The case of Rimsha, a minor Christian girl suffering from Down’s syndrome accused of blasphemy, should be a watershed for the country’s blasphemy laws. The fact that Rimsha’s entire neighbourhood has fled their homes fearing a backlash from the local Muslims needs investigation. Khalid Jadoon Chishti, who eyewitnesses told the local police had added pages of the Holy Quran to a bag containing the burnt material, should be thoroughly probed as well.
Humanity forms the basis of the principle of human dignity in Islam, whether the person is Muslim or non-Muslim.“And dispute you not with the People of the Scripture, except in the best way, unless it be with those who do wrong, but say, ‘We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; our God and your God is One; and it is to Him we submit (in Islam)’.” (Quran 21:46)
Muslims and non-Muslims have the right not to have their religious beliefs mocked. But no other religion in the world is as fair as Islam to people of other faiths. God has also forbidden Muslims from speaking ill of the gods and deities worshipped by non-Muslims. If the polytheists were to hear Muslims speak ill of their gods, it might lead them to speak ill of Allah. Also, if Muslims were to speak ill of pagan gods, it might instigate the polytheists to soothe their wounded feelings by hurting the feelings of Muslims. God says in the Holy Quran: “Do not revile those whom they call upon besides God, lest they revile God out of spite in their ignorance. Thus, We have made alluring to each people its own doings. In the end will they return to their Lord and He shall then tell them the truth of what they did.” (6:108)
Islam does not compel people of other faiths to convert. It has given them complete freedom to retain their own faith and not to be forced to embrace Islam. This freedom is documented in both the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. “If it had been your Lord’s will, they would all have believed — all of who are on earth! Will you then compel humankind, against their will, to believe?” (Quran 10:99)
At the time of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Najran and its surrounding area, in the south of Arabia, was a Christian valley. A delegation of 60 people came to see the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in Madina. As their discussion with the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in the mosque took quite a long time, it was time for their evening prayer. As they prepared to pray, some of the Holy Prophet’s (pbuh) followers wanted to prevent them from doing so. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) ordered them to let them offer their prayers in his mosque (Masjid-e-Nabavi).
Not only does Islam give religious freedom to non-Muslims, its tolerant law extends to the preservation of their places of worship. Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) signed a treaty with Monophysite Christian Patriarch Sophronius, assuring him that Jerusalem’s Christian holy places and population would be protected under Muslim rule. When led to pray at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the holiest site for Christians, the Caliph Umar (RA) refused to pray in the church so that Muslims would not request converting the church into a mosque. He prayed outside the church, where the Mosque of Umar stands to this day, opposite the entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
The Holy Quran prescribes restraint and distancing from blasphemous persons or situations. The emphasis is on restraint. A study of the following verses should bear this out: “When ye hear the signs of Allah held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme.” [Quran 4:140] And: “Hold to forgiveness, command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant.” [Quran 7:199]
Pakistan belongs as much to the non-Muslims as to the Muslims. Blasphemy laws are often used to settle personal vendettas. And so, we demand a thorough and fair probe into the case involving Rimsha. Strict action should be taken against all those accusing the girl if she is found innocent.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 4th, 2012.
Mr Ashrafi : I want to ask a question on a situation ; that a Muslim or non Muslim boy/ girl finds some pages of the holy book and the child is illiterate or the pages of holy book is in Arabic and the child do not know what is written therein and with the childish instinct tears the pages to make a boat to flow in the rainy water. and you spot the pages of holy book and the boy tearing the pages. . Will you charge the child for blasphemy ??
Law of blasphemy is enacted in many countries to forbid the insult to forbid to hurt the feelings of a particular faith. Here the intention to insult or to hurt the feelings is most important and not the innocent action . But the blasphemy law in Pakistan is silent and i am sure every Muslim in Pakistan will cry to charge the innocent child . ( i shall be too happy if i am proved wrong) May I get your reply . Tthis question is for all the readers and request to give their answers in this regard.
