The residents of F block, Satellite Town fear for their safety after a number of banners cropped up, demanding that Ahmadis leave the area and terming the community’s activities “unconstitutional”.
The banners are anonymous, though their demands are clear: for Ahmadis to cease all acts of worship in F block.
The Ahmadi community now fears a recurrence of recent attacks on their community, such as in May 2010 in Lahore when 93 people were killed.
Sherjeel Mir, who leads the campaign against the minority, calls Ahmadis ‘Qadianis’ – a term with pejorative connotations. “The Qadianis, a few years ago, purchased a building in Satellite Town from their own people and set up a worship place, in addition to carrying out preaching in the residential areas, creating problems for neighbours”, he says.
Mir says that he has no objections to any community living in the area; his problem is with the congregation of religious groups. He adds that Ahmadis have put up barriers and posted private guards on the main road adjacent to the hospital. Mir, a businessman, even claims the Ahmadi community has snipers on the rooftop of the building, which he terms a “fortress”.
Alarmingly, he adds that if there are delays in dealing with the problem, there could be serious repercussions.
A number of Ahmadis, when interviewed, say they have done no wrong.
“The building was built after Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya purchased the land. Being a registered organisation, and under the relevant rules, they can carry out worship in the building”, said a senior member of Ahmadi community, who asked not to be identified.
The man added that moveable barriers and a few young security guards were arranged every Friday after last year’s attack in Lahore. The district administration granted permission for this.
“We have removed the barriers and young guards from the main road in front of our building after some people objected to our security measures”, he said.
The community member also justified shifting premises, as the community had previously gathered at a building near Committee Chowk on Benazir Bhutto Road.
He emphasised that his community had committed no unconstitutional or unlawful activities and pleaded for the hate campaign to stop so Ahmadis could feel safe living in the area.
Superintendent of Police for Rawal Town area Malik Matloob Ahmed ruled out any chance the law and order situation might turn sour.
Ahmed said he had referred both sides to contact either the town municipal administrator or the DCO to establish whether the building purchased by the Ahmadis was a residential building or a place of worship. The police will be in a better position to tackle the issue after the determination of the actual status of the building, he added. The SP also said the banners and hoardings against Ahmadis would be removed.
Published in The Express Tribune, November 11th, 2011.
@Truth: this is not their official website. the official one is get your facts right.
@Shamim Shaikh: We dont need any sertificate to call themself a muslim and you even anybody dont have a right to say anyone that u r not muslim.we are alhamdolilah Muslim and we will inshallah till dead
I can not believe that in this day and age this ignorance is so prevalent. O Muslims! Don't you fell ashamed of what damage are you causing to the name of Islam and our Holy Prophet of Islam. All over the world you are seen as terrorists! Aren't you? If not then behave like one. Holy Prophet (PBUH) was called Rahmatullil Alameen by Allah and not Rahmatullil Muslimeen! He did not mistreat even the Munafiqeen that were identified by ALlah to Him. Yet you the Juhalaa of Islam believe that you the right kill people in the name of Islam. In Urdu "Laanut Ho Tum Sirf Naam Key Muslamoon Par"
Before religion, comes humanity. Doesn't matter about race or religion, the fact that Pakistan is unable to fulfil the basic rights of a human being shows that it is run and FULL of disgusting people. The fact that they cannot let people pray in peace but would rather have them killed is one of the reasons why this country will never develop. In fact it will deteriorate day by day.
No one in Pakistan or any other country has the right to judge any people/groups beliefs.
@Hairaan: its very strange. If some hindus claim that they are muslim then its very nice because they are accepting Islam. Do you want to stop them? Jews donot allow other persons to accept their beleives. Are you following the teachings of Jews?
@ All Read Quaid-e-Azam's speech delivered to the first costitutional assembly on 11th August 1947. He never meant Pakistan to be an Islamic Republic. He clearly states that he expects the citizens of Pakistan to be Pakistanis, with loyalty towards the State. Which religion people follow is their personal matter. As he said" You are free to go to your ....( places of worship".
We should really open up our minds. Think objectively people!Life is too short for these trivial things. Live and let live.
@Shayan: "However Muslims around the world should make sure that others around the world know the distinction between Qaddianis and Muslims."
