Watson doesn’t set out to answer that question so it is unfair to accuse him of dodging it. But for me the question remains: How did people of undoubted sensitivity and cultural appreciation, people who wept with emotion while listening to a piano concerto, reconcile that aesthetic part of themselves with the other part which ordered the deaths of children for no crime but to have belonged to a different religion or a different race?
One broad answer to this question is given in a new book called Mistakes were made (but not by me) written by Carol Tavris and Elliott Aronson (Harcourt, 2007). One of the points that the authors make is that small ethical deviations can over time add up to an ethical chasm. They illustrate their point using an experiment in which people were given an incentive to cheat. What they report is that over time, the consequences of that ethical deviation multiply so that the cheater and the non-cheater wind up far apart, as if they had slid down different sides of a pyramid. The non-cheaters remain convinced of their rectitude while the cheaters are convinced that there is nothing wrong with bending the law and so they continue to bend or break the law to greater and greater degrees.
I mention all of this because, as Pakistanis, we need to remember that monsters do exist and that they do not necessarily look different from you and me. The English-speaking liberal elite of Pakistan tends to take a look around its immediate environs and concludes that things cannot possibly be so bad as reported because, after all, we live in a country which is heir to ancient cultures of poetry and dance, a country which has fashion shows and rock concerts, McDonald’s and “Coke Studio”.
Let me be clear here: my problem here is not the assumption that fashion shows and rock concerts are good things for Pakistani society. Instead, my point is that we are headed for a stage where even the people who attend fashion shows and rock concerts are becoming increasingly comfortable with the fact that it is okay to kill people either for being non-Muslim or for being the wrong sort of Muslim.
Think I’m wrong? If so, think again. In the last six months alone, we have seen multiple incidents in which people have been killed, in the most brutal of ways, for belonging to the wrong religion or the wrong sect. The one act of terror I have been unable to wipe out from my memory is that of the Balochi Shia pilgrims on their way to Iran. Their bus was stopped at a deserted spot and each of the Shias was then shot at close range and their bodies heaved out of the bus like so many sacks of grain. Of course, we know all of this because one of the murdering bastards used his cellphone to record the massacre and then uploaded the video on YouTube.
And yet, where is the outrage? Despite the many atrocities in the name of religion that this country has suffered, I cannot remember even one instance where the public, Parliament and the media stood united in condemnation for any length of time. All that follows an atrocity is the routine expression of shock and horror — and sometimes not even that. Geo responded to the recent demise of Rajesh Khanna by spending the better part of two days discussing nothing else. There is no channel which has ever provided equivalent coverage — even if spread out over the last two years — to the atrocities against Shias and other groups.
My point here is not to focus on the Shias. After all, the massacre of the Shias in Balochistan is happening along with the widespread persecution and killing of Ahmadis and Christians, the occasional killing of Punjabi settlers in Sindh, the routine beheading of captured army soldiers and the large-scale terrorisation of urban areas through the deployment of suicide bombers. Instead, my point is simpler, that we are losing the capacity for outrage, that we have reached the stage where we skip over headlines about Hazaras being murdered with the comforting thought that it is just another bunch of dead Shias, and that this cannot, and must not, continue.
I do not have answers. What I will say is that hate has gone mainstream in Pakistan. Lest we forget, the PML-N government of Punjab confessed to paying a monthly stipend to the family of Malik Ishaq, the PPP is formally allied with Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s JUI-F and even the primary political challenger to the current status quo, i.e., the PTI, is happy to go scrounging for votes along with the thugs who make up the Difa-e-Pakistan Council. As for our perennial political overlords in khaki, our history shows them as perhaps the most wilfully blind.
Let me make this as clear. It is not possible to control the politics of hate. Once you start accommodating hatemongers at any level, you have started down a path that ends only in hate, overwhelming the rest of your politics. Our political parties and military geniuses think hate can be used as an occasional stimulant. They are wrong: they too will wind up addicted to hate.
As a Shia, I know that these trends are likely to end badly for me. All I am telling you, dear reader, is that this will end badly for you too.
Published in The Express Tribune, July 31st, 2012.
Celebrate your hatred in the after hours bars and 'clubs' this upcoming weekend!! It may turn out very interesting!
May you be safe dear writer. You are right this fire will burn everything if not estinguished NOW!
@QASIM: The so called Meccan army that traveled 350km was in fact the guards of Abu Sufiyan's Syrian caravan. The protection was provided to avoid Mohammed's caravan raids. In fact Abu Sufiyan tried to avoid Mohammed's army whereas Mohammed pursued him. Finally, Mohammed forced the caravan to face his armies by blocking Abu Sufiyan's access to water wells. And the ensuing massacre of the thirsty and dehydrated Meccans is what referred to as the Battle of Badr. It was that battle that initiated Mecca - Madina hostilities.
The entire episode is well documented by Ibn Isḥaq. And the aftermath of Battle of Badr is documented in book 59 of Sahih al Bukhari.
