In 2006, Geert Wilders’ extremist-right wing Freedom Party in the Netherlands initiated the campaign against Islam, which they called a violent political ideology and a threat to Dutch culture and Western values. Wilders produced a film Fitna, which interlays images of terrorist attacks with quotes from the Holy Quran. He also called for a ban on the wearing of the headscarf and on the construction of mosques. Based on an anti-Islam manifesto, the Freedom Party won 24 seats — about one-sixth — in the 150-seat Dutch Parliament in 2010.
Wilders’ ideas struck a chord in mainstream politics across Europe. France and Belgium banned veils that covered the face and Switzerland barred the construction of new minarets following a referendum. Anders Breivik, a Norwegian Christian extremist, who killed nearly 80 people outside Oslo to express his anti-Islamist sentiments, had cited Wilders’ anti-Islamic views in his online manifesto.
Wilders’ trail leads to a number of well-funded anti-Islam extremist networks in the US. One of them is the Middle East Forum — a pro-Israeli think tank based in Philadelphia — and which has a stated goal of protecting the “freedom of public speech of anti-Islamist authors, promoting American interests in the Middle East and protecting the constitutional order from Middle Eastern threats”. The Middle East Foundation, along with the Los Angeles-based Horowitz Freedom Center funded Wilders’ legal fight in the Netherlands and in the UK and sponsored his visit to the US. “Stop Islamisation of America”, an affiliate of the “Stop Islamisation of Europe”, is another hate group that lobbied against the building of an Islamic centre in New York.
The latest affront now comes in the form of an advertisement on the New York subway, put out by a hate group called the American Freedom Defence Initiative. The advertisement reads: “In any war between the civilised man and the savage, support the civilised man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad”. The advertisement was initially rejected by New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority on the grounds that it failed to meet its standards, which prohibit demeaning language against any group. However, those standards were ruled unconstitutional by a US court!
To the credit of Western governments, there have been attempts to stem the tide. In the current case of the blasphemous video, President Barack Obama has publicly condemned the sacrilegious video in the strongest terms. In the case of Wilders, the Dutch government charged him with making hateful comments in the Dutch media about Muslims and for his film Fitna. However, the court found he had stayed within the limits of free speech and acquitted him. When Wilders sought to visit the UK, where he planned to screen his film, the British government banned his entry. However, Wilders won an appeal in the British courts and the ban was overturned. Clearly, Western governments will have to take a hard look at their laws if they want peace with the Muslim world.
The sacrilegious cartoons and films and hate comments by public figures in the West have touched a raw nerve in Muslim societies. For nearly three-quarters of a century, Western corporations have exploited natural resources in developing countries, including Muslim states, and ensured protection of their privileged status by propping up and supporting repressive client regimes. The last couple of decades has, however, seen a rising awareness among Muslim people; leading to a challenge to their own regimes and to Western corporate domination. Assertiveness, led by Islamists, is replacing the docility of the Westernised ruling elite in these countries. In this perspective, anti-Islamism can be seen as a Western corporate counter-attack to the rise of Islamist nationalism in Muslim countries.
The response of the Muslim world to the provocations has been violent protests. While the protests are justifiably understandable, the violence is not and is regrettable. However, the onus of provocation lies solely and entirely on Western extremists. The battle lines that are being drawn across the globe are dangerous, including for Western countries. The provocations from Western fundamentalist extremists only serve to provide political space to religious extremists in Muslim countries and to strengthen them at the cost of liberal, progressive forces. As of today, there is not a single public figure in any Muslim country who can stand up and say a single word that is even indirectly favourable to the West, in general, and the US, in particular.
The viciousness of the violence in Pakistan is noteworthy. For years now, people have been bearing innumerable hardships. Lack of jobs, poverty, rising prices, power breakdowns, poor public transportation and a general breakdown of personal security has turned life into a daily grind. The forthcoming election provides an opportunity for the political parties to draw attention to these problems. A political platform defined by bread and butter issues does not provide a locus standi for religious parties. However, religious provocation from the West is enabling religious parties in Muslim countries to capture centre stage. Western extremists are actually serving to promote extremism in Muslim countries.