The distinction that matters is that what are Ahmadies in the eyes of Allah.
Well now this has become a discussion about whether Qaddianis are Muslims are not. The constitution is clear on this- they are not. However this does not mean they should be persecuted or targeted in any way.
However Muslims around the world should make sure that others around the world know the distinction between Qaddianis and Muslims.
@Hairaan Jazakallah for your prayers for me I repeat the same prayer for you One day you will be guided to right path. INSHAALLAH
There's nothing unlawful.Actual problems lies beneath the uneducated and irrational minds..people should be educated so that they could know the real face of Islam instead of a MULLAHISM.
@Jameel: "Deobandi beliefs"
In the video Allama Maulana Kokab Noorani Okarvi explains and shows extracts from a book written by the Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanutwi, the founder of Deoband seminary, who has explained the word "khatam". According to Maulana Nanutwi as explained and read by Maulana Kokab Noorani, Maulana Nanutwi say that chronologically being the last is of no significance. It is the highest spiritual station of the Holy Prophet (saw) which is important.
@Jameel See now you know why people are so suspicious of Qadianis? You jump to defend the Indians and blame the Muslims for the riots that take place in India. Do you even fact check and read the newspapers? Have you read Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch reports on the way both Muslims and Christian minorities are targeted in India? Have you read about the number of churches that get burnt in India? My point to the Indian commenter was that his country's situation was just as bad as hours, but you had to jump in between and be irrelevant and start blaming Muslims. Look its unfortunate minorities get targeted in Pakistan. They shouldnt and the problem lies with our messed law and order situation, which means perpetrators are never brought to justice. Here children get sold at a young age for marriage, women are raped and acid burnt, target killings take place, minorities are targeted. Every segment of society is suffering from the breakdown of law and order including minorities. So like I said before I do not advocate violence I am arguing on the merits of the beliefs of Qadianis. They are not Muslims, its pretty obvious when one reads their followers essays so please dont drag irrelevant facts. Argue on your religions merits, like I have in other comments.
@Shamim Shaikh. Who are you to judge who is an Ahmedi and who is not. One of my closest friends is an Ahamdi and I see no problem in his religion. A lot of the information about them is deliberate propaganda of misinformation. Do you even know what the difference between Ahmadies and Sunnier are?
@R.A: A very valid point.
As the saying of Buddah,"death is not the end of men"which will be followed by a better and fuller life where human soul will make ever lasting progress. The effects of deed will begin to manifest itself. It will not remain only like a seed but will grow and develop into a big tree and later bear fruit. It takes its birth within men himself. In this life we are the architect of our on destiny and in the next life we will be our own rewarder or punisher. Performing of certain acts is either done for or against ones own self. A murder, infact, murder his own self, a thief steals his own property. Similarly when he does good to other people, in reality he does good to himself.
@Truth: Pardon me sir, but I would like to point out here that the website U are referring to is not the official website of Jamaat Ahmadiyya. This website is operated ( as I can see) by the Lahore distanced itself from the Ahmadiyya Jamat some 90 years ago.
This is the official website of our Jamaat. Feel free to have a look and Ahmadies do not refer to Muslims of the world as Kafir. Our beliefs differ but that does not give us the right to declare anyone Muslim or a Non Muslim.
Islam is the religion of Allah. It is the same religion that He put forth one the first day of this universe and is the same shall it remain till the last. it is the humans who keep diverging from the message of Allah and it is for Him and Him alone to decide when the day comes as to who deserves what...neither me nor U.
How would Muslims feel if other religions targeted them because they did not belong to "their" religion? Ahmedis can be anything they want to be. It is none of anybody's business - Muslims or others. Besides, being a Muslim is not something to be proud of these days. Get over the "superiority" complex. It should actually be quite the opposite.
The Ahmadis are welcome to come to India and settle. We have lots of other peace-loving enterprising Muslim communities here such as the Bohras, Ismailis etc who do well by both their faith and our country. Also, India has countless number of other faiths and religions who live amicably for the most part. From what I know of Ahmadis, they would do very well here.
