Speaking from Britain after friends and supporters in Pakistan advised him to stay away for his safety, Musharraf said he wanted to stick to his plan and fly home at the end of January.
"I have to return no doubt whatsoever. My decision stands between the 27th and the 30th of January," he said at a press conference in Ilford, east of the capital London.
But he added: "My party leaders in Pakistan are looking at the implications of my return and will give me the recommendation whether to return or whether to postpone. I have not had any recommendations yet."
He said he would fly to Dubai before going to Pakistan in any case.
Earlier today, APML leaders said in Pakistan that he should put off his return because he would be arrested if he came back.
The decision came after he consulted party members on his return plans.
In early January, while addressing a rally Musharraf had announced that he would arrive in Pakistan between January 27 to 30, 2012.
According to Express News, he had delayed his return on the suggestion of his "friends", who said that coming back to Pakistan right now might not be favourable for the former president.
Mohammad Amjad, senior vice president of the APML, told AFP that "no final decision had yet been taken" but said the retired general would make an announcement on his plans "later, perhaps today".
"His friends and party officials want him to postpone it for sometime. This was discussed yesterday at a meeting and conveyed to him," Amjad said.
Interior Minister Rehman Malik had assured the Senate on Wednesday that Musharraf would be arrested on his return to Pakistan.
“I assure this house that if he lands in Pakistan, he will be arrested because he is a proclaimed offender in the Benazir Bhutto murder case,” the minister had said.
The interior minister’s assurance came a day after Senator Raza Rabbani submitted a 10-point charge sheet in Senate, calling for the former dictator’s arrest.
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True leader of Pakistan. Turkey's Mustafa Kamal's incarnate
let him come and face the charge ,if not guilty or guilty let court make a dicision .same thing to mr MQM leader .
This chap is such a hollow tin can - lot of noise but nothing of any value inside. The guy has no shame.
for every seasoned and realistic politician jail means an uprise of status. Sir come, be jailed and than rise to power of PM house... we are all with you.
@Azam Mirza: Musharraf is only brave against unarmed civilians; He shows us his real character when he is afraid of presenting himself before the courts to accept their judgement; I agree that it's good that when a general takes over illegally and makes a dictatorship, he is held accountable. It will make democracy work better in Pakistan because generals will think twice before turning their guns on their own parliament.
Run commando run away from Pakistan!!!
General, if want to come then just come now and face whatever these corrupt politicians have in store for you- same like ZA Bhutto did. He didn't waiver. You say you love Pakistan ... Jab pyaar kiya to darna Kia? Or just go down to Fort Lauderdale and retire.
I am of the opinion that the Ex. Present Musharraf to review his decession to come back to Pakistan because the conditions are all against him and it want be a healthy decession, if he delays his coming to Pakistan want be a cowardly act but will be a 100% senceable decession because Pakistan is not the country where laws prevail this is a land of lawlessness, because some of the people have put 100million dollors as his had money which is strange and i am astonished that the Suprem Court has not taken any action on the statement of the person who has given this to the media, if the SC ignors this statement than it is for sure that there is no law or that Superem Court is allowing such things to carry on and instead of taking action they are keeping quite which in the world is being taken very surprisingly. Political rivalries are there but by giving such statements this means that terriorism is being accepted on the top level and the law inforcing agencies quiteness also shows that there is a plan to finish of with that man who had served Pakistan as head of the State for ten years and i warn all the other political leaders that if this thing is not condemned or stoped than one day head money will be on all politicians and than people like Zardari, Galiani, Nawaz Shariff, the army chief the chief justic of Pakistan and similarly other senior leaders can get this threat because that it will become a principal which according to a muhzib mashara will be the sucide for the nation, so i would request the former president that he should not be in a hurry to come and in the mean whille the authorities in Pakistan to take step to stop all such idiotic statements. The PPP government which has failed to find out the murderors of Mutharma Bennazir Bhutto even after spending millions of dollors have now started saying that gen. musharraf is a proclaimed offender, if that was so than why he was given the gaurd of honor when he was living this i live to the people of Pakisan to decided what is wrong and where it is wrong.
Travel to Pakistan may cost his life for the retired army general as one of the family members of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti has already announced head money.
I have never seen during my life that a Head of the State when forced by democratic forces to resign may again become head of the state within a short span of time.
If Musharraf wants to be in politics, he can introduce his son or the daughter as the other politicians are doing.
When the legacy of General Ziaul Haq could not continue except his son has made one man political party, the legacy of General Musharraf is also at stake.
General Musharraf seems to be a day dreamer. Probably now he is thinking as why he has shed his uniform, why he has suspended Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and why he has left the country?
In politics people has to scarifies. If General Musharraf also want to scarifies for Pakistan than he should surrender himself to the law enforcing agencies up on and then contest the cases pending against him.