I have never seen someone representing religious clergy of Pakistan speaking out so boldly against the (misuse of) blasphemy laws. Rather than pointing out fallacies in his arguments, let us be thankful to the Maulana Sahib for expressing at least some level of sanity. In context of Islamic fanaticism prevailing in Pakistan, religious moderation is the only workable solution. Those who advocate annihilation of religious thought in national discourse are being overly idealistic.
then simplify it by abolish the blasphemy laws which are a product of 1970s fanaticism.
The fact remain its a matter of time before the blashphemy law will be abolished
whether people may like it such laws are outdated, medieval, fascist and irrelevant in 21st century .
Let's give a religious scholar a chance. I am skeptical but he is talking a lot more sense than everybody I have read or heard from. If more of religious scholars talk like him maybe pakistan will have a chance to redeem itself. My Indian brothers and sister, give our broken brothers a chance. Thank you
Great piece by Mr. Ashrafi.. Aptly touched upon the teachings of Islam.
However, can i point our liberal leftist reader and hypocrite Indian trolls that being a Muslim and living in a Muslim country does NOT ensures that one exactly follows the teaching of Islam. And i hope its safe to presume that this apply across the board to every religion and their majority country they live in. You cannot consider the actions of a few to be representative of an ideology or a religion in this case... Live and let live!!!
Blame MUSLIMS and their actions NOT their religion.
I wish that it was so simple for you guys to understand...
@mr. righty rightist: Have pathetic! Who started the first world war? Muslims? Who started the second world war? Muslims? Who killed about 20 million of Aborigines in Australia? Muslims? Who sent the nuclear bombs to Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims? Who killed more than 100 million Indians in North America? Muslims? Who killed more than 50 million Indians in south America? Muslims? Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves, of whom 88% died and were thrown in the Atlantic Ocean? Muslims? No, they weren't Muslims! If a non-Muslim does something bad, it is a crime. But if a Muslim commits the same act, he is a terrorist. First remove this double standard, then come to the point. I never saw such ignorance on ET.
My dear Maulana, why didn't you speak up when Salman Taseer was murdered. He was effectively saying the same thing that you are saying now. In your conscience you know that he did NOT commit blasphemy, he was merely questioning the man-made law and its abuse against the weak and the vulnerable. Did you condemn the assasination, gave a fatwa against the perpetrator, and/or convince your fellow 'ulema' to side with the rule of law instead of the jumping on the bandwagon of the misguided and self-appointed protectors of the prophethood.
@observer: Your decision appears to be a charming case of inspired-rationalization/excuse to quiet willingly persist in bias, disbelief, infidelity, and or agnosticism, or even atheism and lack of knowledge of Islam, for that matter, perhaps! If you read the Qur'an, maybe you'll change your opinion about Saudi Arabia when you do, Insh'Allah, decide to go for Hajj/Pilgrimage after embracing Islam...please ask consult those who have...and also try and remember this from the Qur'an that no soul will bear another soul's burden on that Fateful Day...each one of us will be held independently accountable for how we spent our life on Earth, whether in obedience to Allah, or sheer rebellion/disobedience against Him...
Salam to all dears,
Just o make impartial reliance on this comment , i am telling that I am Muslim and I condem this misuse of Blasphamy Law, n i think here should be some Reasonable modification in it which should be benficial to all humanity.Well my dears actually our society just want ot have gossip. It is not eager to complete and perfect solution for the abuse or misuse of this blasphamy law. Actually first of all we have to think about the origin of this law. As per my understanidng and knowledge through academicc and little bit deep study of religion, i have come to conclusion that in originition of this law there were no Saint or wali was invloved at that time who have access Hazoor Pak SAAW in Baatin means No body at that time who have been involved in making such kind of law have Spritual Contact with Hazoor Pak SAAW. Further more what was that in the era of Hazoor Pak SAAW, there was old lady who used to throw garbage on Hazoor Pak, But Hazoor Pak never say him even a single harsh word, is that was not came under blasphamy law. In this regards today's hypocritre Ulema will say at that time there were no blaspamy laws i place but arguement is that at that time there was Hazoor Pak Himself Present which is above all knd of Rules and Such Laws. Another aspect is that many bodies read news paper in Urdu n those ar famous ones like Jang, NawaiWaqt, on top page of these Papers there is Transalation of Quran is written, peaople throw these papers in dust bibs and later on therse are found in Garbage heaps and Drainage etc. What is it ? Is it does not fall under blasphamy Lawa against News Papers Owners. I think this would be helpful for Society to Understand the Myth of this Blasphamy law.
