Indonesian police arrest 62 over Ramazan bar attack

A group of 150 youths raided the De Most bar late Saturday.

Afp July 30, 2012
Indonesian police arrest 62 over Ramazan bar attack

JAKARTA: Indonesian police said Monday they had arrested 62 people, most of them minors, involved in attacking a bar in south Jakarta for serving alcohol during the holy Muslim month of Ramazan.

A group of 150 youths - some as young as 13 and carrying swords and golf clubs - raided the De Most bar late Saturday, smashing bottles of alcoholic drinks and damaging the property, said Hermawan, chief detective for South Jakarta police.

"Of the 62 arrested most are minors, and some...were armed with Samurai swords, sickles and golf clubs," said Hermawan, who like many Indonesians goes by one name.

"They shattered the windows and door and smashed bottles, saying they wanted all bars shut to ensure the month of Ramazan is not tainted," he added.

Twenty-three people face charges of damaging property while four are additionally charged with carrying sharp weapons.

The group called itself the Prophet's Defenders Council, Harmawan said.

"It is usual for me and my followers to raid sinful places during Ramadan," the group's alleged leader, 33-year-old Habib Bahar was quoted as saying by the news website after the arrests.

"They committed sins there. They get drunk so action must be taken," said Bahar, who was also arrested.

In previous years Islamic groups have raided places serving alcohol, but Saturday's attack was the first this year since the fasting month of Ramazan officially began on July 21.

Authorities have ordered bars and nightclubs to close during the holy month, but the ban is not strictly enforced.

Ninety percent of Indonesia's population of 240 million identify themselves as Muslim but the vast majority practise a moderate form of Islam.


gp65 | 11 years ago | Reply

Indonesian police acts differently from Pakistani police who actually belted a guy for drinking a soft drink in a corner. Indonesia has more Muslims than Pakistan by the way. Also more Muslims than ALL middle eastern countries put together.

sumeet | 11 years ago | Reply

the defenders of islam at it again??btw,why on earth there is so much version of islam??moderate version,conservative version,terrorist's version,mullah's version..please stop lying to all people..there is only one version..

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