@Mr X from Bombay: I appreciate your humanitarian sentiment, that said whether the creation of Pakistan was wrong is a debatable question. Humans typically like to maintain the status quo. To convince people to do something of the magnitude of creating a country requires some motivation. The congress was in power before the 1940 resolution of Pakistan. I wonder what gave overwhelming support to the Pakistani cause can it be the result of governance policies of the congress party. I can think of no scenario where a just government garners so much dislike. So in essence if the congress had then showed some foresight and considered Muslims a true political power rather than underestimating their ability to unite Pakistan would have been snuffed in the bud.
I shall say let not there be any hatred across the world. Let a hundred flowers bloom and let there be a thousand schools of thought. The ethnic problems within Pakistan quite similar to India as there is a common ethnicity and cultural similarity sectarian conflicts and communal problems must now be laid to rest. As a citizen of India I shall promulagate the thought that no men are foreign and no countries strange hence let us not defile the fabric of humanity with hatred, malice and distrust. Let the entire Asia live in cordial manner with amity and in cogenial environment.
@Falcon: We have to reject every form of hate in our society be it social, political or religious. On the other hand we should promote interfaith dialogues emphasizing on common grounds of beliefs rather pointing out differences and promoting hate. The present day situation cannot be healed up just by taking aforementioned measures and require an immediate ban on spreading hate. This ban must have some sanctioning force of penal law behind it. Our legislature must enact a law to stop the hate preaching especially in religious matters. While preparing the law, following points may be considered, a) No one is allowed to preach hate in the matters of faith and religion against any denomination. b) No one is allowed to criticize any other’s faith or religion or call anyone infidel or giving fatwa’s against anyone in order to declare someone out of the pale of Islam or calling anyone heretic. c) One can, in public, only allowed to preach and highlight the constructive and peaceful teaching or other distinguishing characteristics of one’s own faith rather to call others infidels or misguided. If we succeed in eradicating only religious hatred from our society rest of the problems are not far from solution.
Why is There So Much Hatred in the World? The World Needs Love
This is what we should be seeking, yet hate is what we are seeing, it is all around us. What can we do to over come this mass destruction. I feel personally that we must start within ourselves. Find ways to love ourselves; then we can in-list this same positive progress into the world. For one let's start by focusing less on what is wrong, for example the news. Most of what we hear on the news day to day is negative.
All they show is what is bad, chaos, destruction, you rarely see any hero stories, neighorhood news, or promising events.
What should an individual do ? Read a book with value and inspiration , buy magazines with home warming ideas. Look into your own life , focus on it with love and a higher value and you will see your life and surroundings unravel in another direction. A more positive direction, with a greater good, more wealth, more health, abundance, let's in-list this on our children; after all they are the future of our world.
Unfortunately the issue you have highlighted - we are losing the capacity for outrage - is a global phenomenon.
Millions got killed in Iraq for a war against WMDs which were never there ... there was no accountability
Millions of lives have been ruined in Afghanistan for one person whose involvement in 9/11 has never been presented in a court of law. I am not a sympathiser of OBL but his summary killing was no different from the killing of shias and hazaras
The course of history has been irrevocably changed for the worse by the so called war on terror ...
And yet around the world there is no outrage.
To all Indian commentators – You cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like to be a Pakistani today. To wake up one day and realize that your whole existence is a lie.
Your national identity (the Two-Nation Theory), religious identity (that the spread of Islam was non-violent),social and cultural identity ( that religion is all the culture a people need; and that people of similar religions have similar cultures) - they are all lies.
No one likes to be made a fool of.
And indeed Imran khan is a new entry in gathering hate mangers .his is the ideology of hate to the mainstream party and system.
The end is surely not good for all of us
The did not come for Ahmedis first. They came for the leftists first. Next they chased Pukhtoon, Bengalis, Baloch and native Sindhis, Afterwards the Punjabis and the Urdu speaking chased each other but remained allies also in chasing others. they came for Ahmedis becuase a Bengali they wanted to oust Khwaja Nazimuddin a Bengali from premiership.
The massacre of Ahmedis or Shias or Sunnis had basic reason. in the US's love for religious politics. The reason that followed the major reason is to create or keep anarchy intact so that logic behind having a huge security establishment and civil administration remains unquestioned. The other reason is the Petro dollar of Gulf States, who want tribalism and political Islam to nourish in Pakistan and also elsewhere. The multifaceted hate we are possessed by will only end if governance is in the hands of leftists. Sinc there areno leftists around, create them or import them..
@Yuri Kondratyuk: The meccan were not converted to islam in that night.As i said before holy prophet pbh was attacked by meccans three times.All the time it was meccans who traveled to Madina ,abot 350 km from mecca to just attack Muslims.then tell me who was agressor.Traveling 350 km in that time, may it take many weeks to travel that distance.no war was waged to make people muslim.we need to talk on true facts,not on biased opinion of oponents.Quran is very clear that never do injustice to anone,not even to your enemy.
@QASIM: Dear brother, Love of peace and respect to divergent opinions is the natural state of a civilized human being and not something that is held together or enforced by a pact. Meccans converted overnight only due to defeat in war and not due to diligent study of Islam and any consequent change of heart.
