Jahangir advised Nawaz that the PML-N should end its deadlock with the government to ensure free elections, and added that the democratic powers in the country should play their role to keep democracy from derailing.
During the gathering, Nawaz said that he supports early elections in the country under a free and independent election commission.
Nawaz added that his party supported the government in the 20th Amendment of the Constitution to ensure free and fair elections, and the party will further play its role in the appointment of an independent election commissioner.
The lawyers’ delegation also invited Nawaz to the national conference being organised by the Supreme Court.
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Islamic Democracy
Frrom Asma to Mirza, every Pakistani Intellectual is trying to save the “Democracy” in Pakistan. They forget that, officially, since 1949. Pakistan has chosen to establish Islamic Democracy and never the democracy as it was proposed by Greek philosophers about five hundred years before Islam and defined by Abraham Lincoln (1863) « democracy « government of the people, by the people, for people« .
If in Islamic Republic of Pakistan, people are Muslim, then the only way for them is to live according to the teaching of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. There is no other alternative. No matter what Islamic path is chosen, one will always arrive to Islamic Democracy and not to Democracy. Once it is accepted that a State is Islamic, the State as an independent and sovereign entity ceases to exist. It is Islam which governs the State as a sovereign power in the name of Allah. The people of an Islamic State belong to Ummah (the nation of Islam) and after they may belong to a geographical country, to a province, to a tribe or to a clan. Any Thing, the moment IT enters Islam, it loses its liberal and independent status. Any Islamic Thing will be only Islamic and Nothing else. Thus, to talk of Equality, Republic and Democracy in terms of Islamic Equality, Republic and Democracy has no sense. The only way for the people of Pakistan, to establish a normal Republic and Democracy , is to separate the religion from the state and give themselves a secular constitution. In this struggle they can not count on the governing collusion of the Mullas, the Military, the Feudals and the Politicians.
another example of noura kushti
The lawyer bodies refused to support any movement launched by political parties in favor of judiciary for implementing the Supreme Court verdict against Gilani. They termed it playing politics using the shoulders of judiciary. Now why the lawyers are actively contacting political parties and advising them what to do and what not to do? I suggest that lawyers should now focus only on their primary profession and let the political parties do the politics at their own..
Funny. When judges are involved, it really makes a lawyer's opinion worth very little. Get the judiciary to grow a set and be blunt. It's certainly more in the realm of their job than poetry.
@Faraz: Lawyers as a pressure group and with their ability at interest articulation have a legitimate right to express informed opinion on any issue, political or nonpolitical, like any other segment of civil society. Plus they r well suited2 do so considering their training in constitution and by virtue of their role as a key player in justice system n governance. Unless they extend their freedom to throwing shoes on judges:) and in turn, judges render their poetic renditions in their private space in the tradition of My Lords MR Kyani and Cornelius and do not vomit their venom in judgements Pity the nation with anarchic lawyers and media savvy judges
Asma Jahangir is a 'Lawyer' not 'Lawyers'; and that too on PPP payroll. So nobody cares what she says. Maybe a face-saving attempt from the Govt and their kushti partner Nawaz Sharif.
Asma jahangir had Gilani at her daughter's wedding last year. So she is a Piplia. She is pro-PPP. Dont have any qualms about it. Remember the way she talked against the supreme court last year. People like Aitezaz Ehsan and Asma Jahangir have lost respect and credibility in the eyes of Pakistanis. They have been bought out by PPP and US dollars. Understand the big game!
@ Faraz. Lawyers have always played important role in politics. Jinnah, Gandhi, Nehru, Patel etc all were lawyers. When government cease to function, early elections is a fair advice. Pakistan will be a stronger country if next elections are free and fair. definitely the days of army take overs are over. Public is fed with corrupt governments as well. Army take overs are not the answers to bad governance. Only solution is good and competent government. India too faces the problem of bad governance. Public pressure is the only way out.
Mukmuka again...
@Taimur: Sir what you just said is very true in a democratic society and mindset. However, Pakistan and its rightwing leaders are far from it. What Asma is saying is "don't throw the baby with bathwater". She is telling PML-N not to derail the democratic process. One can hate PPP or its leadership and still can believe in democracy. She is telling them to negotiate and if both parties agree it is better to go for early elections than to go on the streets and burn more or our own property. In most democricies the losing candidate accepts his defeat gracefully and tells his prty members to work for the country and not the party. Early polls would silence the judges and generals who are in overdrive and believe that they are the elected leaders. Zardari was elected despite the Swiss cases and he would again be elected but that would bring in a more stable govt. I whish we were what you expect us to be! Thanks and regards, Mirza
Our democratic system allows a government 5 years in power. I have never understood the point or argument for early elections, especially coming from opposition and in this case the lawyers. What is the basis for such a move, can some one please enlighten me. Every opposition party wants early elections so they dont have to wait 5 years to get another shot.
This lady does not know ABC of democracy....
Good idea and she is the most credible personality in Pakistan i think.
@Naeem Malik: Sir I agree with you 100%. This statment from Asma proves what you wrote about her neutrality and patriotism. Those who are questioning Asma's status must know that she has been elected at the hightest offices for lawyers. She has not been a paid govt servant who has always sided with military dictators. On the contrary she has been on the forefront against all usurpers and dictators. Lumping her with the judges is very cruel and unjust who have always justified the high treason by generals. Thanks and regards, Mirza
Excuse me! Asma Jehangir is a woman of great stature, strength, and courage. Many ignorant seem to have no understanding about her work regarding human rights and rule of law. She is not affiliated with any party including PPP…... - : (.
She’s one of the very few sane voices in Pakistan society.
Lawyers and SC brought down Mush
They are doing it again
This government will not last
She has no importance in political Erena, media should not give her space because it doesn't matter at all
Free,Fair and Transparent election slogan has become effect less .We have been hearing it since last 60 years.Never there has been a clean election in the country.So those who are advocating early election ,unfairly though,should come up with something new like KHAO PIYU AND KHANEY DO. Country and it's teaming millions will witness only the change of faces and nothing beyond.
@Khalq e Khuda: absolutely they are becoming a pressure group
Why and How the Early Election will be better than the Later One??.
I am afraid Asma Jehangir is over stepping her line. Lawyers do not have a mandate to make such demands in their capacity as lawyers. However, after consistent twisting and out of context reporting of her statements I doubt she said it in the impression being given.
@faraz: it doesn't matter at all, Zardari and coalition partners care for none, we have been hearing this early election mantra for years, take it normal
@Walayat Malik: I support what you wrote. There must be many reforms in the elections system. One of them being, "More transparency is required. each assembly seat must win at least 50 percent votes from its constituency.".
Each day at office is earning Gillani plenty of dollars, and an early election is a business in loss for him. Asma is among very few righteous people of sound opinion, and her views must be respected.
Independent Election Commissioner and help from PML-N in his appointment... what a contradiction within a single statement.
@Pakistan politics: Asma Jahangir is being referred to, who is on PPP side, so yes, it matters!
All political parties should agree to reduce 5 year term of governments to 4 years then they don't have to wait too long between elections and ask for EARLY elections.
This piece of news shows how involved the lawyers have become in the politics, which is worrisome. Have you ever heard anywhere in the world that lawyers are in favor of early elections? What do they have to do with elections?
To the lawyers: Please continue doing what your job title states, i.e., uphold and defend law. Let the politicians worry about elections. Otherwise, you might as well create your own lawyer's party.
Is this just a face saving way for Nawaz to back down from Long March?
The only Solution is Free and Fair Elections under Independent Election Commission.
lawyers in favor of early elections, Does it matters??