Western opinion has tended to take cover behind the principle of freedom of speech. However, the mantra of freedom of speech is a sop that the Muslim world is not going to accept. After all, the West does not apply the same precept with respect to anti-Semitism. Laws exist in almost every Western country that would send offenders to prison. Even historians practising objective academic work have not been spared. There is now an urgent need to enact effective laws in Western countries to penalise anti-Islamism on the lines of laws against anti-Semitism. Failing which, the continuation of the civil conflict over the subject will undermine civil society in Muslim countries and cost Western countries as well.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 24th, 2012.
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Nice article and very commendable effort. I completely see the analogy and pity those self proclaimed neo liberals who have lost their self identity if the wake of globalization - including indians and now a bunch of ediot pakistanis ! Its ironic for us that how a single stupid act can create a havoc in our society and yet Muslim leadership doesn't have the power nor intellectual capability to convince western countries to ban this movie.
Let me quote a brother here:
"Freedom of speech has limits. There is no such thing as "absolute" freedom of speech, it doesnt exist. If we allow "complete" unrestricted freedom of speech to every erroneous idea, then we will end up with a world in chaos. There are some crazy people in this world. Some want freedom to speak about their tendencies to rape; some wish to express sentiments about having sex with young boys; another bunch wishes to incite hatred against 2 billion people on the face of the earth; a crazy group of neo-atheists wishes to nuke the Muslims etc etc. Should we allow all of these psychos to run our societies under the pretext of upholding freedom. When Brevik, having served 21 years sentence for killing nearly a hundred people, leaves prison in Norway, should we allow him to lecture in universities if he so wishes? A freedon that jeopardizes the course of justice, equality and peace is no freedom at all. Can we allow freedom to restrict freedom? If you say yes, then you contradict yourself and if you say no then we are in agreement. Real freedom is to enslave yourself to the Creator, otherwise we are all slaves to our unrestricted desires and our notion of fake freedom. All the best and kindest" ADNAN RASHID
Freedom to practice all religions are guaranteed by constitution
My lips are sealed.
@El Cid: Have you ever heard a Muslim abuse Jesus or Moses…ever? i have heard muslims abusing ganapathy,siva,hanuman,krishna,Mirza Ghulam Ahmad .
Come to think of it, why would anyone want to engage in persistent Holocaust-denial in the face of facts save as a matter of bullying other people into tyranny?
Dr. Kaiser Bengali has made a very compelling argument that this is a tool to marginalize real and substantial change in societies that require a much needed change… progressive change, in so called Muslim countries. Throwing in a deliberate distraction of anti-Islamic nature will only help to curb that much needed change in such places, give credence to religious zeal but most of all it will maintain the statuesque of the less than 1% corporate interests that would like to see these resource rich area, or tread routs under their unfair control, via direct military occupation or military dictator’s backed by religious enthusiasm. In any case his suggestion are an important instrument to make sure a place like Pakistan is not revisiting the (General) Zia-Ul-Haq era. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi “Western Civilization…that’s an excellent idea” : P
The entire basis of this article is false. There are no laws giving extra protection to Judaism or any other religion in the West. There are laws only in Austria & Germany to prevent anybody denying that the holocaust happened. These laws again have nothing to do with Judaism or any other religion. The author should update himself before writing articles without any factual basis. There are no laws specifically against anti-semitism anywhere in the world. They exist only in the mind of the author.
So why author broght in the ban on minarets in switzerland and ban on niqab in france? If you are talking about double standards of west why leave your own double standards.
BTW you didn't reply on closing down restaurants during ramadan and not allowing non-muslims to be president of pakistan? these are Pakistani laws, when somebody is going to wrtie against them?
HEre is an email I received from a friend who recently visited NYC for work "While I was at NYC on the anniversary of this year's 9/11, I saw this guy about couple of blocks from Wall street and ground zero, with a big board and talking about how Jews and Israel are the real enemies of USA and not the Arab world. He must have bee standing and talking more than an hour - since I saw him on my way to the meeting and back.
There were plenty of people and few law enforcement persons were around. Few were shouting back at him with their counter arguments and other objections; I also heard few mild expletives from the people gathered around and walking by. But overall he was able stand there and offer his opinion and free speech. "
Which you burn, attack and prohibit on a regular basis. A church was burnt in Mardan only the other day with no remorse.
@MALICK: "Recently a Harvard Professor has stated that Jesus(PBUH) had a wife. This is a strange country where freedom of expression allows you to criticize or make fun of prophets, but has no tolerance when you criticize the jews."
How many times will people repeat the same lies? There are no laws in US against criticizing Judaism. There are also no holocaust denial laws in US. Just repeating lies will not make them true.
