To the Atheists and Agnostics of Pakistan - you are not alone
This statement is posted on the recently launched website of Pakistani Athiests and Agnostics (PAA), which describes itself as a “social organisation for atheists, agnostics and freethinkers of Pakistan.”
The website claims to be affiliated with Atheist Alliance International (AAI), an international community that aims to educate its members and the world at large about issues related to secularism and atheism.
Like its international counterpart, PAA hopes to promote the separation of state and religion and spread awareness about atheism by providing a forum for visitors and users who comment on the various blogs and articles posted on the site.
According to a report published in Pakistan Today, the site got more than 17,000 hits in a mere 48 hours after its launch from 95 countries, including Saudi Arabia.
The Press Trust of India reported last year that PAA was founded by Hazrat Nakhuda, a former Muslim and young computer programmer from Lahore. In a discussion on PAA’s closed Facebook page with the subject “How did you become an atheist" Nakhuda writes:
I used to be a practising Muslim. I used to live in Saudi Arabia. I have done two Hajs and countless Umrahs. Used to pray five times a day. When I turned 17-18, I realised that the only reason I was a Muslim was because my parents were Muslims.
The Facebook group currently has 644 members and applicants are told that their requests to join may not always be successful, with the simple statement:
If your profile does not show that you fit under the definition of the community title or if your profile is closed drop me a message. Otherwise i will not let you in.
Aek, a founder of PAA, says that almost two weeks went into designing and planning the project another went into coding and debugging. The website was tested for three days and major bugs were spotted and fixed.
This atheism thing isn't a shining star on our heads. What it does represent though is that there are people who have the ability to think and choose for themselves. Too many in the land of the pure are sheep adhering to traditions without ever knowing the logic behind them.
Kudos for all you brave people. Keep thinking and never let your passion for thought die.
@Moise: I am the head of the organization. Transparency in finances? What do you mean? What little finances are needed members contribute.
@member: No transparency in finances means organization is dubious.
As for agnostics and other out-growths in times of subversion is nothing new. As for so called independent thought, anything designed by man's ego is doomed from the word go.
@member, good to know that....look forward to chatting to you guys on your views.
@lmran: "a Book 1400yrs old explaining to you your creation which only recently embryologist, with very sophisticated instruments,came to know .The stages of an embryo is so beautifully mentioned that only the people of knowledge of that field can appreciate"
I would like to direct your attention to this video: Link
Kidly watch it with an open mind. It does the point you've raised more justice than I could.
"The stages of an embryo is so beautifully mentioned that only the people of knowledge of that field can appreciate like professor kiethe moore and many other embryologist have said that the source of this Book Quran could only be a Divine source"
If the esteemed Keith Moore was so sure of Quran's divinity and scientific accuracy, then why did he not convert? Or a simpler explanation is that he was working at a Saudi university and the charm of riyals was too much at the cost of professional integrity, similar to Dr. Maurice Bucaille.
Link for further reading. Scroll down to read up on Keith Moore.
"Put the Quran and the Hadith to the test of astronomy,embryology,geology,oceonology,metrology,psycology etc."
Assuming that you have watched the first video with an open mind, TheRationalizer (link) does a good job of explaining the scientific "miracles" in the Quran. If you've gotten this far, might as well get some information of other supposed miracles. Link
To the muslims of this group how could you be so illogical ?read the Quran,how can you deny the exsistance of your creator?aBook 1400yrs old explaining to you your creation which only recently embryologist, with very sophisticated instruments,came to know .The stages of an embryo is so beautifully mentioned that only the people of knowledge of that field can appreciate like professor kiethe moore and many other embryologist have said that the source of this Book Quran could only be a Divine source.Another fact in the Quran is that every living thing is made of water.Imagine how could a man(Mohammed pbuh) living in a desert guess water,the least thing found in deserts 1400yrs back.there are hundreds of scientific facts in the Quran to reflect upon.One of the miracles of Quran are its scientific muslims of this group do not get trapped use reason and logic.Put the Quran and the Hadith to the test of astronomy,embryology,geology,oceonology,metrology,psycology etc.All this knowledge could not be a matter of chance.Creation of this universe and you cannot be by chance.The bad deeds of mankind cannot be attributed to religion ,it is our own and satans handiwork.We are here in this world for a test.Do not fail yourselves.Think,think,think.