There is no need to take assurances and guarantees from US, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc. as they are not the judges either to free the General or plead him guilty.
Those who feel no shame dropping bombs on people they are held responsible for ought a be cowards - He is just one of them! You have disgraced yourself Mr. President. Please just enjoy your rest of life as soon the Kings of Middle East will not entertain you! You have become a non-factor now!
Pakistan Military Academy Kakul should instill ideology in its cadets that they were not heirs of British and that they were not masters of their own people- Sindhi’s, Baluch’s, Pakhtuns, Punjabis and others and that they were simply citizens of this country who have chosen to defend geographical borders of their country.
Our hero is coming for sure.
@Muaviah: Musharraf needs to recall how he humiliated the Sharifs when they wanted to return home, even they were barred from their father's funeral. (Sharifs are no angels though; for instance, they had humiliated Sh Rashid when his mother died). The General would do well to arrange that a copy of NRO is placed on his tombstone -- the dagger with which he stabbed Pakistan in the heart.
Guess the US and Saudi did not give him a guarantee, we have an independent judiciary now so good luck Ex Dicttor
What I am not getting here is that: "Why he CAN only be arrested when he arrives in Pakistan?" Does the law not permit to be arrested, if he presides in other country? Or more certainly and probably, in a major power?
@ People who say he will come back I ask when do you think he can come to Pakistan?
What it sounds like PPP under its government will put him behind the bars as soon as he lands in Pakistan.
PTI being strong contender for the next government don’t like him at all. No chance here either and will probably do the same.
If PML-N somehow manages to form the next government, they will rather hang him . In any case, if the reaon for him not to come back to Pakistan is the political scenario (which he thinks is not suitable for him) then I am sorry to say but I can't see the environment getting better for him if this democratic system continues.
yes, we people of Pak are happy with our present rulers - PPP, N n Q, MQM etc who r true representation of people and using their tax-money eg today helicopters were flying over red- zone although PM uses this route daily. Gaisay qaum, waisay leader...
Musharraf Sahab, We all know that talk has always been cheap especially from our politicians and wanna be politicians, you are no exception
Hev will NEVER return to Pakistan.
He is never comming back(Commando or no commando).
He is afraid of facing justice. He should be arrested on his return or extradited from hiding to face charges since he took over and ruled illegally for 9 years as a dictator.
He is not returning until the Chief Justice, COAS and President retire next year.
The only flaw in Musharraf was that he ruled the country for 08 plus years in Army uniform . I assure all of you that he is the most patriot , honest and pro paksitan leader amongst the avaialble lot.
I support each & every decision,each & every poltical move,each & every logic,calculation & Homework of my leader in the context of the current political scenario of Pakistan! Your Slogan My Slogan,Our Slogan,Pakistan's Slogan Sab Say Pahlay Pakistan---Pakistan First! Long Live 'Pervez Musharraf'! Pakistan Paendabad!
So much for the fearless tried and tested (and failed) leader. Like i said before, Musharraf is not going to come back.
"According to Express News, he delayed his return on the suggestion of his “friends”, "
"friends", what, Both of them ?
General Musharraf is entering in the age where he needs rest and piece of mind on bed. His desire to come back to Pakistan is obvious but this wish depends upon a person's past deeds. It is why every gentleman say "Honesty is the best policy."
He is a Commando. Not afraid of Adversity. Only he is a Realist....
Musharraf is not welcome in Pakistan. What does he want to do here now. He has got long eight years to the damage of this country. He is a status quo politicians and we have so many status quos already.
What happened to the deal???
How sad, we do not know who are our friends & enemies?
I Hope he comes and save the nation. we need a good leadership here in Pakistan.
Musharraf will come back for sure, his opponents can sleep till then.
Hope you come back to save Pakistan.
Truth is bitter indeed.
What else can Musharraf do in a tribal society that currently resembles the medival days. One PM was hanged by the courts. One PM was assasinated by no one knows who. One PM was hauled into court for contempt, and other ministers are threatening a ex president. there is even a bounty on his head brazenly announced by a politician. seems like a completely lawless society. Will SC take suo moto notice of open threats to an ex president and ask govt to give him foolproof security? Will Chief justice think that its his duty to do so? Or will he be smugly satisfied that Mush is having a tough time coming back to his motherland?
Whatever is safer for you.
General Sahab, you better stay away from the homeland. We will be thank full to you.
@logic europe:
Un logical comment from Mr. Logic. becouse Musharraf showed his bravery in 1999 to those politician who might be unarmed but thier hand was filled with looted money.
Hahahah..as expected.