@abhi: Why Saudi Arabia doesn’t allow temple and churches to be build.
Why are you asking us this question? Go ask it to Saudis.
Pakistan have Hindu temples, Christian Churches, Sikh Temples and buddhist. Freedom to practice all religions are guaranteed by constitution
The writer has taken immense effort to project the double standards of the west. After reading the article and the comments I think the argument is dated by at least 20 years. The article will definitely be appreciated in the Urdu medium.
A very important aspect that has come to light with the publication of the comments in this article is that there is a segment in Pakistan capable of fair and rational discourse. I do not know how big or effective it is. If the Government of Pakistan concentrates in the growth of this segment Pakistan's GDP will grow by itself.
There need to be laws that prohibit hate speech or writings against any religion, just as there are laws that punish those who indulge in anti semitism.
Recently a Harvard Professor has stated that Jesus(PBUH) had a wife. This is a strange country where freedom of expression allows you to criticize or make fun of prophets, but has no tolerance when you criticize the jews.
There are different aspects of the issue muddled together. But I have a few points to make.
Bad laws in one country do not justify bad laws / lack of laws in another country. Bad laws in Pakistan do not justify bad laws elsewhere. Laws on hate speech and antisemitism are different in the EU states and the USA Antisemitism is against a race, not a prophet. Although there is no blasphemy law in the USA, the film maker can be charged with inciting religious hatred since his freedom of expression has went beyond the limits. Another misconception that I noted was that many of us take freedom of speech as an absolute right. The fact is that it is a limited right be it in the USA or the EU. No one disputes the offensive nature of the video. It has nothing to show positive about the prophet. Let's keep aside the sentiments of the Muslims. One thing that the film has certainly done is putting the American lives at risk (leading to the killing of a US ambassador too). The film maker can be tried under that
@El Cid: Have you ever heard a Muslim abuse Jesus or Moses…Does it mean it is ok for them to abuse other religions like Hindu, Sikkism, Buddism etc? Have you heard of destruction of Bahamanian by Taliban in Afghanistan.? Have you read about a Muslim tourist name Guznavi who particularly liked visiting Hindu temples? Have you ever heard of Jazzia?
@antanu g: "@Wipe Out: yes its very sad….cows are being killed not only in pakistan but in india also….maharashtra…bihar…north east india…even hindu people are despicabke enough to kill and eat cow sad….western ciuntries including US and korea …china…singapore etc.have huge consumption of cow meat…we must ask them to stop hurting our religious sentiments."
Correct. India is a secular country and does not deny Muslims the right to eat beef just because it offends majority Hindus. Why are you - fake Indian- saddened by this?
@antanu g: "@BlackJack: read the pakistani law carefully. it does not allow bkasphemy against christ amd mosses also."
HE has actually documented the exact law to support his claim that teh law is not balanced in covering all religions. If you disagree, please provide facts that rebut his facts.
Anyone who thinks anti Semitic comments are not allowed in the USA should watch the popular animated show South Park sometime - readily available on the internet and should put a quick stop to that myth.
I equally wrote a long comment, but you should know by now that free speech is difficult to swallow by the righteous ones. This is the core of this debate. But ET cannot publish all your or my comments because it may have hurt somebody somewhere sometime. That is why cars are running on water in Pakistan. Keep trying.
All non-Muslims are offended by the "Kafir" or "Infidel" frequently used in the Muslim world to denigrate non-Muslim communities. There are numerous TV shows in the middle-east which espouse hate against Jews, Christians, Polytheists, etc. In one particular video, a Kuwaiti Professor suggests using Anthrax on American population by smuggling it through Mexican border. The persecution of minorities are rampant in the Muslim world. The Muslim world should have a hard look at itself in the mirror and address the above issues before crying victim.
@Anjum Amin:- "Yesterday I read that French authorities has imposed a fine on newspaper which published objectionable photos of Princess Kate, some freedom of expression." - Wow! What a logic? Intrusion to someone's privacy is intrusion to the private life of an individual, it has nothing to do with freedom of expression.
Where is my previous comment ? :(
Dear sir, Why Saudi Arabia doesn't allow temple and churches to be build. Why pakistani ban opening restaurants during Ramadan? There is big list of questions you need to answer. Why there is xenophobia in almost all muslim countries and their leader keep on feeding to it?
