He said that President Asif Ali Zardari would convey the people’s emotions and views in his address to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly next week.
“Our demand is simple,” he said. “Blasphemy of the kind witnessed in this case in nothing short of hate speech, equal to the worst kind of anti-Semitism and bigotry.”
The prime minister said that, "for us, becoming emotional upon the disrespect of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is innate as he is an essential aspect of our faith."
Speaking at the conference organized for Ishq-e-Rasool (pbuh) Day, the prime minister said that Muslims respect and revere prophets of other religions as part of “our cardinal beliefs”.
“We hope and expect similar respect and reverence for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who gave the message of peace and harmony,” he said, adding: “It is in this same spirit that I would like to make an appeal to the United Nations to maintain peace and avoid violence.”
“We are demanding that the UN and other international organisations seek a law that bans such hate speech aimed at fermenting hatred and sowing the seeds of discord through such falsehood which is a grave violation of all basic norms of humanity, international law, interfaith harmony and law, and united nations conventions and religious freedom, tolerance and civilized conduct,” he said.
The prime minister, addressing the nation, said that it was collective their responsibility to protest peacefully without causing harm or damage to life or propety.
"Protest against this disrespect is our religious obligation but this protest should be peaceful," he said.
"Freedom of speech"
The prime minister said that there has been an increase in sacrilege of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) over the past few years and that disrespecting great personalities in the name of freedom of speech had become routine, with the Prophet (pbuh) being targeted constantly.
“It is sad that the ‘open-minded’ people of the world, who talk about peace protest against religious extremism and terrorism, consider the disrespect of the common man a violation of human rights but try to justify hurting religious sentiments of 1.5 billion Muslims as freedom of speech,” he said.
Taking a leaf out of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan’s book, the prime minister gave reference of the Holocaust and how laws have been enacted to protect religious sentiments of the Jewish community.
"...It has become clear now that this is not freedom of speech but Fasad fil-ardh (spreading mischief in the land)," he said.
"No law in the world, code of conduct or philosophy allows disrespect of personalities who people are religiously, emotionally or spiritually attached to."
The prime minister said that freedom of speech is not meant to be exploited for negative purposes, hurting emotions of people of different religions or for spreading an unpleasant air that fuels the fire of hatred in the world instead of instilling peace.
"This is not a service to humanity but an enmity towards it," he said.
"Such rampant freedom which doesn’t distinguish between right and wrong, fair and unjust cannot be allowed at any cost," said the prime minister.
Ashraf tried to enlighten people about the actual teachings of Islam which strongly condemns any hatred and animosity towards others and other religions and endorses human rights.
He endorsed the need for interfaith harmony, tolerance and respect between all religions and said that it was the lack of these elements in everyday life which was the actual cause of extremism and terrorism.
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@ S. UMEIR , but the world seems to be not in mood to see such movie any more . I Only a new Pakistan will be acceptable . The movie has to end now .
@ S. UMEIR , but the world seems to be not in mood to see such movie any more .
What about a law against kidnapping, rape and conversions in your country Mr PM?
Is he serious? What about the Ahmedi prophet?
The poor people of Pakistan feels that they will loose the Islam that they are practicing in abscence of blashphemy law . In fact in future their fear may come true .
@Observer: "However, I have problems with the words “protect any particular belief”. i don’t think it should be the duty of the governments to actually “protect” any faith"
Correct. This is precisely why said that laws should protect the believer (the individual - my definition of believer includes an atheist by the way because atheism is also a belief system) rather than the actual belief.
@sunil bhalla: they just burned a church today.
I agree with you partly. You missed other groups of human beings with different thinking, whether right or wrong in the eyes of others, such as Atheists, Agnostics, LGBTs and even animists. Law must be all inclusive.
@sunil bhalla Fully agree with you
"Correct that is why it is important to protect ALL beli8evers (be they Hindu, Muslim , Christian, atheist, Jew, agnostic, deist) rathe than protect any paticular belief."
I would be more specific here. I would advocate protection for peaceful practice of one's faith as a personal matter. However, I have problems with the words "protect any particular belief". i don't think it should be the duty of the governments to actually "protect" any faith. Protection could end up meaning curtailing free-speech to question and critique aspects of a faith that are against 21st century accepted human values.
The first sensible thing we have heard from our politicians in a long time.