@Irshad Khan: probably, you read the peaceful version of history... but it's not very good as far as an unbiased reader is concerned. to call that everything was rosy before, would be overlooking a great thousand year brutality....
maybe, you are one of those AMAN KI ASHA believers, so i do not want to argue with you much, because peaceful persons are the need of hour, and letting them do their work, would be the least that we can do.
Muslims came to India in early stages of Islam and were living in peace with Hindus and other religions. India has always absorbed all religions from the outside world. Muslim ruled India for about 1100 years without much trouble with other religions living there but faced aggressions from north(from Muslims). What suddenly made us to say that we can not live with Hindus together and in peace and this created a lot of hatred which reaped other hatreds. We left better part of India to Hindus and also fate of lot of Muslims in the hands of Hindus. Now there is no end to hatred in this country and we are fighting each other on each and every matter and on any pretext because base of our existance is
.Separation of religion and state is the only solution to this problem
Brilliant work!
@Yuri Kondratyuk: There was No war Pact between Muslims and Meccans.the Meccans attacked Muslims ALLIES IN mecca.the Muslim Allies of Mecca askedd the Muslims to come and punish Meccans for that agression.Mecca attack was result of that violation to No War Pact by Meccans.That attack was invoked by Meccans.the fall of mecca hapen just two years before the demise of holy prophet pbh.
Dear brother please explain the overnight conversion of Mecca and destruction of the 365 idols that were worshiped by Meccans prior to their defeat?
Anyone wishing to see the most blatant examples of hate can find them right here, in the comments by Indians. What can be expected from the inhabitants of a country built on complete rejection of all known principles of compromise and cooperative living as envisioned and encapsulated in the Cabinet Mission Plan that the Great Quaid had accepted.
From the green earth to the moon to the stars, Indians will blame everything for Pakistan's challenges, except their own roles. Living in the neighborhood it does, Pakistan has been the greatest success story of the millennium! Inshalllah, very soon the results will be visible to all.
@Lala Gee:
You are right, I agree with you that Two Nation theory is right. Hindus would have never managed to live with such large numbers of Muslims.
But, it worked out to our advantage thanks to Nehru. Nehru thought the Two Nation Theory was balderdash. Thank God that he was idealistic.
He envisioned an India where secularism will prevail and equality before law for all, irrespective of their Religion, Ethnicity or any such denomination.
Jinnah's very idea of Pakistan was divisive in nature, unlike Nehru's united India approach. That makes all the difference.
Jinnah is confusing, the Right in Pakistan invoke his speeches, so do the Left and the Center. In India, only the Left and the Center do that. The Right despise him.
Considering the way Pakistan turned out, you have to say Nehru has done a fabulous job!
Considering in the past year, more Muslims were killed on the streets of Pakistan for ideological reasons, than in the last 10 years in India, its quite an achievement for Nehru and India. It also is an indication of India's plurality.
@gp65: Please write ur name clear so we know you.Islam was accepted in subcintinent becase of its teachings.any body who know the true histry,its unthinkable that the kings has done anythig good to Isalm.
"Edmund Burke said all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Do not allow evil to triumph. Do not do sit by and do nothing."
"Jinnah developed a point of view about the ability of Muslims to practice their faith freely in a country where majority were Hindus."
It was not just a matter of the practice of faith, rather more importantly was the socio-political rights along with economic welfare of the Muslims which Congress refused to assure by sticking with the 'majority rules' paradigm. As I have already mentioned in my reply to @Hegdefunder: my first comment was addressed to you describing the reasons why Jinnah put forward the Two Nation Theory. However, unfortunately the moderator didn't like the comment most likely due to its length.
To all the Pakistani commentators who tut-tutted and expressed sympathy with the writer,do you really think that is enough? Mere talk is never enough.
Could you talk away a flood,a raging fire,any tempest? Hate,intolerance,unreason can be not be fought with with logic and kind words.
A word to the wise...
"@Lala Gee: ...... Do you actually know as to when the “Two Nation” concept actually came into being, because I don’t recall any Members of the Muslim League, being locked up or having spent time in prisons for the the Independence cause ? Please enlighten us with your Wisdom ! "
I have been trying for more than 12 hours now to get my first comment posted even repeatedly trying and every time trimming the content. It is a lengthy comment with references that took me quite some time and effort to compile. It has some answers to your questions, but until that comment is posted I am not willing to waste more time. May be some other time.
@Lala Gee: "I am sure you are not blaming him going insane after 1930s."
Jinnah developed a point of view about the ability of Muslims to practice their faith freely in a country where majority were Hindus. It is a point of view that I disagree with as did millions of Muslims who chose to stay back in India.
It does not mean that just because I disagree with some one's opinion, I would call them insane.
It is for Pakistanis living here and now to decide whether the notion that 'people who are different cannot live together peacefully' has served them well or not. I believe that the hate and intolerance this article refers to is the culmination of the 2 nation theory and hence I expressed my opinion. If you and other Pakistanis agree, you have the option of changing course or else you can continue down the path that you are going. It is your country and your choice to make.
@Hold your horses:
"Difference between India and pakistan is that India has learnt it’s lessons ( the hard way though) while Pakistan continues to commit blunders. Remember, if a mistake is committed second time, it is a ” choice ” and not a mistake."