I agree with Professor Bengali that continuation of the "blasphemous" acts will provide legitimacy to the hate-mongers' claim in the Islamic world that the Muslims are being victimized as a community. They will get more funds, moral support and "men" for their nefarious designs. The civil society will weaken up. It will lead to more chaos.
As citizens of the globe we need to respect each others' sensitivities, to ensure a peaceful future for all of us.
The Muslims need a renaissance of their own, to wake up to the realities of this century.
My faith in the holy prophet and his teachings cannot be altered by anyone, neither through hate-films, nor through hate-books or hate-speech. And that's the biggest strength, or weakness, of a faith.
@El Cid: You conveniently ignore religions other than the Abrahamic that are openly blasphemed against even in our school textbooks. And while the prophets are spared, Christians and Jews are maligned without restraint by Muslims.
We also kill and eat cows which are considered sacred by about a billion people on earth. Do you care about the gratuitous pain that is being stabbed into the Hindu heart? Would you support an international law banning the killing and consumption of cows to spare the feelings of a billion hindus?
Might I also point out that animal farming is a very inefficient use of resources and more food could be produced if those resources were devoted to crops instead. This is for those who might mistakenly think that eating cows (and animals) is necessary - it is in fact harmful to the environment.
@Cautious: "@gp65. There is no law in the USA against hate speech. Freedom of speech is a protected civil right and per Wikipedia “even in cases where speech encourages illegal violence, instances of incitement qualify as criminal only if the threat of violence is imminent”."
I read your posts and believe they are very insightful . I do not think we differ directionally but wanted to set facts straight. Speech is not protected as free speech if it can be clearly established that someone else's rights are violated as a result of the speech. Some examples of speech not protected by First Amendment are: 1) Deceptive advertisement 2) Plagiarism 3) PErjury 4) Hospitals or banks releasing medical or financial information of their customers to unauthorized 3rd parties.
Hate speech similarly is not protected speech. Also the definition of 'imminent' has been broadened greatly post 9/11. For example uploading of you tube videos by LeT inciting people for jihad against West by an American Greencard holder was deemed not to have been free speech but hate speech and accordingly was convicted.
@Anjum Amin: "Yesterday I read that French authorities has imposed a fine on newspaper which published objectionable photos of Princess Kate, some freedom of expression".
The ROyal family went to the court system under EXISTING privacy laws. The newspapers were in breach of privacy laws and this were fined for breaking the law. There has been no breach of law with regards to the movie and neither has any Islamic government approached the US court system where the video was made and uploaded.
@un mec: Then why are you people silent when minorities are killed or forcefully converted in your country?
Yesterday I read that French authorities has imposed a fine on newspaper which published objectionable photos of Princess Kate, some freedom of expression.
@author You are wrong on all counts. First learn to differentiate between what constitutes "hate speech" and "freedom of speech". Hate speech is - "I hate because you are a muslim" freedom of speech is - " I have issues with Islam as a religion". All faiths ate philosophies and therefore open to critique. This is a simple fact. And Islam is not an exception. In the west people make remarks about all religions. They made fun of Jesus on a suggestion that he was a married man. That is freedom of speech Many in India revere cow as "Holy". Its eaten in most parts of the world. Now should that be construed as "Anti Hinduism"? Definitely not. Its time muslims of the world grew up and take these easy. Do not belittle your great religion by wanton act of arson, loot and killing in name of Allah.
Muslims around the world wish to live in the seventh century and expect the rest of the world to change accordingly. That is not going to happen. The world and human society is changing all the time; it is never stationary. All those who do not keep up with the changing world are left behind. That is what is happening to Muslims now. Catch up with the twenty first century or face isolation. Protests around the world will only result in self inflicted injury.
@Observer: Blackjack and gp65, your comments lack research and are utterly frivolous. Section 153-A does not comprise the entire blasphemy law in Pakistan, and you are either knowingly or unknowingly leading the argument astray. The punishment under Section 153-A is 5 years imprisonment, while that under the blasphemy laws (those introduced by Zia-ul-Haq in 1982) is life imprisonment or even death. 295-B forbids defiling the Quran. 295-C forbids defaming the Islamic prophet Muhammad 298-A prohibits the use of any derogatory remark or representation in respect of Muslim holy personages So that is one aspect is specific laws for the muslims - harsher punishments. Second is that there is no law which says that those who eat beef will be prosecuted or those who abuse Hindus as kafirs and idolators (seems to blatant disregard section 153-A?) from the pulpits every friday will be sent to the gallows - why? Are Hindus harder of heart and or their feelings just don't count?