I would suggest rather a law by the UN to prevent the speaking or writing of anything about, for, or against any religion whatsoever, just to be fair. I believe one's actions show what's best in their heart, the words are just confusing and misleading.
Rather, He should turn off the Internet, close the borders and end all connections with the outside world. If he wants to live in the past, that's fine, just don't drag the rest of us there with him.
@Observer: "How can you expect others to show respect and reverence to your god and prophet the same way you do? It would have been more appropriate to suggest that others show respect for your rights to have respect and reverence for your faith but nothing more. Especially so, considering others may not agree with teachings such as “don’t take Christians and Jews for your friends” or other violent teachings regarding apostasy, blasphemy, killing of kafir etc."
Correct that is why it is important to protect ALL beli8evers (be they Hindu, Muslim , Christian, atheist, Jew, agnostic, deist) rathe than protect any paticular belief.
@Pea Brain: Pakistani text books for teaching school kids, in this day and age, preach hate against Hindus, yet the Pakistani Prime Minister and all the mad mullahs demand law to man hate speech against Islam. As the saying goes, people living in glass houses should not throw stones at others.
A correction it should be Banning hate speech against any religion and faith
Raja is demanding the right thing.. We know that hate speech against Jews can be banned. Why shouldn't the global community ban insane people from personifying/abusing the most revered personalities of Islam? Do Muslim commit such things?
Let the sectarian and minority-related issues aside, any Non-Muslim has no right to opine over our personal issues. We don't criticize Hindus for oppressing Shooders and neither do we harass Christians for not asking Amish to be modern.
"“We hope and expect similar respect and reverence for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who gave the message of peace and harmony,” he said"
That right there is the problem with Muslims. How can you expect others to show respect and reverence to your god and prophet the same way you do? It would have been more appropriate to suggest that others show respect for your rights to have respect and reverence for your faith but nothing more. Especially so, considering others may not agree with teachings such as "don't take Christians and Jews for your friends" or other violent teachings regarding apostasy, blasphemy, killing of kafir etc.
Of course, everyone should respect the right of others to practice their faith in a peaceful manner. But, this right falls off the cliff when the follower resort to violence, riots, hatred, bigotry and global terrorism.
This is rather galling from the PM of a country that has taught hatred to children in its textbooks for the past 65 years and still continues to do so. Isn't this a good example for the saying "one must practice what one preaches"?
what about hatred in Pakistani schools against Hindus????
@Pea Brain: "It is a voice of reason. I intend not to argue but to only point at a few technicalities. I am a man of little faith however, through my scant understanding of religion I have come to understand that there is a mutual respect that every religion dispenses on to another. "
I can see your good wil towards humanity and I respect you for it. But are you sure your statement is correct? - When Musims consider the right to daawah but consider the conversion of a Muslim to another faith as apostasy, are they not making it clear that other religions are inferior to Islam? DO you think that does not offend others? - When Jews are compared to pigs in Quran, do you not think that this ofends Jews? - What about the concept of khatm-e-nauwat? You believe that Islam is a perfect religion and hence there cannot be any new religion or prophet. However in doing so you are saying that other religions were deficient and hence it was appropriate for Islam to come to this world. I sthis not tantamount to disrespect for other religions?
"Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf on Friday demanded the United Nations and other international organisations for a law that bans hate speech aimed at fermenting hatred and sowing discord"
OIC has been moving nonbinding resolutions against 'Defamation of religion' in UN since 1999 and even getting them pased. From day 1, Western nations have oposed it because they see it as an abridgemento of their feedom and a sort of censorship by the Islamic world. Over the years, many non-Muslim countries that had voted for such a resolution in the past have started abstaining an those that used to abstain hae started voting against it.
The debate has shofted from protecting any particular belief system to protecting ALL believers.
What about hate speech against Mirza Ghulam Ahmad? In that case, we'll have to prosecute the Govt. of Pakistan?