Pakistan will also learn the lesson though the hard way, but I don't think India has learned the lesson well or didn't repeat the same blunders again and again. You don't believe me, do you? Read the following reports.
1- Annual Report of Amnesty International for year 2012 (see section "Jammu and Kashmir"
2- India: A Decade on, Gujarat Justice Incomplete - Human Rights Watch 2012
3- India: Communal Violence and the Denial of Justice - Human Rights Watch
Also the victims of 1984 anti-Sikhs riots are still waiting for the justice to be done.
"@Lala Gee: Jinnah’s contribution to Hindu Muslim unity prior to 1930 is well known and documented. That is not under question. People change and so did Jinnah. It is his actions in the 1940-45 period that we are referring to."
But you never bothered to find out the reasons for his change of views. I am sure you are not blaming him going insane after 1930s.
and how tragic that such numbness on the part of general population is celebrated as steadfastness..
Pakistan is now dominated by hate mongers and hate-mongering is now our national character.
@Ashvinn: They certainly were Arabs, but certainly not Muslims, as Islam did not exist, but perhaps Jews too !
@F Khan:
Gujarat - 2001/2002. Good 10 years back.
Bhindarawale - 1982/1983. Good 30 years back.
Difference between India and pakistan is that India has learnt it's lessons ( the hard way though) while Pakistan continues to commit blunders. Remember, if a mistake is committed second time, it is a " choice " and not a mistake.
While I understand your point, pls don't drag India into wrong analogies.
@Lala Gee: Jinnah's contribution to Hindu Muslim unity prior to 1930 is well known and documented. That is not under question. People change and so did Jinnah. It is his actions in the 1940-45 period that we are referring to.
@Hegdefunder: They were arab Muslim
Brilliant analysis. 100% agree.
@Lala Gee: So what were all these Muslim prior to 600AD ? As the Hinduism was already establish and flourishing society by the time Islam was born. Do you actually know as to when the "Two Nation" concept actually came into being, because I don't recall any Members of the Muslim League, being locked up or having spent time in prisons for the the Independence cause ? Please enlighten us with your Wisdom !
@Lala Gee: You absolutely right,your assests are our terrorists
@sabi: I have a lot of respect for your opinion. I respectfully disagree when you say that Jinnah did not advocate the 2 Nation theory and was not the cause of partition. Please see the following aspect of Jinnah's speech for reference:
"It is quite clear that Hindus and Muslims derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, different heroes and different episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other, and likewise, their victories and defeats overlap. To yoke together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric that may be so built up for the government of such a state"
Most f his speeches in the the 1940-45 period had a similar flavour to the one I have just quoted above. His August 11 1947 speech is an exception.
@Falcon: "Dear gp65 – there are 2 ways to live life; one in the past, other in present or the future. Even if we were to agree that 2 nation theory was a shaky foundation, that still doesn’t solve most of our problems. How many decisions of your life can you undo?"
Sorry, perhaps I was unclear and hence you interpreted me differently from what I intended.
We cannot change the past but we can change the future by acknowledging mistakes of past. For even one minute I am not suggesting that the past should be undone - in other words no way am I advocating for a United India. Pakistan IS a reality that all Indians accept. My point was that if it is acknowledged that while an individual may practice any faith, lifestyle they choose, one should not r have a problem if the neighbors have a different faith, liefestyle or cultural values. The notion propagated by the 2 nation theory that its is only acceptable to live peacefully with people who are like us - needs to go away. I maybe a hijaabi Kalma reciting Muslim but I should not have a problem if my neighbour is a mini skirt wearing Christian. This respect and tolerance for diversity will lead to more inclusive laws, absence of hate in the textbooks and eventually this hate will go away.
I hope that makes sense.
@F Khan:
If a couplet could say something that a thousands actions can't.....it's this couplet. Thank you very much Mr. Khan for reminding me of these lines....my congratulations!!!
@QASIM: "islam was never permoted by power,All from the begning,Muslims oponents came to attack them at home in madina."
I do not know about the middle east but Islam was most certainly spread under coercion in this subcontinent. First Ghori, Gaznavi destroyed temples, looted and killed Hindu men and raped Hindu women. Even Aurangzeb applied Jazia on non-Muslims to have an economic reason to convert.
@Babloo: @All Indian Commentators:
"There are numerous speeches where Mr Jinnah emphasizes supremacy of religion and any independent observer would consider those speeches and policies extremely communal."
I wish you read this analysis published in 'The Hindu' newspaper "Jinnah in India's history" and only then comment on Jinnah.
Below is the gist of the "Two Nation Theory". In a previous op-ed I challenged all Indian commentators to prove it wrong by answering each and every point of mentioned in the gist and come up with a conclusive result answering all the points but no one replied.
"The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, literature. They neither intermarry nor inter-dine together and, indeed, they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their aspect on life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Muslims derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, different heroes, and different episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other and, likewise, their victories and defeats overlap.”
@Ali tanoli: Whats your point exactly? Because such a thing happens in Iran, the Shias of Pakistan will pay for it? If thats true, then In Saudi Arabia, the discrimination is much more severe than Iran. Would that give Shias right to kill in PK?