Did the author even try to fact-check? YouTube is filled with anti-semitic documentaries...
@gp65. There is no law in the USA against hate speech. Freedom of speech is a protected civil right and per Wikipedia "even in cases where speech encourages illegal violence, instances of incitement qualify as criminal only if the threat of violence is imminent".
While the protest is understandable and the violence regrettable, and the fact that the Western elites for long have flirted with extremist forces in Islam is also point we should not forget. With respect to viel lets remember legally speaking the law talks of anything that would cover the face si it could be Helmet, hood or veil- so lets put things in some perspective However where i strongly disagree is of West wanting to make peace with Islam through reviewing legislation-really!! Cleaning up begins @ home first Mr Bengali and it would do a lot of good for most countries in the Muslim world to practice what you claim to preach to the West here- you too need to take a hard look at your blasphemy laws, persecution of religious minorities, and allowing hate material to openly circulate against people from other faiths- is that not offensive?? Please remember the right to feel offended is not exclusively reserved for the Muslims only. So please try and induce a sense of balance in your column!
@Observer: Please give me an instance that the anti-blasphemism law was used against people who burnt a church? Please tell me if the anti blasphemy law is used against teachers who teach anti-Hindu stuff which is part of Pakistani textbooks? Please show me of a single instance when anti blasphemy law was used against someone for criticizing Mirza Ghulam Ahmed?
@fredflange: Intellectual dishonesty
"Why censor freedom of expression only in case of anti-Semitism?" Why not do some homework and get the facts right?
"Western opinion has tended to take cover behind the principle of freedom of speech."
WEST just like EAST is not a single entity or a nation. There are way too many countries in West just like in East each with it's own history, experiences, culture, languages, priorities, etc etc.
The total number of jews in the world comprise less than 1% of the total number of people in the ummah. You can, if you so wish, deny the holocaust. But rather than expending your mental energies on this subject it might help you, and of course the ummah, if you took notice of the giant strides the jews have made in the fields of education, health, sciences, academia, the legal profession and, last but not least, global politics. Your scientists are trying to bluff the world that they have developed a car engine that runs on water instead of gasoline when, in fact, they have not even developed a smart lota.
@Sayyed Mehdi: "Just asking, is there a law in the US that particularly says that anti-Jewish content is not allowed?" No. There's not. In fact, many of our most popular comedy TV shows pick on Jews more frequently than most. The references they use include the holocaust and pretty much every Jewish stereotype.
@Kamal: Please understand the difference between genocide denial laws and blasphemy laws you seek!
Freedom of speech doesn't make others obligated to publish your opinion - it's a concept that the author and many others just don't get. If you want to stand on a corner and make lambast Jews, Christians, Hindus or whatever give it a shot as it's a protected right in America.
@Solomon2: Don't bother. Its been echoed repeatedly. They're determined to make it true through will power.
He should stick to economy. International law is not his area.
What is wrong with these so called intellectuals? There is no such censor in US where the movie was made. Why is the author comparing apples with oranges?
@gp65: But let me ask you – why do your anti-blasphemy laws only protect Islamic faith and not others?
THE Blasphemy Laws were instituted to stop the well funded abuse and ridicule that was being organized against the good name, noble character and pious personality of The Prophet Muhammad. Islam needs not their protection, nor does Muhammad. The gratuitous pain that was being stabbed into the Muslim heart did.
These laws are man-made; intended to discourage the malice inflicting poison darts, the arrows of hate, abuse and slander that were schemed, slung, slandered against noble Muhammad...grieved the Muslim soul intensely to its very depths. The Blasphemy Laws protecting Non-Muslims were already in place, re-stating them would have been redundant.
'THE BLAPSHEMY LAW' that protects Non-Muslims, and their Sacred Scriptures, are given as the over-riding 'Commands of Allah' in the Noble Qur'an. No Muslim ever infringes them. Have you ever heard a Muslim abuse Jesus or Moses...ever? Can you cite even a single reference for any such abuse for the past 1400years. This is the reason...if you had only read a 1400 years old, easy to read Book or its many translations, you would know. Now that I have told you, you can verify for yourself...I am not allowed to quote scripture here.