"..................how laws have been enacted to protect religious sentiments of the Jewish community"
Which laws exactly have been made to protect "religious sentiments" of Jews? The anti-Semitism laws around the world were enacted to stop people from glorifying the Holocaust, not to protect any religious sentiments of the Jews. Anyone can say anything about Judaism but you have to refrain from saying that Hitler and Co were right in killing Jews. These laws are no different to laws in some "non-Muslim" countries which aim to stop glorification of terrorism. For us Muslims, respect for the Prophet PBUH and our religion is the most important thing but why should we react to individuals of other religions? We believe Hazrat Isa AS (Christ) was Allah's messenger but Christians believe he was son of God so should Christians persecute Muslims for this and other major differences in believes? If it was a government or a country persecuting or ridiculing Muslims then we had a duty under our government to launch Jehad against them but why destroy ourselves for the deeds of an unknown individual?
Our politicians and media have always been known to benefit from fanning popular sentiments and there are no sentiments more popular than religion and anti-Americanism at the moment. Who cares for the poor innocent souls suffering and dying on the streets? The worst part of this all is you will risk your life if you followed your conscience and tried to even remain quiet, forget about speaking against this madness. I don't know where our leaders are taking us really.
Charity begins at home. Could Pakistan stop all hate speech taught in classrooms, preached in mosques and spread in regular media? Could it change it's constitution to allow equality to all its citizens? Ok - so the citadel of Islam can't. How about any Muslim country? Ok - that may be asking for too much. How about - can the so called moderates hold a rally in favor of equality, tolerance and reason? That may be still too much. They have no protection from extremists. Could a few moderates do the same in Europe or America where there is full protection of the law? Any takers? Charity begins at home.
This law will put Zaid Hamid, Hafeez's Saeed, Quite many tv anchors, mullahs and politicians out of job. How can Pakistan demand such thing when their own textbooks are full of bile against Hindus and minorities. First Pakistan should enforce such law in their land.
What about then insulting Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani? Will that be a crime as well?
With due respect to the president your request is rejected. Now go wherever you want.
So Muslims can blast Buddha statues in Bamiyan and Spew Hatred against Christians, Jews, Ahmadis, Shias Hindus- Hurt feelings of others by calling them Kafir and worthy of bring Killed? That is OK?
Why this Prime Minister does not take initiative to order to remain closed all Non Muslim Country's profitable organizations such as McDonalds, KFC, Hardees, Pizza Hut, youtube, facebook and metro etc? By doing so the non Muslims will get shock and also will not try to play with our emotions.
PPP through state owned media is encouraging the protest because PML-N is also protesting . It is the political compultion that motivating the parties . PPP gone ahead of all and placed an impossible demand before the UN .
Religion is a joke in Pakistan
Are PPP RREADY TO bring to justice all those responsible to blow the Buddha at Baniyan
How can you make laws for everybody in this world and then implement them? Even if there are such laws people would still make dirty filthy and hateful videos like they do right now. Nobody can police the whole Internet. It is like a dictionary which has every common word but it is the choice of the reader what he/she chooses to use. Nobody in the world knew about this video till these demonstrations broke out, after that most people actually searched and watched it. Just like Salman R was not that famous till the Iranian fatwa made him famous and various award winner. Let us mind our own business, make peace and progress and show it to the world how good Muslims are. That is what our prophet PBUH did for 40 years before he started his actual teachings and message.
Beware of what you wish, If you implement this law for one religion then it should be implemented for ever other religion. If you implement for ever other religion, than you got erase verses from quran itself, like calling followers of other religions kaffirs and teachings which say followers of islam will attain heavy, if they convert kaffirs to islam followers and also to erase verses which say idol worship is bad. To top it off you got to stop eating cow itself. If this is extended then you shouldn't say death to secular democratic countries because for a person from that country, country stands first than religion.
I don't know why people get riled up so bad when a non-believer says something about a person, who he doesn't believe in. I say just follow your own beliefs and if somebody says something bad then just ignore it or if you want more just say something which you don't like about him. These things should never manifest into physical actions.
from a non believer of all religions.
Just and fair demand by PM Ashraf. Freedom of speech should not clash with freedom of religion.
true guardians of Islam, even Arabs are not worried.
Or else what...the Ummah will self-destruct.
@Z A Akbar
You're crazy to think that you can lobby to remove the US's reservation to article 20. The first amendment prevents article 20 from being enforced in the US. We are not going to re-write the US constitution. Not for muslims, not for jews, not for christians, not for anybody. Here in the US, we have the freedom to declare that there is no god, and religion is a lie. You will never see this freedom disappear in the US.