"no other religion in the world is as fair as Islam to people of other faiths."
Such sweeping statements do little good and are rather uncalled for. And how do we know that Christianity is unfair? Or what injustice did Maulana find in Buddhists that relegated them to be lower than Mooslims?
Let us raise our voice for repeal of blasphemy law! Repeal, not amendments. This has to take the shape of a movement. We all have to join hands and continue raising our voice. Enough is enough.
@ Lufiferous @Mahakaalchakra Sirs, Allah does not need to change his mind. Thru Quran HE has given guidance for "right" vs 'Wrong" with rewards and punishment at end of worldly life, wether it is mullah or any muslim. Wether Muslims follow the guidance or not it is up to them, Allah gives that choice to them with risk and reward at end of road. Any one serious in learning Islamic ideology, Austrian convert Muhammad Asad's translation and other publications are the best source. He was a journalist in Middle east and became best and very objective Islamic scholar.
WEB EDITORS: I tried on twitter to point out that the surah quoted above, cited to be 21:46 is not in fact from Chapter 21. It is Chapter 29. SO it is 29:46. Do fix it as by now more than one person reading this article who is not from the same religion or region (Yes, that's how blindly we believe what we read) has noted the error when they Googled the verse. So someone change it? Sort of in the name of proofing and editing, more than anything else.
Pakistan Christians - the world sees your pain and prays for you. Be strong and keep the Faith.
Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi Sahab's coolest speech - Federal Minister for Minorities Late. Shahbaz Bhatti was also remembered by Hafiz sahab with good words, Hafiz also remembered President Zardari with Flowery Praises, and praise on Rehman Malik was Breathtaking watch the clip -
I am bit surprised at ET's editing policy. I can't understanding ET's logic to censor my response to another reader's comment about the veracity of a hadith about "Ghazwa e Hind." If not clarified at this point, it will soon become an "established and widely accepted fact" by mere repeated assertions. There is nothing offensive in the comment; rather I have highlighted some more examples of how falsehood is spread. At times ET is more mysterious than The Divine one.
Dear Hafiz Sir, Thank you for writing this piece. Well-intentioned pieces such as this will go a long way to cure some of the ills of your society and paint a better picture of Pakistan. It goes a long way to make us outsiders understand that Pakistan is in the throes of a deep struggle; that people such as yourself have decided to enter the fray and tackle some of the profoundly important issues that are of life and death concerns to many of your citizens. All power to you sir.
@Sulman Shaikh: What happened to the Jewish tribes of Arabia? They must have simply decided to relocate, right?! And whatever happened to the Jews is happening to minorities in Pakistan and it is unfolding as I comment. What a shameful denial!
"Muslims and non-Muslims have the right not to have their religious beliefs mocked."
Disagree. Beliefs are beliefs and can be mocked.
@Mahakaalchakra: "I have just one question. Can’t Allah change HIS mind looking at what is going on in Islamic countries, especially in Pakistan?"
Allah may but mullah won't change his mind. Mullah has read Sahih Bukhari, Nisa'ai, Abu Daud and much more. Has Allah read that? Who is more knowing Allah or Mullah?
@RUNMAD: Quran (7:199) says it all. Allah commands that you turn away from the ignorant. Those who in their ignorance say bad words about Allah and the Prophets. But then Blasphemy Laws is a Christian creation. 1300 years of Muslim history has no such precedence. But then at least the Hafiz talks some sense !