@Rational Mind look at the language you are using. if you think by this language and attitude you can win the heart of people against Ahmadiyya then this is not a true thinking and looser approach
Ahmadis have never for 1 second in their 120 odd years history preferred to be called non-muslims, where is your proof? @Hairaan:
Clearly my fellow Indians don't really understand the opposition to Ahmadis. Think of it like this: If tomorrow someone came along and made some concepts up and said this is Buddhism and everyone who didn't believe in them was not really Buddhist, and all his followers started following it as Buddhism, would the original Buddhists be okay with it. That, according to the opposers of the Ahmadis, is what the Ahmadis have done with Islam. I don't know whether this is indeed the case or not in reality, but this is the claim. Now do you understand the issue better?
OK. for a moment suppose they are not Muslims .. does that give anyone right to harass or kill them? ..
@Rational Mind:
Fair enough, but why does this need to declare Ahmadi Pakistani citizens kafirs through government law arise?! Should it not then be the same for Sunni and Shia Pakistanis?!
This Takfiri ideology, with qatl-e-wajib philosophy, has now become especially worrisome in consequences for Shia Muslims considering growing extremism amongst some majority Sunni Muslims. And then Barelvi sub-sect have to look out. Where does it all stop?
Folks are entitled to their opinions (not facts). Freedom of speech or beliefs does not mean freedom to incite hate and violence through smears and slurs and ad hominem attacks that Ahmadis, or those accused of being Ahmadis, go through when called 'kafir' in derogatory terms (there's a nice article by ET elsewhere where a Hakim was literally put under religious inquisition to prove he wasn't Ahmadi). The prejudiced discriminatory weight of their calling us 'kafirs' compared to us calling them that, is not equal at all.
Here's a better idea...just stop pushing intolerant dogmatic theocratic ideological interpretations and agendas through government against other groups. Stop curtailing minority rights and state protection. Also stop killing other groups outside government and all that.
Just because I don't believe Ahmadis are technically Muslim, even if they claim to be, as a secular Muslim, I don't stupidly feel offended nor feel the need to restrict or oppress them through government or disingenuously rewrite history on Abdus Salam, Allama Iqbal, etc. But unfortunately it seems majority of Pakistanis want to be a bigoted theocratic anti-minority apartheid fascist state.
Ok, I have read most of the replies, and fund them very interesting. I am a Ahmadi-Muslim. We are taught how to be a good muslim. We read the same Qur'an as other muslims, we have the same method of worshiping Allah all mighty with Salat. We believe in the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to be Allah's servant and Messenger. Also let me point out one thing. We live on earth, because Allah has given us a chance to worship him and prove that we are worthy of going into heaven. Allah will choose those that have pure in heart and have done good deeds. It doesn't matter what religion you are. If you are pure in heart or trying to find the right path with full intentions of Harmony, Allah will welcome you (inshallah).
The attacker that killed 93 Ahmadi Muslims, during Friday prayers, a holy day of worship, what will they expect in the afterlife? Suicide bombers, every Muslim knows that committing suicide is shirk. Yet they still do it in the name of allah, and call themselves muslim. No legitimate Muslim book or in the Holy Qur'an does it say that Killling other Human beings is ok. Even worst, they do it in the name of allah. So what impression does this give to real non-muslims? I am curious about the replies I get. And just to point out, I am only 15 years old, and have no means of creating hatred or making someone look bad. The motto of Worldwide Ahmadiyya Community : Love for All, Hatred for None. More info please go here : or Please be aware of other websites that are created by non-ahmadies to spread the wrong information about us. The two that I have stated are 100% legitimate. Thank you
Regarding the coming of Messiah, the Jews treated Jesus (AS) as a liar and conspired to have him put to the cross. The early Christians were charged with heresy and blasphemy. They were forced to go in hiding into the caves, where they survived for over 300 hundred years and emerged triumphant after much adversity.
The regression of faith in modern day thekedaars of Islam is very similar to that of the Jews, who left no stone unturned to resist and oppose their prophets and godly people. Muslims today are not much different from the Jews. Their mullahs, like the rabbis have sold their souls to peddle religion for worldly wealth and fame. The practitioners of the warped faith engage in all evil on the face of this earth and yet have the audacity to pass godly judgments. They have become shameless evil mongers deprived of fear of Allah in their hearts!