Well said Mr. PM. If this do not stop now then no will respect each others faith.
@sunil bhalla: How about laws against spreading hatred against Shias, Ahmedis, and atheists? Those laws are also badly needed in Pakistan.
The only law needed is for Freedom of Speech. Let people think and say what they want. You do not need to listen or believe them. Why are you Muslims so insecure? If someone says something you don't like, ignore it. It isn't a crime. Any 5 year old in the western world knows that sticks and stones may break bones but words will never hurt. Grow up.
Further, this is a slippery slope to restricting speech and thought and worse, is subject to interpretation by anybody with an axe to grind. No good can come from something like this.
Raja's got a better chance of getting his wishes fulfilled by demanding world peace.....oh no wait he doesn't.
who are we kidding? Man up Pakistan and be patient with the world in accordance to how Islam says.
Funny. Banned outfits are still on the streets of Pakistan in open.
The west has got a taste of the self destructive nature of muslims.
In the New York Subway stations, someone is going to post messages openly endorsing Israel and denouncing Jihad. I don;t know the date. But soon.
Now, the west will use these methods more and more to break muslims. No drones, no nukes, no missiles, just provike muslims.
Lets all ban all speech...no speech no hate speech...lets all speak in American sign language..or Pakistani sign language if it exists..Ridiculous!
@Gen Pasha Ret.:
State Clearly.. This is the Moto of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community "Love for All Hatred for None "
Why can't it be just all hate speech? Including those against religions, communities, countries..??
Maybe because some countries have freedom of speech?
My requests to saviors of religion => let me question my beliefs, let me progress, let me be a human being!
He has no right to make such a demand, on the grounds that it'll be Pakistani people themselves who will be the first ones to violate this law, owing to the horrendous treatment of minorities in this country
Love for All Hatred for None
He should not play into the hands of the ultraconservative by this demand. Once you give them your little finger they will take your whole hand - and eventually this will be the undoing of Pakistan.
Sorry PM, if you have a time machine you can turn it back to 7th century. But this is 21st century people have other things to do other than curbing their own right to free speech. Deal with it.
Well, election is around the corner and every party is trying to establish that they are "Holier than Thou".
@Sunil Bhalla - I hear you. It is a voice of reason. I intend not to argue but to only point at a few technicalities. I am a man of little faith however, through my scant understanding of religion I have come to understand that there is a mutual respect that every religion dispenses on to another. This respect is shared by all faiths. Hence, all faiths protect the sanctity of other faiths and encourage harmony and respect among followers. If you find a Muslim insulting Hindu Gods deem him as ignorant as a Hindu insulting the Muslim God. They will both be acting in their own right and reflecting their personal bigotry, which can, by no means, be associated with both these religions. Further, laws in both countries respect and protect the rights of all faiths and religions. The implementation of the law can be corrected but its existence can not be challenged. Let's not judge countries and religions because of individuals.
Article 20 of the ICCPR is on the prohibition of any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.
Article 20 was drafted against the historical background of the horrors committed by the Nazi regime during the Second World War. But the threshold of the acts that are referred to in article 20 is relatively high because they have to constitute advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred.
With respect to article 20 of the ICCPR, the American government holds that the language was susceptible to an expansive interpretation that could run contrary to the vigorous protection of the freedom of expression under the First Amendment of the Constitution. For this reason, the United States had made the following formal reservation to article 20 at the time it became party to the ICCPR: “That Article 20 does not authorize or require legislation or other action by the United States that would restrict the right of free speech and association protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States.”
Hence, the law is there but needs political lobbying to end reservations.
You can follow me on www.facebook.com/zaakbaarlaw
@Sunil.... ur criticizing Pakistan or Islam ? you're point of view is absolutely right! no doubt this law should be for all religions. but avoiding critcizing any nation or religion. because if it come this way then indians/hindus should also be banned saying anything against Islam :P peace
It there will be any such law, it will be for all religions and not just islam. Insulting RAM, KRISHNA, SHIVA should be equivalent to insulting Muhammed. First pakistan should start with this law. Death penality for insulting RAM or Jesus or any other Hindu GOD and scriptures should be implemented just like punishment for insulting muhammed and quran. PURAN of Hindus should be equal in the eyes of such laws just like QURAN of muslims.
If pakistan make such a law, world should follow.