Yes, I do strongly agree with with Riaz Khan and F.Khan
gp65 " we need to examine the foundation upon which the country is built – the 2 Nation theory that essentially states that “We cannot live with anyone that is different”. This TWO NATION THEORY has nothing to do with the partition.Mohammad Ali jinah never used this term for his compaigne for a seperate land.Infact this idea of two nation thheory was concocted during general Yehya khan military regime to extend his regeme under pretext of military being the only force wchich can protect this "GREAT IDEOLOGY" general Sher Ali Khan together with Jamat Islami developed this theory missinterperating Mhammad Ali Jinah statements given on different occasions.Soon afterwards india hatred compaigne was launched with CRUSH INDIA slogan appearing on every wall throught Pakistan.Jamat e Islami.together with military janta founded two armed wings Alshams and Albadr to fight with Bangali rebels in East pakistan.Yehya regime had to go for their defeat in east pakistan.Unfortunatly relegios groups, equally responsible for east pakistan debacle ,managed further to penetrate in pakistan politics.Thes relegious groups very cleverly used ZAB to put some clauses in constitution which would enable them to use it as plate forum for their exploitation of relegion.And soon afterward they succeded by convincing ZAB for their unconditional support if Ahmadi be non muslim declared.ZAB fell prey to mullah and made a worst amendment in the constitution by declaring Ahmadis as non muslim.Ever since Pakistan has not seen either progress or peace.
There's another dimension to this. Aloofness! When things start deteriorating and evil takes wings though initially maybe in small unticeable incidents, they are casually dismissed. And it is here that a society has shown dereliction of its primary duties. Hence, as all Abrahamic religions stress on the need of social justice--in Islam as 'Amar bil Maroof and Nahee unil Munker'--by taking 'on-the-spot' note of a wrong in action, voice, and feelings. And while action is the state's responsibility, the latter two entities are for the society at large to enforce. Unfortunately, in our system all three elemental roles have diminished and therefore, over the years, evil has transformed into a hydra-headed monster. The collective aloofness of us all, meanwhile, has reached a stage where 'seeing no evil' and 'hearing no evil' has become order of the day.
@gp65: To your point: "You talk about solutions. The solution is to examine the foundation: 2 nation theory on which such a shaky structure has been built."
Dear gp65 - there are 2 ways to live life; one in the past, other in present or the future. Even if we were to agree that 2 nation theory was a shaky foundation, that still doesn't solve most of our problems. How many decisions of your life can you undo? Same goes for the state of nations. How about we move forward to solving our problems than looking back every moment on where our ancestors might have erred? Why can't we live in the present or think about a bright future for once?
We got to understand that the labels of TTP, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Punjabi Taliban etc are created to confuse the nation. They are the same lot and their target is systematically weaken Pakistan by targetting its core. The Hindus,Ahmedis, Christians, shias, brelvis, Army and any other who can be a potential opponent is a target.
The problem is within Pakistani society where very powerful hands are protecting them. People who get caught by Army/Police and sent to courts gets speedy trials and let go home on bails to kill more. Examples are Lal Masjid, Malik Ishaq of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and other sectarians, TTP terrorists from Swat who all let go by courts within a year time of their capture. Who was behind it would be a very bitter truth.
I feel extremely sorry for the minorities in Pakistan! Quaid must be turning in his grave. He never thought in his wildest dreams that this is how it will turn out to be. Person responsible in bringing this genie out of the bottle is Bhutto by giving us Islamic constitution instead of secular constitution.
Injustice... DFP 'thugs' ? What about this mulla bashing culture ? Don't you think it might be one f the reasons that a few have take things in their own hand. What about the burger boy,when stopped by the police gets away by bribing them? This has led to the complacency of the law enforcing agencies.. Everyone is equally responsible for the mess we are in.
@Yuri Kondratyuk: islam was never permoted by power,All from the begning,Muslims oponents came to attack them at home in madina.When we talk we are talking abou the wrongs of todays govtments and thier unwise and biase policies not for Islam but for their own low desires.
Our president is also Shia
@Rehan: Keeping quiet about intolerance when in government for political expediency is the same as acknowledging it.
We have a sayings in Pashto which can be roughly translated as: the pain of others is colder than the snow. Had it been a pain that we all had shared, there would have no pain then. Every one of us should try to understand this hate business which has recently been invested heavily by the political vested interests. Quetta which has seen worst sectarian atrocities used to be the most harmonious place for all sects especially sunni and shia. Professor Karrar Hussain's- the most respected teacher - sermon during Muharram was attended by all sunni students understandably along with shia. Transition from that amicable era to the one filled with hate is really astonishing and mind boggling. The one variable which has simultaneously changed is the polticisation of sects. This abhorrent hate as rightly pointed out by Faisal is a stimulant and has been effectively used by politicians to secure their political interest. The equation also contain another variable which has something to do with fierce competition of and influence in Middle East between KSA and IRAN. These sectarian outfit are just the proxies. My heart always goes out to shias when i see them in distress. Faisal take care.
Brilliant analysis and touching article.
Beautiful article!
Simple logic for my fellow citizens.
