Speaking to the media at Karachi airport on Wednesday, the party chief said that he had been against the US' war on terror since day one and is still against it. “If we want to win this war against terrorism, then we should come out of the US war.”
He said the PTI is neither “pro nor against the US. It takes a position based on its policies. Thus, PTI has consistently opposed American war in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s partnership in it. Events have proved the party stand to be correct.”
The statements come a day after the US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter said in an interview to BBC Urdu that he had been assured by Khan that should the PTI came into power in the next general elections, they would not create an environment hostile to the superpower.
"[Munter] either misunderstood or misquoted my discussion with him on Pakistan-US relations,” Khan clarified.
He said that he had told Munter that the PTI would react to policies which the party disagreed with but would seek to build an enduring relationship with the US based on shared interests and mutual respect.
“It is this part of the interaction that has been highlighted by the media and not the fact that I had candidly told Munter that the PTI cannot support reopening of Nato supplies or any other activity that furthers US war effort in Afghanistan,” he clarified.
Fakhruddin’s appointment
Commenting on Fakhruddin G Ibrahim’s appointment as the Chief Election Commissioner, Khan said that his party was satisfied with the appointment.
“This is probably the only good thing the government has done so far,” Khan said.
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this most stupid remark I was hearing for last 40 yrs. Pure Jamati thinking thy like to go America ( west) with there families and enjoy there culture and way of life but don't want American (policy) to introduce their way life to Ordinary Pakistani people who cannot afford to these trip
He's the only option. Who else? Zardari, Altaf, Nawaz?! Lets give Pakistan a chance!
Since the creation of Pakistan all politician talk against America to get popularity, in the end they say "I am against American policies, but not America"
Imran Khan should have used new lyrics, because we have listened this statment good enough in the past...
Imran Khan should introduced some new lolly pops....
@Awans: Your are talking about the same radars Pak Airforce use? They are likely to be sleeping!
Imran is a failed politician. Do not take his comments seriously.
The last hope of Pakistan is Khan.
People who are trying to defame PTI can go and get a life now Ik came out with clear cut policy on usa not like your puppet leaders who says something infront of public and different when facing americans ... even wikileakes proved that
@Ch Allah Daad: I am sorry man but your understanding is incorrect. If Policies of Bush were representing the society of America then why they sacked him in the elections??? and wait and watch Obama is also going down day by day in their own poles as he did not fulfill his commitment to bring his armed forces back from Afghanistan and many other things.
U.S is actually ruled by Zionists who rule the Israel as well. Not to mention U.S criminal silence over Israel killings of innocent people of Palestine yet U.S keep Israel funding. So please wake up and see through the reality.
@Jazzy: There is always a middle way, the straight path. Which we are also guided to follow by our religion.
@makisih: :) your statement is so innocent. No one can deliver until you are in power. Or if you mean to suggest the solution than he has policy statement on every issue and has done seminars on Local government policy and Power crises combating policy. Policy and seminar on Economy and Education is on its way. So please play your constructive role and give suggestion humbly instead of just criticizing without any solution.
@ali: Dear friend Ali, by saying that you mean that you believe that Muntur speaking truth and IK telling a lie??? My dear US has a history of big fat lies from Hiroshima to Iraq, from Yugoslavia to Afghanistan. And IK has a history of being true with his statements. Please keep biases aside and see through the reality.
So he finally got the message, a little late but I think it has sunk in. Now he can aspire to be a leader and dream of an office, still depends on how much is he willing to compromise. Welcome to the real world Khan sahib.
Imran Khan is attracting a lot of comments. It shows his popularity is on the rise and will rise further as election get near. PTI all the way.
What's wrong with criticizing USA's Foreign Policy.Didn't Americans kill so many innocents during the last decade. PTI has its offices/branches located in US too. So doesn't it mean that IK doesn't believe in hating any nation rather cooperation and relationship based on respect and trust.Even Chinese and Russians have their embassies located in Washington despite having differences with Unites States on certain issues. All haters of Imran Khan and probably even Munter forgot something-Wikileaks,as per which Khan is the only politician in Pakistan who's not under any pressure of US.Even if Wikileaks cables don't clarify anything or convince those who continuously target/question IK's commitment then only God knows what can.
His words don't carry any weight. He switches back and forth enough that peoples claim of his "sincerity" is losing merit. It's just a shame that's all he really had going for him.
Well balanced statement by IK.
Haters and doubters of IMRAN KHAN will always try to undermine him. Americans are just trying to see what he is all about but USA should really fix their own domestic problems.
@sajjad Haha, * Not against US .. Not Against Taliban ….. where actually he stands ….*
Actions speak louder than words. When the supply was reopened, PTI kept silent until after the fact.
Guys face it, Pakistan is like any other country. Elections will just give new set of corrupt people.
From what is being seen in Egypt, only people can bring change, not elections
As an American, I like other Americans are opposed to this war .
I'm afraid to say guys that Munter has no reason to lie.
Maybe the transcript of the conversations should be released.
It's a major disappointment about Imran Khan and fact he kept quite for 24 hours
US and its diplomats have the art in turning statements to their own advantage. Imran knows the Americans very well and also knows how to deal with them. Munter intentionally has twisted what IK said, but it doesnt matter, PTI remains firm on its assessment of the US and time will tell. If some of us think that we cant do without the US have another thought coming. Mentally bankrupt and corrupt Pakistanis want to live off the US dollars.
@ shehzad dude u have taken the word soldier literally . plz have some sense before commenting :)
Khan does not know anything about American system or he is making a hypocratic statement. American policies are made by elected representaives after a very long and difficult process with the consultation of numerous stake holders, organizations, think tanks, multi nationals and local communites. Therefore making distinction between America and its policies is ridiculous. American policies have made it number one country in world and American people are enjoying the fruits of those policies. If you love America, just say it. Don't confuse us with these statements.
