US President Barack Obama is sending his key trouble-shooter to Pakistan later this month amidst efforts to reset ties in light of the new foreign policy guidelines recently approved by parliament.
Former presidential hopeful and chairman of the US Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee Senator John Kerry is expected to travel to Islamabad on April 29 to meet the country’s top civil and military leadership, an official told The Express Tribune.
He will also meet the opposition politicians and interact with the civil society in an attempt to convey a message that the US still considers Pakistan a key partner despite recent strains.
One official said that the influential US senator would likely offer a formal public apology on behalf of the Obama Administration over the Nato airstrikes on a Pakistani check post in November last year.
The formal public apology over the attacks that killed two dozen Pakistani soldiers is one of the key preconditions set by parliament for the normalisation of ties including resumption of vital land routes for the Nato forces stationed in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, ahead of the crucial trip, the Defence Committee of the Cabinet will have another session on April 24 to firm up Pakistan’s position on key issues with Washington.
Official sources said senior US figures including President Obama’s ‘point man’ for the region, Marc Grossman, intended to visit Islamabad at the earliest but the trip was delayed at the request of the government, which is seeking clarity in its approach on redefining the strained relationship.
Though the new policy terms provide broader guidelines, the government with its key stakeholders is working on a framework providing a clear roadmap for addressing some of the crucial issues with the US, sources added.
US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter told a private news channel on Thursday that his country was ready to discuss new recommendations with Pakistan but said it did not necessarily mean that Washington would accept all of the demands.
His remarks appear to suggest the differences with Pakistan on drone strikes inside the country’s tribal belt.
Published in The Express Tribune, April 20th, 2012.
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John Kerry had once said that he wanted Pakistan to be "a partner against terrorism". Pakistan has made it clear that it doesn't want to be seen as America's doormat.
"It is the only country that gives you the level of aid that you want. IT also gives you free arms that your army is addicted to. Your higher than mountains friends will not do it. Saud di Arabia may fund Madrassas but cannot give you arms."
And you think US does this all out of altruism, benevolence and philanthropy.
"An apology from a powerful person or people comes at huge cost. Pakistan would realise that in future to its chagrin."
So would you too. Remember SRK episode and many others.
@Adnan: "Is there only US in whole world for making relations…."
It is the only country that gives you the level of aid that you want. IT also gives you free arms that your army is addicted to. Your higher than mountains friends will not do it. Saud di Arabia may fund Madrassas but cannot give you arms.
@furqan: "HeHe..see Pakistanis how we can give them a hard time when we firmly stand against USA."
What did you get? You did not get any commitments that there will be no more drones. You are simply negotiating for more money like a typical rentier state. As for apology, India got apology for Shah Rukh Khan's delay at immigration within 24 hours. Here after 5 months you are still waiting and hoping for an apology for 24 soldiers getting killed and somehow you are pleased about that?
This will sooth the egos of Pakistan where nothing is going right.
I doubt he will apologize. He does not represent the US, and has no authority to offer any formal apology. I expect he will express his sincere regrets. As for bringing cash, one must remember that he was an author of the Kerry-Lugar bill, which prohibits military aid to Pakistan if the Army or ISI interfere in civilian government policy. Until the Army stops giving the Taliban safe haven in Pakistan, and stops backing terrorist groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Haqqani Taliban, it is most unlikely that he will agree to reopen the money pipeline. We will continue with development aid, when and where the Army and government provide transparency and ability to audit accounts. imho, of course.
As for Kerry's statement that Raymond Davis would be tried, ask him about that. I'm curious as to his answer, since afaik there has never been a public explanation.
haha.....this is indeed political slap on Kerry's face....The only senator in Washington besides Lugar to support aid to Pakistan is been send to delivery apology. How humiliating for him.
I will bet that he will not apologize. Leaders are selling this to people just to make his path to Pakistan peaceful.
Obviously, the Salala attack by the U.S., which killed 24 troops, was a shocking incident and provided a focal point for the Pakistan Government to seriously question America's attitude toward Pakistan. However, the drone attacks, which have killed a far greater number of innocent people should be given similar importance; indeed more so. The drones, apart from killing innocent people, would damage infrastructure, and the subsequent clean-up by Pakistan would be expensive. The clean-up would not be easy in view of the fact that U.S. missiles are very dirty due to their nuclear radio active components. It should be remembered that the radio activity will be around for millions of years, and damaging the health of Pakistanis for a very long time to come. Who would want their children to play in a radio active area, and how many, very large, radio active areas are being created annually due to drone missiles? One would hope that this matter is being raised in the Pakistan - U.S. discussions.