President Asif Ali Zardari did a wonderful job by taking a notice of 11-year-old Rimsha’s case promptly. Soon after her arrest when the news came in the media, he asked the interior ministry to investigate and report the details to him. During a media briefing, a spokeswoman of the US State Department also expressed her satisfaction over the way Pakistan’s authorities have handled the case. It is commendable that President Zardari fervently kept himself abreast with the developments of the case and insisted on giving justice to the girl. It is not only a matter of providing fair treatment to this young girl but it is a matter of our country’s reputation, which is already marred by repeated events of terrorism and extremism. It is time that we begin washing these stigmas from ourselves so that we are treated as a normal nation that looks forward to live in peace with itself and its neighbours.
I wonder how many Imams would be prepared to allow an Ahmadi to offer salat/namaz in their mosque. Yes it is exactly the same standard prayer which majority of Muslims pray!
@Solomon2: "Clearly the author is speaking around the religious issues powering intolerance and not attempting to face them head-on". @Mahakaalchakra :Again it is a matter of interpretation. I do not claim to be an Islamic or Arabic scholar. Any one can ask Google uncle, he will give you interpretations and quotes which support Anti-Blasphemy law.
Clearly there is a reason he is doing that. He wants to PROTECT the blasphemy law as has become clear through another ET deadline and does not want the revulsion against framing Rimsha to resulting in mass support for a change in the blasphemy law. “There is a conspiracy to abolish the blasphemy law and investigators (of Rimsha’s case) should expose elements behind this act,” Ashrafi said
If by Quran 21:46 the 46th verse of surah Al-Anbya is meant, kindly correct the reference as that ones wrongly stated !!
"The Holy Quran prescribes restraint and distancing from blasphemous persons or situations. The emphasis is on restraint. "
There's also a hadith that says the majority of a Muslim community cannot be wrong, so if a crowd of Muslims want to sacrifice a little girl they must automatically be correct, yes?
Clearly the author is speaking around the religious issues powering intolerance and not attempting to face them head-on. Why should such a man be considered a religious leader of any sort?
hahahaha LOL is this some kind of joke??
I live in a quite neighborhood of Melbourn. Last week I had a Tablighee Jamaat group knocking at my door. I opened the door and heard them for 15 mints. In the end I asked them a question. What if I'm a Chriatian or a Hindu or a Qadiani knocking at your door and telling you about my religion? Would you be listening to me with the same patience? And what if I do this in your country; Pakistan? I ask this simple question to respectable Hafiz sahib?
This is best time to "review" the law and its "Implementation" thereof!
The problem are the mullahs, the so called Men of God, especially the ones who themselves are illitrate. Islam never instituted clergy for the simple reason that clerics will become intermediaries between God and people and will exploit them as well as the religion. Islam puts the responsibility on each Muslim to know their faith without depending on these Men of God who have brought misery to the masses and the religion and its followers to disrepute. Even the author, being educate is absolutely wrong about blasphemy. In Quran, Allah only desires the blasphemers to repent. If He were to prescribe capital punishment for them, how will a dead person repent. Also in Quran, Allah takes the responsibility of protecting the religion and Quran and He reserves the right to punish in offences related to Him, i.e., blasphemy. Looking back, Kamal Ata-Turk was a great visionary who dealt with them decisively and we also need one in Pakistan.
I agree with most of the comments by readers on greatly diluting the blasphemy law - the prime example being the general pardon granted by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of the Makkans residing in Makkah at the time of the Conquest of Makkah by the Muslims. Let us not forget that most of the pagans (who later converted to Islam) had defiled the Holy prophet (PBUH) in one form or other during his preaching in Makkah and hence at that time were blasphemers.
Nevertheless, I sincerely applaud Hafiz Ashrafi's effort to become a voice of sanity, reason and peace (which is the crux of Islam - the word itself meaning to 'enter into peace [with ALLAH]") in an islamic world gone crazy of religious intoxication. cheers.
Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi is quoting the verses from Qura'an majid. So people please stop asking him questions about what is happening in Saudi Arabia or what the other Muslims are doing. Not every Muslim or Muslim country is following Islam correctly, but that does not hold any questions on the religion "Islam" and the "teachings of Quran and Sunnah", which are the most fair and equitable than any other religion!
