saif said that after the success of the telethon, the former president will be participating in another telethon on CNN later this month alongside former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Hollywood movie star and UN goodwill ambassador Angelina Jolie.


Shani Syed | 13 years ago | Reply I hope the CJ does not take this as a personal matter which initially the battle b/w him and Mush were.. and Mr PM Sir did this statement come out frm ur heart or was it issued to you frm the president's house like usual God Grow up please, atleast the man realized taht was wrong in taking decision and resigned frm office when he was un popular and is coming back when he thinks he can do something better unlike some shameless people who just sit there no matter what you say to them no no im not referring to our president or fauzia wahab or Mr. Malik why they are the best a party can have... hmm and Mister PM please stop acting like a parrot and do something in reality for once!!!
SYED AGHA ALI MOOSAVI | 13 years ago | Reply What a launch of APML......A Great show
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