Hate gets hate Love gets love Hate destructs Love builds
Very very very well written (and I am not a Shia)!
This is a great article. Thank you for telling us about how one gets desensitized to ethical deviations when they continue over a long period of time. Politicians and Police and others accepting bribes for doing the work they are employed to do has gone on for such a long time that it has become the norm. I have even heard people say that if one wants to get a job done one must pay a bribe. How are we to change this? I despair.
what pains me most is that in the end you had to confess you are a shia. it shows that in our country religion has infiltrated every sphere of the society we are divided horizontally and vertically among ethnic, religious and communal lines and now i dont know whether i belong to a group which will in the future persecute others or will be persecuted.
I and not sure about the comparison with Germany but I definitely agree with you. We as a nation are getting numb to injustice. It scares me. God help us.
Faisal Sahib, "------ we have reached the stage where we skip over headlines about Hazaras being murdered with the comforting thought that it is just another bunch of dead Shias, and that this cannot, and must not, continue.----"
May one ask , after these unfortunate HAZARAS were done to death, how many of us made any efforts to contact some living HAZARAS , in order to show solidarity and sympathy ?
If you feel for the under-dog, then you MUST do something , however small, to rectify the injustice.
Where is CJP? Where is judicial activism? Where is the supermacy of rule of law?
@Falcon: Solution is very simple. If people are really sincere about this they should come out strongly against these crimes to give a clear message to the authorities that they will not take this lying down. Why not they declare some sort of bandh or protest ?
No point blaming Bhutto. The worst religious violence happened after August 1947, when Mr Jinnah was in power and the concept of state defined by religion was given shape. There are numerous speeches where Mr Jinnah emphasizes supremacy of religion and any independent observer would consider those speeches and policies extremely communal.
It seems that the entire Pakistan is blind to the fact that religion is not a business that can be promoted, forcefully imposed, dominated etc. Sadly, almost entire Islamic history is a proof of just the opposite.
Along with hate the author forgot to mention jealousy. This emotion is as destructive as hate but is often overlooked. The nation is built on a very weak foundation because the idea of a state that does not believe in equality or democracy is destined to suffer. India and Bangladesh have come out of the Partition experience much stronger but unfortunately Pakistan continues to wallow in the swamp of its own creation. Refusal to recognize failures and go for course correction means the future remains very bleak. A few bleeding hearts crying in the Media can change nothing, it needs peoples participation which in turn needs leaders who can see TRUTH and think out of the box. Unfortunately any leader showing independence has been murdered by entrenched hate mongers and vested interests.
Watch this Youtube video of the killing. These guys are something!
Who first use the religion to increase his popularity. mr ZAB bhutoo.the only way out is,be a good muslim but not use the state power to permote or demote any religion.
Hate is officially sown, nurtured and propagated in Pakistan right from school age. Religious indoctrination and hate mongering has become a way of school going life in Pakistan. Unless this is nipped, hate mongering by adults and which is resulting in the violence is not going to go away anytime soon. Right education is the key and that is the only one. But still a wait of 25 years cannot be avoided.
@Falcon: "but nobody is talking about solutions?"
I think you need to examine the foundation upon which the country is built - the 2 Nation theory that essentially states that "We cannot live with anyone that is different". This is the foundation which leads to intolerance for minorities. First Hindus and Sikhs, then Ahmadis then Bengalis (who were not reality minorities), then Balochs and now Shias. By the way, when ask you to question the 2 nation theory, by no means am I advocating undoing the partition which I think both Indians and Pakistanis think is a blessing.
PPP is more tolerant than other paties I agree but to say it has never indulged in politics based on hate is simply note true. It was ZAB after all who came up with the "Udhar Tum Idhar Hum concept'. He is also the person that spoke about a thousand year war with India - which is also politics based on hate. What about declaring Ahmadis non-Muslim - was that not politics of hate?
@Mirza: well said. but we have to keep in mind that we all look at things with a view that suits us. We talk of the elite, they are a very powerful group, who are both educated and resourceful but they lack the moral courage to take the stand for right or wrong. One thing is for sure that the hate mongering attitude has been escalated by the religious zealots, and the elite are not yet ready to face that nuisance value, until then this band wagon will carry on, people like you will keep writing, some people will have huge drawing-room/TV discussions and then everyone will go home and sleep over it feeling they have done their bit and someone else should do the rest. I hope sanity prevails before it is too late.
When violence, murder and hatred are celebrated, as they are in Pakistan, the descent into darkness may be inevitable. If there were such a thing as a cultural lobotomy, that would be the solution.
About your giving example of Germany: "apni millar pe inhisar aqwam-e maghrib say na kar Khas hay tarkeeb main qome rasool-e hashmi "
@ F Khan, very well said.
@Mirza: I am really touched by the narration of stories about your own family. To be as open minded as you are about people who are different is in itself admirable. To develop such open mindedness after having been raised in the family you describe is even more admirable. I salute you.
@Shakir Lakhani In Tehran the capital of shia Iran Sunnis cant build a Mosque forget it tehran even in there own mejutiry areas kurds, Arbas, & Baloch get hard time to build there mosques and not only that but systamatic converting them the way safavis done in past.