History repeats itself, without fail. Those with eyes and fear of God can see that what the so-called Muslims practice can not be called Islam. The thekedaars of Islam are its worst enemy.
Only a godly person through divine help, can revive the true spirit of Islam; its message of love and tolerance. The children of Abrahim(AS), the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims await the Messiah while they argue, fight, and kill each other.
Carry on with your evil mission. God comes to the aid of the oppressed when the people become depraved of humanity. Indeed, God is sufficient for his servants!
May God guide the thekedaars of Islam to submit to Allah to cleansed their hate filled souls. Ameen!
Unfortunately as ever, this discussion has become a "are ahmadis muslim or not", come on people, even if they have any such beliefs which as it is said falsely, that they provoke "awam un naas". still it never gives some one to kill them. Pick up the history, every time minorities were killed in masses by majorities, same lame excuse was given. Whatever these people believe, u believe me, they are still Humans, have a right to live. As for the PROTESTS right of local people, "leave or die" has nothing to do with protesting, one can argue same protest were practiced by the meccans against the Holy Prophet (SAW).
All community should have freedom to protect them selfs. Ahmadi's are also a part of Pakistan so they should also have equal rights
@Shayan: There you go again. Qaddianis calling themselves Muslims- By that statement we are not Muslims.
Ahmadi Muslims can call themselves whatever they choose. They don't need your permission of any kind. By the same token you are free to call yourself whatever you think you are.
Reading the non-sense arguments and false accusation posted by the haters of Ahmadi Muslims, it is evident that the thekedaars of Islam are hell bent on practicing what Islam came to strike down. Their accomplishment in 60+ years is to pit brother against brother, men against women, caste against caste, language against language, sect against sect. And to top it off, these losers claim to be mohafiz-e-namoos-e-rasool. Sad and pathetic!
The riots were started by Muslims themselves by burning Hindus first so blames lies in a large part with Muslims. However the trials go on and several culprits have been punished.
In contrast cases of persecution in Pakistan are wholly one sided; Gojra being only one case where Christians were burnt alive. Before you ask Nerinder Modi you must ask Shehbaz Sahrif why his government allowed it to happen and then let all culprits go free.
As for how Hindus are treated in Pakistan watch today’s Policy Matters with Naseem Zehra. Hindus are leaving the country in their hundreds and going to India for the way they are being treated including Hindu girls being forcefully being abducted and married to (in effect raped). In contrast how many Muslims are leaving for Pakistan from India? There is no comparison.
You said "Man there is a huge difference between an UMMATI and an UMMATI PROPHET. Can’t you figure this out? I never said that Jesus (AS) will come back as an UMMATI PROPHET. "
You believe the coming Jesus would be an Ummati, that is correct. The Holy Prophet(saw) has called the coming Messiah as a Prophet four times in Sahih Muslim. How can you go against the words of the Holy Prophet(saw).
In addition in the Holy Qur'an Allah says that He never takes away a gift until the people become undeserving of it, meaning they the gifts are taken when they turn away from God. Prophethood is the greatest gift that Allah bestows upon His servants. Jesus(as) has been given prophethood as a gift. By your reckoning Allah would 'God forbid' take it away - does that mean Jesus(as) because so estranged from Allah that he became undeserving of it. That is a great blasphemy that you are commiting against a Prophet of Allah. Think before you say something like this.
So you are saying that Jesus is not a prophet, when did that happen?
@Sao Lao:
From your nick you don’t sound the epitome of Islam either. However he is a human and as such can see where inhuman ideas are coming from which unfortunately you don’t seem to.
There you go again. Qaddianis calling themselves Muslims- By that statement we are not Muslims?
Please stop spreading lies about Islam. I wonder how many minds you have corrupted abroad. You are doing more harm to Islam then the crusaders ever did.
Statements presented by the Qadianis or their sympathizers are so way different from each other which puts this faith in extreme doubt: 1. Some say he was Mujaddid 2. Some say he was Zilli Nabi 3. Some say he was an Ummati Nabi 4. Some say he was Mahdi 5. Some say he was Promised Massih (FYI Massih had no father) 6. Some say he never claimed to be a Prophet at all So please make up your mind first as to what he was and what he wasn’t before you write your next comment.