@mahakaalchakra: the ayah that u translated (correctness of translation couldn't be confirmed at the time of this comment) says that it is Allah/God who will punish them with their wrath and/or on judgement day for ridiculing Him or the Prophet (SAWS) but He did not give powers to any man to punish the culprit/s. U c, ridiculing Allah and His prophet/s is considered a personal issue and Allah will deal with the blasphemer by Himself. So I believe blasphemy law does not resonate with Islamic laws. Muslims should simply refrain from acknowledging this moronic act and the act will itself die out. Ignoring (not ignorance) is a bliss in this matter.
Good Read....Article must be translated in Urdu and Published in leading newspapers for General masses enlightenment
Coming from a religious scholar, this is a first so it must therefore be commended. However, you stopped short of calling for a total repeal of the law which is the logical next step. We need to go deeper into the background and circumstances under which this law was promulgated by General Zia. It was clearly a case of nefarious intentions on the part of the vengeful General. Pakistan before 1986 when this law came into force, was not a victim of "mazhabi bay-raahravi" where common citizens were out committing blasphemy left right and centre forcing the then government to bring a stern law to deal with the situation. That was certainly not the case. We should therefore be cognizant of the ill intentions of the dictator that led to this and other such laws. Ever since its promulgation, almost all, if not all, the reported cases turned out to be false with similar backgrounds - a poor was victimized by the powerful for vested interests.
Rimsha's is not the only obviously absurd case of blasphemy. Previously a 60-year old poor woman Zaibunnisa, who was reportedly not normal mentally, was released after wrongfully spending 14 years in prison on blasphemy charges. After her release the accuser in the case claimed that he never named her while police said they had arrested her only to save her from the mob! It took 14 years to get her justice! Likewise only recently a mentally deranged man accused of blasphemy was pushed out of police station by angry mob and burnt to death! in several other cases in the past where cases against accused were proved wrong and courts released them, some outsider killed them! There have been instances where accused have been killed in the premises of the courts!
With such dark and blood-thirsty history, should we not move ahead to stop this madness? Should we not make an attempt to prove and establish that we are indeed human beings?
@W. T. Faqih: "let us commend the good Maualan Ashrafi. He is brave in a violent, insane country."
Maulana Ashrafi is a wolf in sheep's clothing. His concern is only to save the precious blasphemy law and not to save Rimsha - once the perfidy of the prayer leader has created widespread revulsion.
Please see the url here and see what he says Ironically, Ashrafi’s support for Rimsha stems from his concern for the blasphemy law. “There is a conspiracy to abolish the blasphemy law and investigators (of Rimsha’s case) should expose elements behind this act,” Ashrafi said
The way, this time mis-use of the law is exposed- Progressive people has got the opportunity to lobby with the government on the misuse of blasphemy law? Are we ready to take lead.
Thanks God, we still have a few sane religious scholars like Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi . Keep it up Hafiz sahib. A vast majority of Muslims are with you.
Please practice what you preach
so there's still hope......... Impressed by work of Mahmood Ashrafi... At first i thought seculars can think @this subject... But he proved me wrong....
The article has been translated to English, which means it may be available online in Urdu. Indeed, a thought provoking article.
very commendable effort Mufti saab.. I have followed your interviews and you were very vocal on the whole episode. I hope everyone takes this as their responsibility to protect minorities and prevent misuse (better would be to amend) this law.
@kaalchakra: "Sid, Indians don’t want to believe that one day Pakistan will follow Islam and will leave all other nations behind. The thought is too uncomfortable for them." Why that thought should be uncomfortable to anybody? World is uncomfortable with the way Pakistan follows Islam. People in general live their lives as they wish to live. The only problem is with people who cannot distinguish between Quran as a book and Islam as a religion. They are two different things. The people who cannot make this basic distinction cannot be called enlightened or spiritual.
Although it is hard to believe that Islam is fair to believers of other religions, but let us commend the good Maualan Ashrafi. He is brave in a violent, insane country. Lend him a hand and we might find ourselves taking a turn around a good corner.
Jazia is a punitive tax imposed on non-Muslims just because they are not muslims. The 35% EU tax you compare jazya with, is to fund welfare programs that benefit one and all without discrimination.