@Rehan: "Just for the record, there is one party that has never, and I challenge you to prove otherwise, I repeat, never engaged in hate-based politics: the PPP."
I agree PPP is more tolerant than other parties. I would like to take you up on your challenge though. Did ZAB not talk about Udhar Tum Idhar Hum? Was that not politics of hate? Did ZAB not talk about 1000 years war with India? Was that not politics of hate?
@Ejaaz "We cannot comprehend that what has been indoctrinated in us as a panacea is really the source of hate that envelops us. So nature will take its course."
Truer words were never spoken. I guess though you are living in Pakistan and were unable to state clearly what is the false panacea that has been indoctrinated in Pakistanis i.e. The 2 Nation Theory whose essence is that "We cannot live with people who are different from us". The logical conclusion ofcourse is to kill, convert or drive out anyone who is different.
@Falcon: You talk about solutions. The solution is to examine the foundation: 2 nation theory on which such a shaky structure has been built. Please rest assured even India is not interested in undoing the partition, so if you conclude that 2 Nation theory was harmful - it does not mean you have to become part of India - since Pakistan is very much a reality now.
Supporting or ignoring hate against Muslims have made the "liberals" likely target of reactionaries. Speaking out against the alleged hatred against minorities in Pakistan goes hand in hand with speaking out against hatred against Muslims by non-Muslims. Speaking out against hatred and terrorism against Muslims goes hand in hand with treating Pakistani minorities well.
Mr Naqvi dont like to write about karachi ethanic killings or kidnapping and killings of other countrymen for example sunnis......
This nation has not learnt any lesson from history nor is ready to learn from civalised world. It wants to learn it's lesson from ALL MIGHTY.Let's wait people!a A very gentle article from author.
The writer and all other journalist mediamen Civil society is busy in Zardaris swiss account Court are suffring from swiss bank syndrome so no body is willng to show pakisanis there real face They have lost insight and shame that should been brought by thses excesses of religious zealots The media is to blame for paying no attention to these most serious issues
@techsupport: please do not mix your dirty indian politics in a serious local issue like this.keep it for some other subject and time.you also have a similar intolerance manifestations back home not only religious ( recall gujrat and bhinderwala) but also as caste, regional and gender.do not try to be holier than the pope.
Your concerns are legitimate but rather late. Pakistan has been on a trajectory of hate for a very long time - long before Zia and long before ZAB too. The foundation of 2 nation theory is that "we cannot live with anyone who is different". As existing minorities are wiped out, new minorities will be created from amongst the current majority. Even if all that is left is Punjabi Sunnis, there will be fights over those who pray at shrines and those who do not.
Jab boya ped babool ka to aam kahaan se khaaoge?
@Awans: The economic disparity will Implode Pakistan in the coming 3-5 Years in my view and I am pretty sure about it.
Well if its not Economic disparity, then certainly Political instabilty that will implode this Country from within, that's for sure. The question here is not IF but sadly When ! Yet the people of the Nation seem to be in denials as to their faith, nor do the Rulers care, as they really never have, that Leaves the Man in Khaki and they too will be overwhelmed with size and dimension of the problems facing the Country.
"Let me make this as clear. It is not possible to control the politics of hate. Once you start accommodating hatemongers at any level, you have started down a path that ends only in hate, overwhelming the rest of your politics." Excellent observation and analysis. However If you call it start of accommodating hatemongers, then you have to reconsider it. Might be for Shia group true but for Ahmadies end has almost arrived. When it was only Ahmadi group no one that much bothered. Now when fire has reached down to all different segments of Pakistan every one has started crying. In case state has to stop it should do with absolute justice for all otherwise nothing will occur and fire will eat up the whole social fabric of Pakistani society.
aren't your lot hate mongers as well
Brilliant article Feisal bhai jaan. As a fellow human (not as hindu or muslim) I do feel for your situation and for all those in similar or far worst situation. I can just helplessly wish that our founding fathers had acted wiser while establishing a new country. If that would have happened, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh would have been one and same nation. We failed to act early on to remove all the religiously intolerant people from our society and now every common men is afraid of speaking against them. We only have online blogs to express our frustration and phantom virtual audiences to mock or support our thinking. Anyways, regards truly from someone who share your concern.
Germans Genius by peter watson didnot answer the question of why they killed jews???? reason was may be Reliegius hate??? or economic troubles of that time germany?? second thing Mr faisal if u are so humanist who think for humanity then why didnot u mention drone atacks victims and kidnapping and disapearing of inocent pakistanis since 2001 and this trend is new in pakistan since 1947. its a human nature one only see it self a victim dont care for others jews dont care palestine children and women americans dont care iraqis or afghanis are dying indians dont care kashmiris getting killed or mass graves discovers, shia dont care for sunnis or sunnis dont care for shias dying the way catholic dont like protestant get killed. this is story of humans and every reliegen have own paradise or heaven and god.