You do not have command over the subject matter and yet you are trying to convince others of it. Read up on the subject before you talk about it and worst give fatwas on it. Little knowledge is dangerous.
You are clearly justifying the killing of Ahmadis here. Ahmadis are peaceful, no doubt about it. They are also merely taking the benefit of human rights to call and act as Muslims. Yet you call it worst then killing. One has to doubt your sanity here. This is the same mentality as Mumtaz Qadri which results in the murders of innocents. This is clearly justifying terrorism. If this is your religion then it clearly does not deserve any respect from anyone.
@Hairaan: better to be out of arguments than intimidating aND KILLING FELLOW CITIZENS
@Talha: Man there is a huge difference between an UMMATI and an UMMATI PROPHET. Can't you figure this out? I never said that Jesus (AS) will come back as an UMMATI PROPHET. And by the way this term is an innovation by Qadianis (and other such terms as Zilli Nabi etc.) which did not exist before the prophethood claim of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
Why are there several dozen different sects all differing on the meanings of Allah’s book and ahdees? Why are the different sects killing each other despite following Allah’s book and ahdees if there is so much unanimity? You don’t seem to understand any of the arguments being presented here as others have pointed out as well. Perhaps consult someone who understands these things before coming here and wasting everyone’s time.
@R.A: It appears that your faith has been distorted beyond repair. May Allah guide to you the right path before the doomsday and save you from the hardship of the life hereafter.
my god, lookin at all the comments above, no doubt Pakistan will never have unity again, where all Pakistani citizen gets equality!
enough is enough! there is already so much hatred in this world, our country is already in a worst state, why cant we for humanity sake forget all the difference and accept each other as human beings, if u love your country, follow Quaid-e-Azam's vision! Those who dont want to live with the minorities get out of Pakistan, we are fed up with all the hatred/discriminations against a particular religious groups!
And no i dont belong to any religious group, i am PAKISTANI! thats my only identitiy! and Jinnah is my leader!
I am sorry if my comments gave you this impression. None of the comments of any of the MULLAH has favored killing of Qadianis. Please go through the comments once again with open eyes and mind. Or is it that you are out of arguments and now want to attract the attention of the human rights champions?
Most of the comments are saying that Ahamdis are doing something against Islam or Pakistan. If that is the case then it can be dealt legally, but I don’t think it is the issue. The real problem is that Ahmadis are being intimidated and are being forced to leave their homes. I want to express grief and disappointment on knowing that minorities are being harassed in a city adjacent to the capital. What else we can expect from our law enforcement agencies.
Your logic has left me hairaan in disbelief that someone could be so out of fold with logic and reasoning.
You just stated that:
Then your reply to the following comment was:
So according to your own logic, you yourself are out of the fold of Islam. You clearly stated that the second coming of Jesus would be as a follower of the Prophet, and then you state whoever believes in an Ummati Prophet is out of the fold of Islam.
The oddest thing here is that who gave you the authority to decide who is out of the fold of Islam and who isn't.
all this tells is mullahs thirst for blood;they would any excuse as long as they can make a kill
@Talha @Tauseef Khan
This translation of Quran by itself is a gross alteration and renders one non-Muslim. Period.
I am afraid if this is what Qadianis believe in then surely they are out of the folds of Islam.
@ Hairaan ( or Hari Ram ) Prophethood given to some one by Allah can not be taken away Jesus (A S ) will be a Prophet untill tha day of judgement. Moreover can you tell me why Allah used the word KHATAM for Holy Prophet and not the word KHATIM.
For all the claims I have made my reference are the books written by Qadiani is biography of Mirza Qadiani written by his son Mirza Bashir and then the letters of Mirza and book of Mirza Qadiani himself....
if you want to develop neutral understanding of Qadianiat, then read the book of Moalana Abulhassan ali Nadvi on the topic (who was also Chairman Islamic Center of Oxford University)
@Rational Mind @Hairaan:
You certainly have MTKN anti-Ahmadiyya books in front of you. These allegations have been answered countless times.
Is this new addition to the definition of Muslim revealed by God after Hadhrat Muhammad (saw)? It appears to be Pakistan's constitutional definition to me.
@M Mustafa:
Dear brother the second coming of Jesus would not be as a prophet but as a follower of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). So undoubtedly Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet.