Please note that Christianity and Islam are essentially a blasphemy of each other. Islam believes in the Unity of Allah. Christian Trinity is Blasphemous to Islam, as Islam is blasphemous to Christianity where Jesus is divine. The divinity of Jesus: Voted 217 to 3, was made official dogma at Council of Nicaea 325AD by order of Roman Emperor Constantine.
Thus Jesus was elected divine by men casting votes at the ballot box. Jesus as God is NOT in the Holy Bible, and his divinity is repudiated in the Noble Qur'an. Jesus never said he was God in the Holy Bible. Not once in the Holy Bible did Jesus say: "Worship me".There is no 'Gospel of Jesus'—if there ever was, it was expunged by the Pauline Church—The Christian Church--at the out-set. In fact the Holy Bible is in conflict with itself. And it does not proclaim Jesus as God the Father. Further, it categorically calls itself corrupted...and testifies that Moses did not write the Holy Torah. READ and verify...!!!
"Laws exist in almost every Western country that would send offenders to prison".
NO THEY DO NOT!! Please stop contributing to this misconception - it takes about 30 seconds to research such things before writing an article.
You can complain of double standards by youtube perhaps but not the American government. The 1st Amendment has no exceptions! And it is ridiculous to paint all of the west with a single brush. There does not exist a "Government of the West" that can address our childish and unreasonable requests to change all of their constitutions to spare our feelings.
Also note that antisemitism laws in the 4 or 5 countries WHERE THEY EXIST, were not enacted because the Jews whined and cried and begged for them.
Justifying violence by pinning the 'onus of provocation' on the West is a statement that begs some argument to support it - sadly, you furnished none. If only for a second you divorced your utterly myopic views, you'd have seen that West continues to assert freedom of speech in all matters - stop whining like a child over one tiny issue that is relevant to a tiny, little population in the West (like a comment stated, ban on Holocaust denial is applicable in Austria and Germany only). Go praise Hitler in the U.S., no one is going to stop you. Still, that doesn't make you a better human (applies all the same to the maker of the film that has triggered all this). I guess since we can justify violence, we can also justify all our wrongs by citing others' wrongs. Or so the gist of this article is. Besides, pulling in the 'corporate interests' pretty much tells us what side of the spectrum these views are coming from, not to mean they aren't very predictable.
I live in the U.S. and I'm not aware of any special legal sanction for anti-Semitic speech or writing.
Muslims don't go on about denigrating any faith/religion. Islam prohibits blashphemy against all its prophets, Moses and Jesus included. Blackjack and gp65, your comments lack research and are utterly frivolous. PPC 153 A says (a), whoever “by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representations or otherwise, promotes or incites, or attempts to promote or incite, on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other ground whatsoever, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill-will between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities” shall be fined and punished with imprisonment...
I don't think there's any law against criticizing or mocking Judaism. The hate-speech laws that restrict anti-Semitism would also apply if somebody went anti-Muslim.
There's a difference between spreading hate against a community and mocking/criticizing an ideology. The former is already illegal by what I know.
Just asking, is there a law in the US that particularly says that anti-Jewish content is not allowed?
West no doubt have dual standards .. If it is the freedom of speech why can't I deny holocaust ?? It's just the protection of elite jews and the drama that they presented to the world to get a better place in this world .. We are subject to this blasphemous propaganda because we are weak today. It's clearly the clash of civilisations and the clash between Islam and rest of the world because it is only Islam which offers the best values to live a life . However maximum effort is made to malign it to blur the clear objective of life , values and fundamental of Islam that were once pride for us . God help us all ..amen
Laws exist in almost every Western country that would send offenders to prison.
No they don't. They only exist in a handful of countries where the holocaust actually happened. And that is still against freedom of speech. But majority of western countries don't have such laws.
Why doesn't this article mention the elections we had in the Netherlands last week? Wilders had 24 seats in the 150 seat parliament. He lost 9 and now has only 15 seats.
@author: If we have the right to defend and protect our religion in our homeland, then they do have so.. why to look it in microscope n blow it out of proportion to further fuel the unrest in the country.. Just have a look at yesterdays Ed-Op of Sara Said wrote her horrific experience the Day of Love..
@BlackJack: Who said that blasphemy law should only protect Islam ?
@gp65: and you will judge that video is not hate speech..what a bigot!