In case you didn't know it - Kerry is a Senator who represents one of 50 States - isn't a formal member of the Obama Administration - doesn't represent the either the Administration or the American people as a whole. Just another way of doing something on the sly - it's far from a formal apology from the President of the USA - but maybe as good as your going to get.
Chairman foreign relations committee,jhon carry is coming expected with glorious package.
Last time,he visited and took a killer of two Pakistani away, this time,opening of ration supply lines is a uphill task,whole nation stand behind the decision, No doubt ,there would be way out,because every problem has its solution.
Drone attacks is a key issue and longstanding too, it must be addressed in the first instance.
As for as salala outpost incident is concerned,United States should moved forward and say ''sorry''As regards my considered opinion,I would like to say herein,the persons martyred deserve compensation.
Drone strikes create counter insurgency it must be stopped forthwith,on the other hand, it is essential to summon Taliban to the negotiating table.
Jhon carry is coming,after his visit the whole picture would be cleared.
... become a failed state.... hmm, my friend , we are aleady a failed state... only declaration balance...... just wait.. you will be there soon.....
I think U.S , should send any other actor then this one..Kerry. because people has seen his acting... while Davis was here....
@A.Khan: In 2002 on a visit to Bangladesh the then President & Army Chief of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf apologized and regretted Army role in what happened in 1971.
In what capacity??? John Kerry ain't part of the US Govt.
Thankyou USA. Finally. Lets Brace this and put and end to anti americanism
@ A. Khan Time to move on- stop living in the past. Every country has black spots in their history. Remember the Indian attack on the golden temple? Pakistan is no exception.
Without the US we will either become a failed state or self reliant.
That which doesn't kill us can only make us stronger.
I dont understand why China is not coming forward and give us Aid like America does? China is also dependent on us to contain India which has also tested ICBM and a threat to china. China has huge reserves of Forex and it can easily support 3-4 billion per year to us. This Government suffers inferiority and shoiuld talk to china on equal terms & tell them the sacrifices it has made for china. we gave china land, even killed our own during the lal masjid when students were protesting chinese prostitutes which are wide spread in Pakistan. We have many Chinese quacks (doctors) & Massage parlors everywhere and we provide so many business opportunities (ports, Sui gas) to them. we should ask them to pay back.
So clearly he is not on the 2012 ticket. Lol
Have we been waiting for the last six months just for an apology from John Kerry, not even Obama, to meet all the US demands and that too against the wishes of the people of Pakistan.
too little too late.. stay there
Although i have great respect for Mr. Kerry. Didn't Mr. Kerry promise for trial of Raymond Davis murderous rampage? Perhaps he should also apologies for not honoring his words.
US leaders you must have to accept it that Salala check post's attack was never unintentional "US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter told a private news channel on Thursday that his country was ready to discuss new recommendations with Pakistan but said it did not necessarily mean that Washington would accept all of the demands" and as far as your this statement is concerned then you must keep it in your minds firmly and strongly that the whole Pakistani nation knows very well your this inner intention that you shall never stop drones' attacks on Pakistani tribal areas/belt and shall never agree on it if any written agreement is made between Pakistan-USA to re-open NATO's supply routes but the Pakistani nation shall never agree on the re-opening of NATO's supply routes doesn't matter Pakistani beggars and slaves leaders/parliamentarians agree on it.
Well Pakistan owe an apology too...remember, East Pakistan!
Formal Apology Informally conveyed:) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Not going to happen
@vortex: You mean they should sell Pakistan's dignity for something??? I think Kerry is coming to offer the money to buy the dignity and Pak Amry and politicians in-charge will undoubtedly accept it. We will know little or nothing of the transactios.
So shameful...!!!
Why dont US official had given chance to Osama Bin Laden / Afia Siddiqui to visit US and meet top officials for seeking apology on their guilty....!! Current government has broke all the record including corruption.... Is there only US in whole world for making relations....
@furqan: Yes. By sending a peon.
Yeah don't forget the last time he was here he assured that Raymond Davis will be prosecuted for his crimes did it happen? no. This is just a PR stunt to soothe the public sentiments our elected politicians and military leadership is proving to be sell out once again.
An apology from a powerful person or people comes at huge cost. Pakistan would realise that in future to its chagrin.
Get onto your KNEES and say SORRY....
Too little, too late.
HeHe..see Pakistanis how we can give them a hard time when we firmly stand against USA.
It would be business as usual,soon.we have to be realistic and not emotional.we presently are not in a position to survive economically without US help,and we know it.our FInance Minister is in DC before the Budget,as i am sure,he is finding it impossible to make the Budget,without the support of Americans,specially the expenditure of our Royality.