Tell us the definition of Muslim given by God?
What I have read and practiced so far is: To be a Muslim one has to believe in six tenets i.e. Oneness of God, Prophets, Revealed books, Angels, Predestination, Day of Resurrection and five pillars (Kalama, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, Hajj). Anyone believing in above and practicing five pillars is a Muslim. Period. No one has a right to call him/her non-Muslim for any other matter. If he does he himself is deviating.
The hadees is self explanatory. In the case of Qadianis they do not call themselves just Muslims. They call themselves Qadiani Muslims or Ahmadi Muslims. And this explains it all.
Religious leaders like Baba Nanak, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and Krishna should be covered and protected by the constitution and the blasphemy laws.
@Sao Lao
The finality of Hazrat Muhammed (SAW) is a non issue as it is neither one of the five pillars, nor is it an inclusion in the Kalima.
However Hazrat Muhammed (SAW) is Khataman Nabiyyeen - Seal of the Prophets, and this also believed by Ahmadi's as it is a scripturally written fact.
The word Khatam, in this instance, denotes the consummation and completion of a thing. Not the finality of Prophethood because the word Khatam in Farsi/Urdu has a different meaning altogether.
Let me give you examples of the use of the word Khatam in a similar context:
So do you understand its usage here, another example follows:
So Hazrat Muhammed (SAW) is Khataman Nabiyyeen - Seal of the Prophets, the most perfect of all Prophets.
Ahmadi Muslims believe fully in Khatme-Nabbuwat and also that according to the prophecies in the Holy Qur'an and the Holy Prophet(saw) a reformer came with the same status as described by the Holy Prophet(saw). They saw that he fulfilled the signs and accepted him. In Sahih Muslim his status was of a Prophet so we believed him to be a prophet, this does not go against Khatme-Nabbuwat as the Holy Prophet(saw) understood Khatme-Nabbuwat more than anyone and he described the coming Messiah as a prophet.
Ahmadis believe in every word of the Holy Quran and also in the prophecies of the Holy Prophet(saw). Any prophet that comes who brings a new religion is an imposter. Read the writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, he categorically rejects that he has brought a new religion. He says that all he presents is from the Holy Qur'an and follows the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet(saw). He has lost himself so much in the love of the Holy Prophet(saw) that he has been given the status of an Ummati (follower) Prophet of the Holy Prophet(saw). According to many great Islamic scholars an Ummati prophet does not break the seal of Khatme-Nabbuwat because he gets his status from this seal.
Once the Sahaba karam Rizwanullah i Ajmaeen asked Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) to whom we list as a muslim in Medina. The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said, those who declare themself as a muslim."
It was happended when the first census of muslims in Medina was ordered by Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) to Sahaba karam (R.A)
Now what you comment on this Hadis?
@T R Khan: "When is the Messiah promised by the Holy Prophet (saw) coming? He will definitely and once for all clear the Ahmadi problem. But, will he be then; the last prophet?"
In chronological order of death in this world, Jesus (as) will be the last prophet to die in this world, however from the status point, in the eyes of Allah, the Holy Prophet (saw) has the highest spiritual status amongst all the prophets.
@Shamim Shaikh: Do you or any government have the authority to declare someone as Muslim or non-muslim? Or in other words if we give this authority to any government or court of a goverment then only those will be true beleivers who are in power or in majority.
To crucify the Jesus ( Hazrat Eisa A. S.) was a decision given by Roman court. Do you think it was correct and justified. If we study the histroy of mankind, all Prophets were condemned by the majority of people at their times. Do you think that was correct? Religion is a matter between a person and his Creator (God Almighty). Who so ever is a true beleiver is the judgement of God and not the human beings.
@narayana murthy: How does it concern you. I assumed by your nick that you are a hindu
anyway Ahmadis dont believe in the finality of the holy prophet Muhammed (PBUH) so this alone makes the out of the fold of Islam. and this is just one thing.
@Jameel: Loved your reply...Masha'Allah very good.!!!
@Lone Star:
Allah's book and his prophet Mohammad's (PBUH) ahadees.
If the so-called Muslims think that their version alone is the correct one and Ahmedis are not muslims and so should be persecuted, shouldn't Ahmedis wonder if they really want to be Muslims?