This country was made for free Pakistanis which should have been the ethos, unfortunately for our nation we had a Zia ul Haq who changed our national belief system. Thanks to the dictator we are now divided on the basis of religion and there seems to be no end to this fanaticism. Feisal Sahib, the entity which took the donkey (religious extremism) up, should also bring it down i.e., military establishment. As a beginning, the CJP of Pakistan should take a sou motto notice of Zia era corruption and declare the dictator as the worst thing to happen. Strike down laws that emphasize religious indoctrination, why should not a non-Muslim be elected as leader of this country? We have to reform the basic philosophy, establish clear lines what is acceptable and what cannot be tolerated and most importantly stop rationalizing these religious extremists. Feiasl Sahib, in many ways we have become selfish, cowardly and hypocritical when it comes to our minorities, religious or ethnic. This is not an excuse but an honest admission, wish you luck.
@F Khan: A great comment Khan Sahib. What a touching Op Ed, it brings tears in my eyes. I agree with you that the killing of Shia is "normal" news and does not touch in a way it should. I am honest in saying that my own extended family hated ZAB calling him Shia and Hindu. I wonder how one could be both? They hated BB and Nusrat Bhutto and now AAZ for the same reason. It is not just the political hatred but the belief that these people do not deserve to be the leaders of Islamic Republic. Zia has given more momentum to this attitude. However, the silent majority of voters are not filled of hate. The dilema is the more educated and urban they are the more they practice hate based politics and train the simply naive people to go and do their dirty work. The hate monster which does not spare even the shrines and dead saint is a demon in every sense of the word. It is a shame that all rightwing parties are so soft on these terrorists. I am really ashamed to say that my real brother once told me that Shia are kafir. This is one of the reasons I am waging my jihad against all extremists and their handlers.
It is in the nature of humans to distrust those who are different. Until recently, Christians used to kill each other in Ireland, and before that in the whole of Europe. Muslims are reviled in the U.S. and wherever they are in a minority. Among Muslims, there are many sects, with members of one sect thinking the others are heretics and therefore deserve to be killed. In Iran, a predominant Shia state, it's the Sunnis who are discriminated against (but fortunately, they are not being killed, like the Shias in Pakistan). Perhaps one reason for extremist Deobandis killing Shias is lack of education, for which we have to thank Bhutto, who nationalized schools and colleges to provide jobs for his followers. As long as political and religious leaders resist measures to increase education of their followers, the killings will continue.
Good article, but why should one speak out against murder/genocide/hate because it is directed at a particular sect or race? Should one not appreciate right and speak up against wrong? (& violence is not subjective. It is not and should not be acceptable to societies under any circumstance).
@Author: " Once you start accommodating hatemongers at any level, you have started down a path that ends only in hate, overwhelming the rest of your politics."
I think acommodating hatemongers is not something that has recently started. It started from Direct action day. Continued with 1950 anti Hindu riots, 1953 anti Ahmadi riots, 1970 anti Bengali oppression, anti-Baloch hate and most recently Shia target killings and ofcourse ongoing anti-India hate and recent anti-America hate campaigns.
But your point is valid that "Our political parties and military geniuses think hate can be used as an occasional stimulant. They are wrong: they too will wind up addicted to hate."
I just think this is present continuous tense not future tense as you are predicting.
There appears to be spiritual merit in mass murder of nonbelievers.
Imran Khan said to Hamid Mir in a Geo TV program, "Nadir Shah razed Delhi, and came back and said the only people I could not kill by any means were the true believers."
In other words, even Imran Khan does not mourn the mass killing of those who are not true believers and Hamid Mir did not blink an eye at his statement.
We are not capable of looking at the source of hate in Pakistan. We cannot comprehend that what has been indoctrinated in us as a panacea is really the source of hate that envelops us. So nature will take its course.
Just for the record, there is one party that has never, and I challenge you to prove otherwise, I repeat, never engaged in hate-based politics: the PPP. Yet, it is continually hated. Just saying, you don't know what you have until it's gone. Appreciate the only tolerant party while you still have it. Regards, Rehan
Faisal - Honestly I feel your pain. But I also feel that there is something really lacking about this whole discourse of keeping the society alive or facilitating change. Every article on Dawn, ET, and Nation is filled with how bad things are, but nobody is talking about solutions?
They came for the ahmedis and i did not speak since i was not a ahmedi. then they came for the christians and i did not speak because i was not a christian.then they came for the hindus and i did not speak since i was not a hindu.then they came for the shias and i did not speak since i was not a shia.......then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.
You started out slow, gathered speed and ended with a bang. I just hope you are read where you need to read. Brilliant once again.
Please dont compare Germany with a Country Like Pakistan. Even a Germany of 1900 could be matched with a current Pakistan. If you want to have some analogy then try to have analysis of Combodia, Congo or Zimbabwe with Pakistan and then it will be better. Also remember there was a difference in Germans and Nazis and Nazis killed millions who were headed by Hitler not by the ordinary Germans. Today I met a laborer who told me that he had earned 150 rupees as daily wage and now he will feed his family of three with 150 Rs in a country where even Apples right cost 200 Rs a Kg This is the same situation in Africa where millions are sleeping with hunger and same is the situation here. The economic disparity will Implode Pakistan in the coming 3-5 Years in my view and I am pretty sure about it.
Ah! I feel for you. Perhaps now you will admit that Pakistan as a homeland for Muslims, was a bad idea...