What are Pakistan Policies? To put differences between Pashtuns and between Pashtun and non-Pashtuns in Afghanistan just because of non existing Indian threat! Well, if India wants for her this is the best time but as I said, it is a non-existing threat. Only a false reason just to have influence in Pakistan by enslaving Pashtuns and keeping Afghanistan from development! This is Pakistan's POLICY against US policy which is trying to help Afghanistan.
We are nor friends nor enemies. It is never they vs us. We need to protect our interest as they do theirs. Love you Khan Sahib
And you acknowledging the goodness in the appointment of FGI as CEC is probably the only good thing you've ever done.
What a great man! He'll never support US!
This left PMLN alone and dry being American stooge behind the curtains
@bangash: Don't be emotional, is it really wise to establish confrontation with ANY country? Develop relations at equal level and don't bog down to any country and don't see dictation from others. If you're saying that fight with US, you really need some rest ;)
pti haters need to get a life.... they create useless propaganda and when they get a befitting response..they start beating around the bush
@Awans: This shouldn't happen because seems only political hope though not mature and equipped enough to deal with the gigantic challenges face by Pakistan....
Imran playing same game as everyone else. Those who expect he will confront US if in govt are fools.
@maksih its funny how my country men expect people not in power to do anything yet don't criticise the actual people in power who have the resources, who have the position to actually do something about it. What has PPP done apart from extending the begging bowl? Stop criticising PTI yet as they don't have any control or authority to do anything. They can only be active and hope to get elected so that one day obscured people like you get some direction
Confusing statement.. Policies make the character of a country... I couldn't understand what IK gonna say...
This guy is so Unpredictable with his all statements
Imran Khan keeps promising, keeping the population fit through long marches and delivers nothing.
good stance taken..well done imran khan
IK has always been right in criticizing this war on terror. His critics who validate this war by pointing out the 40,000 dead Pakistanis at the hands of "evil militants" can't seem to understand that it's not that black and white. While I do not justify any of the actions of the terrorists, but some perspective needs to be kept: To push a cause (just or not), the militants have at their disposal a region ripe for recruiting: uneducated masses/easy access to weaponry/lack of justice or rule of law (all of which are failures of the state of Pakistan!). Whenever a state (Pakistan or any other) indulges in a war within its borders, it inevitably creates a mess, because that's the nature of wars. Wars are a messy business. Terrorists attacking civilians is wrong...but if a man has been convinced his cause is just (which is relatively easy, given that the state has failed them in so many ways) he will resort to militancy and try to create impact. If the militants had F-16s at their disposal they would fight the militaries of the US/Pakistan using F-16s. But they don't. so they resort to coming into our cities. In the end, all war is wrong. But let's not forget - fault lies on the the state of Pakistan/Afghanistan/US as much as it lies with the terrorists. Terrorism is the war of the poor and war is the terrorism of the rich.
Not against US .. Not Against Taliban ..... where actually he stands ....
@TightChuddhi: Haha what double standards!!! A few weeks he was threatening US to apologise or Jihad will be waged against them in AfPak. He seems to change his stands like faster
@Awans: It doesn't work on your statistics
To all the haters, let me give you an unbiased opinion. Relationship with the U.S or any country powerful than us is complicated. For one we cannot dominate them and have to be DIPLOMATIC. Use our brains, not our emotions. We need a clear cut stand, are we against the TTP and these extremist parties then we need to stand by the U.S and obliterate them. On other instances we need to be silent. Diplomacy needs to be practised and we should stop being so emotional regarding these instances.
So the only way to win the WOT is not to participate in the WOT --- well here's a heads up - that's what the current govt has been doing so how is your approach any different? It's becoming increasing clear that your mantra implying that all your problems with the militants are related to the WOT and American is becoming ridiculous. Please explain how things got better over the last 7 months when you were barely on speaking terms with the USA -- how about those beheading, bombings, missing people, cross border attacks, etc. You don't offer solutions - you just pander for votes.
Mr I khan is saying something in public which is good for him to get votes, but Mr Munters statement clearly is against what Mr Khan says in public.
@Parakram: We need democrats not soldiers
@Muhammed Khan: Because he is not Pro_american at all!!!. Just look at his conversation with americans in the wiki-leaks in which he is criticizing the role of americans just like he does in front of us.
US Ambassador Cameron Munter misquoted PTI policey.....IK ZINDABAD
I am sure that US Ambassador Mr. Munter must have read the reply of Mr. Imran Khan which he gave in reply to Mr. Munter's interview to BBC.
It is not only that Mr. Imran Khan who is against the US policies, but the entire Pakistani nation is against the US policies.
I never had any doubt (once) that Imran would say such a thing as Munter mentioned in his interview. consistent statements and policies of PTI on this war against terrorism and Pak-American or even Pak-Indian relations are more than any statement by someone.
IK was right when he said you shall see near elections everyone will get together against him. And now we see the outside enemies of Pakistan also getting against IK!. Not to worry all the rational patriots will vote for IK inshAllah
Khan sahab, why did you panic on munter's remarks? I couldn't understand.
I must say the only hope of Pakistan !! Imran Khan long way to go march soldier kudos !!!!
We believe in you..... PTI zindabad
PTI is neither pro nor against the US. It takes a position based on its policies.
Thats what is needed in relations with US... Very well said Mr Khan...
What a clear cut stand by TI chief on the most imp Pakistani ally on war against terror? It could not be more paradoxical and confusing. Every rightwing leader wants to sail in two boats at the same time.
Okay all clear now. PTI haters go get a life
again...wise and politically matured statements.
I have even more faith in his leadership than any other leader!
Great Leader! :)
PTI is gradually vanishing from the radar....