Aniston tours Europe with boyfriend

Aniston wanted to take Justin to some of her favourite places.

Ians July 05, 2012
Aniston tours Europe with boyfriend

LONDON: Actress Jennifer Aniston took boyfriend Justin Theroux on a romantic two-week holiday last month to Europe so he could experience the beauty of the continent.

According to a source Aniston wanted to take Justin to some of her favourite places.

The couple began their trip in Paris, France, June 10, where they were spotted holding hands underneath the Eiffel Tower, before jetting off to Rome to explore the Italian city, reports

Aniston, 43, then took Theroux, 40, off to the Italian island of Capri for five days so they could relax in the sun.

A source close to Jennifer said: "She and Justin are extremely happy with where they are right now, and are in it for the long haul."


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