Its good Gen (r) Musharraf Sahib is not coming. It would have been suicide and not bravery to come in these circumstances. Pakistan cannot be reformed, because its masses are not interested in a reform, the people are happy with their sardars no matter what wrongs they do.
Classic Pervez Musharraf stuff, one step forward three steps back.
He is serving Pakistan invaluably by staying out. I guess our former el presidente will have to make do with long-distance phone jalsas like the other fellow.
@Pakistan first:
He just did.....let the APMLians down.
It is an irony that a person who promulgated NRO could not utilize it to his benefit. As matter stands, this Ex-general may not return to his motherland in near future leave alone contesting the elections.
hahahaha... his words 'mai kisi se darta warta nahi hoon' echo in my head. These generals can only win wars against their own countrymen. Stay out mush, you're not welcome here.
Sir please do not let APMLians down. We were looking forward to your return home and play positive role for Pakistan
No problem he can address the jalsas thro video till the ground is cleared
Pervez Musharraf is a soldier would surely comeback Before elections .... as far as this postponement is concern so its just a matter of time there was alot of hype and Anti apml propaganda going on by the opposition so therefore Right decision the plan isnt shelving its a postponement accouncement. So RELAX HATERS
Some questions arises out in the mind based on ground reality.for example armed forces is not in position to support ,help or shelter to him.
N league is dead enemy of general who mistakenly announced to come
by failing guess regarding the exiting circumstances.
As for as people party is concerned,it has already in combat with judiciary,legal protection in such condition impossible to some extent.Sondh government has announced its reaction in this connection.
All Pakistan Muslim League,has not so power or popularity to facing the creating circumstances after his landing in Pakistan. PTI chairman says there is no room in his party for former dictators,this statement is clean refusal to him.
So it is doubtless to say,ground reality is not favorable,absolutely not.
Now the decision to say coming to Pakistan for former president not goes his favor is right in nature,he would have to more wait.that is better.
He was informed by his well wishers a long time ago not to make a plan to come Pakistan to face the sitting judiciary. Some time lot of jackles overcome the tiger. It is not a matter of braveness. It is a matter of use the brain. Z.A. Bhutto is sole evidence. It was decided to hang him right at time when a plan was designed to take over by Gen. Zia. General Chisti's interviews are on record. So we should avoid another judicial murder.
It can't be possible to arrest him because he was once the boss of the institution and have very much respect over their as for as his previous profession is concerned and no one from the establishment wants him to be arrested from the one who are already humiliated. He became untouchable once had a secret deal of NRO with the present government. There is only a fear of his assassination which cause him not to come Pakistan in the present situation.
people who faced prison are Bhutto benazir zardari ,right or wrong they has guts Nawaz could not stand the heat ,musharaf destroyed pakistans progression to an honirable state
lol @Mushy, LOL @ his supporters who were all set to welcome the commando on the run. The 'only' saviour thinks the time is not right. lol.
All Paki
s must understand commando
s have no fear, especially Pakis Army Commando
s. Musharraf will come inshallah.. and he`ll be the President again & Imran Khan the Prime minister.Why Generals are so afraid of prison??
Haha ! He is the person who talks about his bravery in the media quoting him as an SSG soldier. Where is his bravery now?
Wonder what happened to the 'brave' commando :P
He had permission all right. He was just told that arrangements were being made beforehand with regard to his place of residence within the country.
Thank you for commissioning the Karakuram International University Mr. Commando.
But you are not welcome, any more.
Please stay out.
Musharraf has realised civilian government is having upper hand in Pakistan and being associated with army hardly carries any weightage.
He will not come in the near future, even his ex-colleagues will not be able to defend him, they themselves are facing strong criticism from everywhere.
Very Good. They must be disgraced so that other Generals don't dare derail democracy again. NRO, bubble economy, terrorism , double game with America & Alqaida, 8 written agreements with USA to sell our bases were his highs. Put corruption of politicians on one side & his blunders on other & they weigh more in spite of the perceptions created by electronic media and judiciary about democracy & politicians.
if this is true, it's last nail in the coffin of APML!
Musharraf, some advice... NEVER come back :)
Coming back to Pakistan will never be favourable for you! Never!
Delayed only for a few days or years???? May be he did not get the ground clearance permission for landing from Rawalpindi
this is sooooooooooooo wrong,, i'm his ardent supporter and this is just SO unacceptable..
runaway general
This had to happened. After analyzing the rigor condition why should he come back.
Shows you haw BRAVE the genrals are when faced with prison and courts . Their bravery emerges only against unarmed politicians
If he is indeed a proclaimed offender shouldnt Malik sahab ask Cameron to hand him over? Or does he still have presidential immunity? Will prosecuting him set up precedence for the current presidents when he escapes to the UK? Or as signitories of the Holy NRO are they both untouchable now?