Can't help but trying to find a foreign hand or conspiracy angle, eh? Do you think Pakistanis are incapable of reasoning and independent thought? Deal with it. They exist.
@waqqas iftikhar: Everyone is welcome for debate and discussions regardless of theistic background.
Good initiative. But keep atheism separate from secularism. You will obviously take time to find your place in Pakistan. But secularism cannot wait.
do you have to a bonafide atheist or agnostic to be a part of the discussion on their page? what if you arent completely one or the other?
enough of this endless debate. Just believe in humanity and try to b a good human being first..
I approve!
the greeks were athiests too
Who is funding them?
and dont we have enough hatred in our society already that we r picking on what people believe in ... half of the problems of this country will end if we keep our religion at home and just be good human beings ... live and let live
I disapprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it : welcome on the floor guys Go ahead :)
Let me be absolutely clear here. Atheism is not a BELIEF System!! Its lack of a belief; its based on scientific facts and rationality. Religion is about beliefs not atheism so please stop confusing atheism with some kind of a religion. Thank you very much!
we as pakistanis should accept the people who change religions either they become muslims or non muslims
I posted a reply to the self-proclaimed "truthtobetold". Where is it? Please don't tell me you need censor it given how many anti-Muslim and anti-Islam comments posted by liberals and Indians alike are allowed to exist here.
@Absar Shah:
I agree with your post except the lines:
"..... lets try to persuade the disbelievers.."
Do you see the inherent air of dogmatism, falalcy and bigotry in such statements? Why should it be anyone's business to PERSUADE anyone else to embrace their faith? Shouldn't faith be a very personal endeavor between oneself and his maker? Why this assumed dogma of superiority and absolutism with your faith?
So, as the first part of your message said, let others be. Let them seek their own faith/non-faith on their own volition.
@Sayyed Mehdi:
Wonderful argument. All atheists should be given the room to practise their beliefs in Pakistan. I am confused and being on the verge of becoming a "atheist". Technoloy has given us the opportunity to express our pent-up views in a free environment.
@Wasim: And you have all the answers with solid scientifically verifiable proofs about an afterlife and life itself? You can't even agree on which day to celebrate Eid on and you're pointing fingers at science?
Always remember that you can never truly believe in God unless you also have the freedom to disbelief. By threatening ex-Muslims with death, you turn religion into an obligatory burden rather than something you follow by choice. And by that you're not doing your religion any favours.
Uh, yeah no. In a country without religion law still exists, ethics and morality exist regardless of the existence or absence of a religious doctrine. Danish, I'm afraid you're the only one that doesn't 'think' or has ever in his/her life :)
Thank you for that. This is exactly what I want to know. After a reassessment, Islam never convinced me, and hence I simply cannot believe in it. I don't have the choice of believing in it. And I don't see why God would want to send me to hell for this.
I simply don't get why people can't understand this simple fact.
@Osama: Of course, the media shouldn't report anything in the country, so we can continue sweeping things under the rug which makes us (read: you) uncomfortable and we can live happily ever after!
The vision of Atheists is limited to worldly affairs. What after death. Please tell me the exact definition of death. Medicine has provided 200 definitions of death but not one is perfect. How does a baby starts moving in the womb of his mother? What is life? They won't know all this.. This site is just another platform for Islamophobic "patients" to vent their frustration. Secularism & egalitarianism is just a facade,their actual aim is just to defame Islam. God bless them with sanity !
I'm a practicing Muslim. And even though the idea of a Muslim being a former Muslim saddens me, I see no reason to hate the organization. Ideological differences are always present in every society, and so should they be. Islam does not seek to force a frame of thought upon anyone - it is of an individuals own choosing. Let the believers believe, and lets try to persuade the disbelievers, in contrast to persecuting them.
@Ahmed Ilyas Says " i request these people to remove such comments when there is still time." Are you threatening with you zealotry? How much time is left before you get into action.
Although I am a believer, but I always wonder that suppose if a person honestly studies a religion and decides not to adopt it, then should he burn in hell just because he wasn’t convinced by that set of beliefs?
Support to all rational thinkers world wide. May you be safe to think freely and to speak freely without violence forever more! May we all be unfettered from fear and dogma. May the light of science and reason once more improve the lot of all peoples. We are truly one.
Truthbetold: "Don’t be Muslim by all means… follow your heart, but follow it somewhere…"
We believe in humanity. That's enough for us.
