Women’s welfare: HomeNet head to be recognised

The award ceremony will be held in October as part of the Global Forum in Washington DC.

Our Correspondent August 06, 2012
Women’s welfare: HomeNet head to be recognised

LAHORE: Ume Laila Azhar, the HomeNet Pakistan executive director, has been selected by the International Alliance for Women World of Difference as one of the 100 women from around the world working for the uplift of women.

The award ceremony will be held in October as part of the Global Forum in Washington DC. Azhar has been selected for her work for the uplift of home based workers in Pakistan. A press release issued on Monday by the HomeNet Pakistan said that the organisation worked for the recognition of home-based women workers. “They must be considered as producers and artisans... their productivity has to be increased by imparting skills, access to credit schemes, marketing and putting them under some trade or labour policy in the country.”

Published in The Express Tribune, August 7th, 2012.


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