The protesters, some wearing masks, blocked the entrance of the Anwar Mosque in the west of the capital Addis Ababa and hurled stones at riot police who had surrounded the compound after noon prayers.
"Police broke inside the mosque and arrested many people, including several members of the (protest organising) committee. They also fired teargas at protesters outside," said an activist who declined to be named for fear of reprisals.
Another witness said he had seen empty tear gas canisters strewn on the ground. It was not immediately possible to verify these reports.
Thousands of Muslims have staged sporadic street protests in the capital since late last year, arguing that the government is promoting an alien branch of Islam, the Al Ahbash sect, which is avowedly apolitical and has numerous adherents in the United States.
The government denies promoting Al Ahbash, but is determined to prevent Islamic militancy spilling over from neighbouring Sudan or lawless Somalia.
Around 60 percent of Ethiopians are Christian and 30 percent Muslim, mostly of the moderate, pragmatic Sufi tradition.
Diplomats and analysts say there could be potential for any militant groups to exploit sectarian divisions and trigger violence.
The government accuses "extremist elements" of sparking violence at the protests.
Government spokesman Shimeles Kemal said police had arrested 'several' people on Saturday but denied that police had used teargas.
"These were masked assailants from extremist groups that prevented mosque attendants from leaving the compound after the completion of noon prayers," he said.
"They tried to incite violence, they threw stones and damaged property."
Activists have reported several deaths during previous clashes, but no casualties were reported on Saturday.
Al Ahbash, also known as the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects, was founded in the early 1980s by Sheikh Abdullah al Harrari, an Ethiopian cleric who was forced to leave his country for Lebanon in 1950.
The protesters say the government is promoting the ideas of the group through Ethiopia's highest Muslim body, the Supreme Council on Islamic Affairs, and preventing overdue elections that could bring alternative views onto the Council.
Shimeles denied that the government was trying to influence Muslim affairs. "Our constitution bans any government interference in religion," he said.
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Ethiopia, another addition to a long list of countries having problem with a sizable Muslim population.
no no no no democracy in Ethiopia
Ethiopian government must stop to force the muslim society to belive with the doctrine that they dont want.Goverenment should act like father to protect his childeren from any harm. But the opposite is true here. Now things arenot like before, it is the time for democracy not dectatership.
@Zemzem: @fiseha: Don't worry the worest is not coming. My God and your Alah are there. They will take the risk. And our government is responsible to solve any problem. By the way I'm sure every government assignes all the spritual leders. Becouse, they are near to the people to convince any thing. So our government did the same thing.
It is saddening to read some people supporting tyrant and oppression against people who aked very simple human rights like to be able to elect their own religious leaders and practice their religion. In the present world no goverment even the worst dictators dare to deny their citizens this baic right.The Ethiopian dictatorial regime is probably the last tyranical rule in the world of monopolizing politics, the press ,economy and religious institutions to kill any kind of craving for freedom from its individuals citizens .Anybody who say no to this mafia type regime and excercise his or her basic human rights will be killed beaten or jailed.That is what happening now in Ethiopia
Ethiopian govern ment is a dictator this people asked their right but they are giving names and killing them until their demand answer demonstration will continue not only in Ethiopia but also around the worlds. Ethiopian Muslims are peaceful .
The government should protect its people, muslims, christians and others. Such extremest movements don't serve the interest of the Ethiopian people. we need peace and we don't want our country to turn to those in Iran, Pakistan or other muslim countries. Ethiopia is for all of us. so stop the madness
I guess the problem is the government itself. Rather bringing society and communities together it tries to set them apart.The Ethiopian societies have already understood that is losers game. The Muslim demand is part of that broad demand for equality,freedom and opportunity.Any community have the right to elect their own religious leaders. Moreover, they have the right to vote down their political leaders. I am pretty sure the worst is coming unless the government changes tactics and given to the demand of the Muslims community. God save the government from suicide.
Etiopian muslim socity wouldn't involve in such polotical protestes. Most of the protesting activists are not stand for Islam, they have other hidden ajenda behind religen
It was long time since the Ethiopian Dictator started using tactiks to creat conflict among many society groups (Muslim-vs-christians) clas vs-clas, neighbours vs-other etc. Now, the Ethipian People should understand and stand together to destroy the TPLF and the so called EPDRF-party or regime! It is ony a mafia organization, which falsifies and rob, steal and utilize the countries resources (only for TPLF and associates). They have as known established hundred lists of companiea snd firms which belong to Tigreans and TPLF associates. By only listing them and their accumulates, the TPLF is falsfying as they have improved the countries ecomnomy.
There will never be any peace and developement aor imroving living standard of the poor un less otherwise the TPLF (EPDRF) is removed or demolished! Stand together, than saying muslim terrerists or what so ever, stand together and fight for justice, as there is big gap in Ethiopia. There is even no sufficient electricity supply to the capital as he exports to earn money for his purposes!
religion is individual, but country is for all!!
His Majesty Hailessilase!
This article seems to be written by someone, who makes stuff up as he goes along, just to make things sound or look good.
For example: "Around 60 percent of Ethiopians are Christian and 30 percent Muslim, mostly of the moderate, pragmatic Sufi tradition." That makes Ethiopia look good, or at least not too bad right? Unfortunately, the stats are entirely made up. They are completely fabricated out of thin air, with no basis in reality whatsoever. This is a sad example of journalism.
Ethiopia's not so comfortable truth, is that the muslim to christian ratio, is closer to 50 - 50 and weighs towards a muslim majority, which is not of the fairy tale "liberal Sufi tradition", but of the regular Sunni tradition. However, they are not very well-represented in power...
the general Muslim population doesn't support this protesters agenda, those people are taking the rest of the Muslim population hostage!! some thing has to be done! all muslims should at list try to understand what the "Wahabists" and there agenda carefully before going out on protest blindly! Muslims and christians have lived peacefully for generations, those groups are sike of the this fact and they want to be the leaders of the muslim comunity by any means possible, so that they will pritch hate and divide the whole comunity! god bless ethiopia!
why ethio muslims are triyng to copy arabian motivatiom...?
we need peace. We demand the government to take strong measures, if necessary to kill protesters.
why our musilim socitysolve your problem by peace ful means
take jihad against Ethiopian terrorists and help our brothers
Does this people looks like to be pretesting? This is the abuse of Ethiopian Dectator Regimeየወያኔ-የጸጥታ-̶አስከባሪዎች-አደፍራሾች-ሙስሊም-ሰልፈኞቹን-ሲደበድቡ-72112
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