"Secondly, as an atheist, what place do you have in Pakistan, in an overwhelmingly religious society? The very idea of Pakistan contradicts your “belief” system now."
There! So do you think atheists, Agnostics, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and other faiths do not have a placed in Pakistan? Isn't this religious bigotry, intolerance and denial of basic human rights in this 21st century?
"imagine Muslims in Europe created a group called Dutch Sharia lovers, can you imagine the uproar among Dutch?"
You miss the point. In the west and other civilized societies, you are indeed permitted to have such organizations, build mosques and practice Islam; but, the problem arises only when this group starts imposing their practices on the rest of the society or resort to terrorism. In contrast, can a person openly leave Islam and live to see the next day? I am sure you are aware of the apostasy and blasphemy laws in Pakistan,
"I am curious on why while you are so eager to question the “faith of your forefathers”, you are incapable of questioning the many bricks and layers (from science to philosphy) that structured your rejection of religion."
Isn't that a rather arrogant statement? What makes you think people who reject religion haven't done so only after considerable rational examination and contemplation? On the other hand, did you make such an effort before you became a Muslim? By the way, the forefathers of most Muslims in South Asia were Hindus for thousands of years.
@SUPERB: Wht you will do?...kill them
Hurray for the Atheists and Agnostics! They will lead the world into the light.
Why should Pakistanis have a problem with them? After all, their best friends, the Chinese are the ultimate atheists - they only believe in themselves and not in imaginary "gods" or so-called divine books. And good for them..
it was about time... nothing wrong with the freedom to question and think whatever one feels like
@everyone... I am the person referred to in that article. I head the organization. I am getting this vibe from a lot of the comments above... about how bad this is. Why? Pakistan has Christians, Hindus, Ahmedis etc. What is precisely wrong is saying that you don't believe in God. And what should one do if one doesn't. I mean if something actually doesn't make sense to you and the evidence suggests that it isn't right. then why blame me for not believing in it?
God bless the atheists of Pakistan!!
@Truthbetold . These people look to ascribe to the concept of having no single belief because just as they are incapable of trusting themselves, or truly, any other human being . Please keep the psychology to yourself, thanks. . we’re okay with freedom. just not okay with people preaching crap to everyone using these platforms, including immature minors etc. be responsible. . So apparently, you're allowed to indoctrinate a child from the very moment it is born, feed it with whatever storytales (or, if you prefer, "crap") you were brought up with, traumatise and instil in it the terrible fear of a Great Boogeyman who will burn him or her in a dark pit forever if they sin, and then cause him or her to feel a fake superiority over every person who doesn't follow your particular cult... .
You can do all that, and yet call us irresponsible for making a site discussing rationality that is accessible to "minors". On the contrary, my dear, I find you irresponsible for forcing your views on your children before they are even able to think for themselves, or make a rational choice otherwise. All children should be brought up as atheists until they are at least 18, when they are old enough to rationally "choose" a religion. imho. . Then we'll see how many of them "choose" to do so :P
"Guess what? no one wants your opinion around here— bugger off"
Who are you to decide if someone is welcome to voice their opinion or not? If you wan't to live inside an echo-chamber then you are welcome to do so.
So it takes me to question,
Who created the sun moon earth the universes the complex form of humans plants and animals? It is all by pure accident. Coincidence?
In my opinion There is God. People may have different views of that God.
@Adil: "One doesn’t have to be an athiest to be secular."
"Those who have even the slightest understanding of Islam know that Islam and secularism are fully compatible."
I suggest you do more research and objective independent studies before making such erroneous conclusions.
"As the Quran says …”To you be your religion, and to me mine”"
If you do some research, you will find that the meaning is exactly the opposite of what you imply. The Prophet told this to the polytheist in disgust after they refused to accept his demands.
@Aamir: "I believe in Islam, I am not going to hurt anyone who does not."
I would have been great if the majority of people in the country had this stance of not hurting others over their beliefs. But as it stands, 76% (equating to more than 100+ million) of Pakistani Muslim are in favor of death for those who leave the religion (which they did not choose for themselves!)
Source:Pew Global Survey
@Truthbetold: Oh right, and what do you call the tableeghi jamaats? Who knock on my door while i'm enjoying my dinner with my family to ask me to come with them to the masjid? THAT is ok but a bunch of non-believers maintaining their website is wrong? Its shameful to even use the word "double standard" here.
@Sayyed Mehdi:
you dont even make sense... lol.. i am muslim by choice...