Can't we talk humanity without bringing in or referring to religious texts? don't we have our own brain or heart? why do we always need prove a point and cry - "we are the best...we are the best!!!" ???
@ Luciferous Correct defination - slightly flawed, defination- an expedition led by any prophet for defense of islam. Ghazwa e Hind is prophesized to be led by Jesus PBUH once he return to the world as the anti-christ slayer. Keeping a grudge against urdu columnist may be correct but not in this regard. I suggest that you read more.
@Ali: An Urdu-language version has appeared in Daily Jinnah of August 27
Obviously, Mr Hafiz Mohammed has not seen what the rest of the world is like. A 'village well frog' level of knowledge and vision is what the crux of the problem is that is creating havoc in the society. Denials in perptuity has become the 'norm'. No body believes in what Mr Hafeez Mohammed and similar people say.
@Imran Khan: Good Question, I believe they will never speak in this regard.
@GS@Y: I like that line.....very well articulated...."But the fact remains that the rights of any minority are not safe whenever the beliefs of the majority are state policy." Kudos to you for this line!
"But no other religion in the world is as fair as Islam to people of other faiths."
A good sentiment, and perhaps factually correct from the perspective of the edicts (I have no knowledge on the teachings so am not commenting on them).
However, I can say one thing with great surity based on a lifetime of personal experience. In my day and age people of your religion are the least tolerant and least fair/accepting of other faiths.
Perhaps it is time to concentrate on implementation of the facts and examples that you have mentioned in your article??
I would have respected ISLAM if this moulvi has said , lets release the girl right away and even if she had burned lets forgive her and leave her alone as this is ISLAM which is religion of peace ! .
@Ali S:
Let me be generous.
I understand from Hafiz Sahib that the Blasphemy Laws, as found in Pakistan are not supported by the ‘true message of Islam’.
Well, in that event- REPEAL IT.
Are you game?
@G Wilson: You make perfect sense. Not to many rationalist around. Take care
Maulana saheb ,one of the girl from you community got married in our hindu family.She is still cursing freedom offered to her as a woman in an islamic society.what do you like to say upon that?If islam is so fair,why she chose to leave islam though there was no pressure to change the religion for interfaith marry.
@mr. righty rightist:
Can you please provide evidence that muslims wiped out jewish tribes!!!! Muslims gave protection to the jews in Span and in Jerusalem.
@mahakaalchakra: Where in the Quran does it say that Muslims themselves are responsible of punishing blasphemers? What I got from your post is that the QURAN ordains divine punishment for them, they will be punished in the HEREAFTER. There's no need for Muslims to go around putting minor girls in jail. If she ever was guilty (which she isn't) she'll get punished in the hereafter. End of story.
Blasphemy law in Pakistan is a joke that has kept the country in stone age with no hope for the future.
@mahakaalchakra: Perfect . You are pure . You don't try to twist and turn the fact. Now it's upto people People like hafiz Sb are hiding the real stuff .
Mahakaalchakra, I read all the verses you quoted. None has any such mention. The translation which you have given also does not allow you and your ill minded scholars to kil anyone. I humbly request all the Muslim readers to please read the verses and comment of mahakaalchakra. Hope we understand that if Allah has prepared jahanam for the wrong doers, does not allow us to become god on the earth.
@mahakaalchakra If you want to understand Quran,Muhammad Asad's "the message of Quran" is better translation.It is now published in New Dehli, you can not take verses out of context.
All religions are man made and therefore subject to scrutiny. And Islam is no exception.
@Imran Con: The world isn’t quite as gullible as the Pakistani Muslim when it comes to the words of the divinely bearded.
And therein lies all the trouble Islam is facing. It is being exposed and questioned and challenged and ridiculed all around the world. Let the thrashing continue until Islam is reformed and brought into the 21st Century.
@ mahakaalchakra Your quoted verses clearly state that punishments are Allah's domain here or in hereafter, it is not for me as muslim to punish Lahab etc etc.
@mahakaalchakra: That is about war when they attack you. Burning Quran is not mentioned as blasphemy in Quran. Keep your ignorance to yourself.