Abdul Manan, who plays the role of Imran Khan in the movie, and Saeeda Imtiaz, who plays Khan’s ex-wife Jemima Goldsmith, approached the FIA’s National Response Centre for Cyber Crimes (NR3C) and showed them the threats made to them on Facebook by a user with the ID ‘Well wisher’.
Manan told The Tribune that the first threat, directed at both him and Imtiaz, had been posted on May 23, 2012. “We ignored it. But then more and more threatening posts were made, some of them mentioning where we had been,” he said.
After one shoot, ‘Well wisher’ left a threatening message on Facebook noting that they had been filming at Karachi University, he said. In other messages, he had threatened to kill Imran Khan and large numbers of citizens. He had also claimed to have killed Benazir Bhutto.
Manan said that they had informed the film’s director, Faisal Aman Khan, and Imran Khan himself regarding the threats. He said that ‘Well wisher’ had not made his objection to the film known, only that it must not be released and the actors must quit their roles. He said that because of the threats, the film makers had not shot Imran Khan’s Hyderabad rally.
Sources said that Khan had contacted the FIA and asked for help in catching the person who was threatening the actors and film. The NR3C has obtained the entire record of the threatening messages received from ‘Well wisher’ and has started the process of trying to identify him or her.
Manan said that the shooting of Kaptaan was almost complete and the film would be ready for release by mid-Muharram.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 8th, 2012.
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E-Tribune is the ONLY authentic and reliable media which Imran Khan, Venna Malik give their interview/ non-scene news FIRST....Not to mention S.Vettle couldn't find any news agency in the world to tell that his DREAM is to have a F1 race in Pakistan!
Cheap publicity stunt by the actor playing IK role.
Seriously? Even a nursery kid could have made a better story for the cheap publicity. GROW UP!
Such gimmicks are common in Bollywood/India. Producers are just copying those.
Another madeup story !
So the Pakistani political mafia is feeling Imran's sting
A poor publicity stunt....
So this story was actually about the release date of the movie. Honestly, all they needed to do was document Imran Khan, the actor doesn't do any justice.