Eight killed in KKH accident in Gojal valley

Wagon skidded off Karakoram Highway and plunged into a deep gorge, killing eight people

Our Correspondent August 23, 2012
Eight killed in KKH accident in Gojal valley


A road accident damped the Eid festivities in Gojal Valley when a wagon skidded off Karakoram Highway and plunged into a deep gorge, killing eight people on Wednesday, rescue workers and witnesses said.

According to witnesses, the wagon with 18 passengers on board was heading to Kamaris, a hamlet in Gulmit, the headquarters of Gojal Tehsil, when its tie-rod broke. The driver lost control over the steering and the van plunged into a deep ravine near Hussani village, 50 kilometres from Hunza, killing five passengers on the spot and injuring nine others. Three of the injured died while being shifted to District Headquarters Hospital in Hunza. They were returning from Khyber village after attending a wedding ceremony.

The deceased have been identified as Numberdar Nasiruddin, Dad Ali Shah, Numberdar Nasir Iqbal, Civil Supplies Deputy Director Aqil Shah, Bakhtullah, Shaukat Aziz, Irfan Karim and Shahabuddin.

The injured were shifted to Aliabad, Hunza. Two of them were referred to District Headquarters Hospital Gilgit. Two died on way to Hunza.

A young motorcycle rider also died in a motorcycle accident in the same area on Monday. The deceased was identified as Jamil from Murtazabad, Hunza.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 23rd, 2012.


Colonel (Retd) Kaiser Hameed Khan | 11 years ago | Reply May Almighty Allah bless the souls of all the deceased with his infinite mercy and grant them a choicest place in the heavens. No doubt the condition of the roads has improved but road safety should also be given an equal importance by the concerned departments of the Government who are responsible for the safety and welfare of the people. There is a genuine requirement of having secure Guard Rails all along the KKH since there is never a second chance in case of an accident.It is also a pity that so little has been done in the health sector for the Gilgit Baltistan region both by the Government and also by the NGOs operated by the i]International community.The Army also has Helicopters at its disposal for emergency evacuation but except for the Agha Khan Foundation, NO organization or NGO has seriously thought of Provision of a Helicopter or Aircraft for emergency medical evacuation in this region. I would partly also blame the present Government of Gilgit Baltistan for ignoring the importance of preserving human lives in any eventuality. The President of Pakistan could donate a Million US Dollars to a shrine in India but remains oblivious of the genuine requirement of Emergency evacuation of accident victims or serious patients to better medical facilities who are otherwise prone to certain death for a lack of proper and timely health care. It is a prerequisite of GOOD Governance to ensure that the lives of citizens are given top most priority. I also take this opportunity of appealing to the International Community through the auspices of this NEWS Paper, to seriously consider provision of an Aerial Ambulance to preserve and save precious human lives by timely evacuation of patients or casualties from inaccessible areas to appropriate Medical Facilities. I hope these comments are conveyed by the press to the President of Pakistan, the Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan and all the international humanitarian and Diplomatic Missions for assistance in this genuine humanitarian cause.
johar | 11 years ago | Reply A very tragic incident. Whole Hunza valley is mourning the deaths of such valuable,distinguished educated people. especially hearing about the death of new young leaders of area. ALAS Such a loss
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