If any one has read the novel `God Knows´ by Joseph Heller, a jew, who gives a sarcastic+poetic account of David as a soliloquy,you will know what is freedom of speech and the tolerance of it. (Holocaust is a political+racial thing which is out of context here)
Extremely disappointing to read an article like this written by an otherwise learned and practical economist.
Most points have already been made. If Pakistan and other Muslim countries push some western countries to pass anti-blasphemy laws - on account of the case being similar to holocaust denial laws - then the Muslim countries should also accept to pass holocaust denial laws in return. I d not think anyone in their sane mind would think of that as a possibility.
Secondly - the west is much more tolerant and appreciative of our sensibilities than we are of theirs. You mentioned the acts taken by their governments against Wilders and Co - can you please point out similar actions taken against extremists living in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, who routinely preach hate?
Thirdly - there are few (or no) public figures in the Muslim world who are not willing to say anything pro-west right now, mainly because they fear the backlash of the extremists in their countries. Do you remember one Salman Taseer?
As I said, extremely disappointed to read something like this written by someone like you!
Coming from a person like the author - one who is perceived to have good judgment and sufficient common sense - this article is quite shallow. The ummah has to decide whether or not it is going to be part of the larger global community. If it wants to be part of the club it has to respect and abide by the rules. Nobody should be encouraged to insult anybody's beliefs. But certain actions - whether done out of ignorance or by an evil and willful design – are protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Muslims cannot be selective insofar as the observation of these rules is concerned. When a member of the Prime Minister’s cabinet offers $100,000 as a bounty on somebody’s head and is not kicked out of the cabinet it only serves to support a negative image of Pakistan i.e., that of being a state-sponsor of terrorism. Mr. Bengali should take a deep breath and read his article again. It might make him look unwise even in his own eyes. If not, then he should team up with the likes of Mujahid Kamran to lead the ummah to a new place. The film posted on YouTube is most condemnable; and so is the violent and murderous manner of protest.
The only part that made sense was that extremism feeds off each other in the west and east. So in both societies the strife and violence will only serve to strengthen the hands of peripheral right-wing ideologies. They will harp on the notion of perceived threat which is a euphemism for their own insecurities to the prevalent societal changes.
Ashis Nandy has stated "I do believe that if people are not offended they are made to feel offended ". And this "hurt" actually breaks barriers depending on what the status quo establishment perceives as offence. It may be Islamophobia for the French National Front Party, it may be acute regionalism for Mumbai's MNS party, it may be Xenophobia (maybe even Fascism) for the Greek Golden Dawn party or it may be immigration for the Canadian Conservative parties or the BNP in UK. The bottom line is that such organizations will ensure that people are made to feel offended and a fear psychosis is instilled. Noam Chomsky talked about Media in the west through the notion of Manufacturing Consent. We are witnessing Manufacturing Dissent currently and this article is a testament to that.
@Vikas: Yeah well, the west will have to stop its war in the East first to make that demand....
Well, if you don't like West, don't go over there. Don't criticize and flock in herds to West at the same time. Be on one side. What Muslims are doing now is called double standard(doosra)
Freedom of expression is not censored for anti-semitism in US. What is censored is hate speech against jews. Hate speech is not tolerated against anyone and this video does not constitute hate speech however much you choose to characterize it as such.
But let me ask you - why do your anti-blasphemy laws only protect Islamic faith and not others? Why do non-Muslims not have freedom of worship in most Muslim majority countries?
You want reverence for your prophet from non-Muslims are you willing to give the same space to non-Abrahamic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism)? What about atheism? Forget religion - that is after all not the only way in which people define themselves. Can gays be open about their sexual preference in Muslim majority countries?
You want a lot from others. What are you prepared to give in return?
laws against holocaust denial are particular to Germany and Austria due to their respective histories. And do remember that the holocaust alao included gypsies, roma, disabled people's and othet Eastern European races deemed inferior. What you are suggesting is based on the argument that the West should change their laws because our people cannot be expected to react rationally in protest. There is no need to make equivalences with other peoplrs, just make the argument that the Film and cartoon are a form of hate speech for which laws already exist.
The author should see two films:
History of the World: Part I by a Jew Life of Brian -- Monty Python
We offend all religions and it is our fundamental right -- get used it it (and stop burning your own property.)
It is just a stupid (and offensive) trailer.
Why censor freedom of expression only in case of anti-Semitism? Why a blasphemy law that only 'protects' Islam?