@Arsalan: we're okay with freedom. just not okay with people preaching crap to everyone using these platforms, including immature minors etc. be responsible. Make a little group and privately sit and preach to each other about how you have nothing to believe in. The person who wrote this piece on a public forum is just propagating YOUR version of events. YOU are a hypocrite because while you don't have a belief system, you spend your time preaching to others that they should have none either
@Aaliya: no... the point is, find any belief system.. and atheist or agnostic is a person who either does not believe in anything or simply says that he or she cannot prove that belief. Its a cowardly way to run away from believing in anything but ourselves, Don't be Muslim by all means... follow your heart, but follow it somewhere...
@Tom Melchiorre: Thats just the problem with you westerners... you think the whole world is your responsibility... you expect societies to evolve the way you feel they should.
Your civilization, nationalism, imperialism and even fascism is proof of how and where you've failed as a collection of races
Guess what? no one wants your opinion around here--- bugger off
@Pseudo free thinkers: right on man
Atheists and Agnostics are simply people with no self belief. These people look to ascribe to the concept of having no single belief because just as they are incapable of trusting themselves, or truly, any other human being, they find solace in the thought that everything before and after them is a non existent void.. this void helps them feel better about themselves.
@Mj: No thanks! We value our lives and the lives of our loved ones more than the religious zealots. Because hey, this is the only life you and I are ever going to get. :)
I'm an agnostic person, and sad to say interacting with these few persons was a disappointment. Amateurs, polemics, and reactionaries to say the least. No room for free thought in their minds. Subjective thinkers parroting around nonsense. Actually come to think of it, not unlike the Muslim version of these self-described geniuses: the Taliban.
I see mega looser congregating there...
"We don’t need such FAKE BOGUS news. If there is any atheist, come on tv."
You know how deranged and fanatical some (in fact many) people are regarding their faith. Would you come on TV if it meant incoming death warrants and fatwas?
@ Zeeshan
do u mean in Pakistan atehists are not allowed? should they be forcibly made to practice Islam? Are you sane?
If you want to force [people follow your religion, you might as well call it a cult, not a religion.
@Adil: Right said my brother. Unfortunately lot many western countries do not know about this of Islam. But we are to blame for it. Since there is a far majority of muslims who do not treat people from other mazhabb equally. Take the example of any Arabic society. If you are non muslim you are not even allowed to walk the street during certain religious ceremony. People of other religion has different dress code and some islamic countries force them to put hijab or burqa even if those females are driving. We are hypocritical when other nations ban the use of veil but we force their women to follow our cultural code. None of these is preached in Islam but have no idea what happened to Allah ke bandey log that we lost sanity and in HIS holly name started culture of rigidness, arrogance and intolerance against people of other religion. We see anybody who is non muslim as kaffur. While the true meaning of kaffur in Quran is not to demonize people of other religion but points to people who does not follow basic moral conduct of the society and who have no respect of human values. Were efficiently our immams and mullahs changed the meaning of kaffur to hindu jews and christians. So tell me my brother. Where and why did this important message of "To you be your religion, and to me mine" got lost. And why would anybody think that secularism and Islam has anything in common ?
@ Mustafa Hassan Malik
prey tell us what is it tht you found???
I believe in Islam, I am not going to hurt anyone who does not.
so whats's the point? i mean let them do whatsoever they want to choosing a religion or not is actually a thought and every person has the civil right of freedom of thought you yourself have faith in your God and let others in theirs
@Ahmed Ilyas: There is still time to what?
I don't mind you being an atheist as long as you don't spew venom against religion or religious people or for that matter Pakistan's rejection of a Godless society. This is my simple rule.
The problem with these atheists is that they were bred with the strange idea that they are the only thinkers and rationale people around (listen carefully on how they structured their answers and when they attacked religion and religious people). These supremacists, arming themselves with the constructed knowledge called science and philosophy, tend to hector at religious people that "secularism" is the only way for peace, justice and prosperity. In the typical fashion of atheists, the PAA include in its FAQ that Sweden is a great example of a moral society. Perhaps what these short sighted figures failed to comprehend is that Sweden is an ethnonationalist nation with a small population. The example these atheists should bring up is Soviet Union where Muslims suffered the most. The persecution of Muslims under the Soviet Union's atheists deserved to be brought to the forefront again because atheists tend to resort to "science" to make their case of "emancipating" the masses from "its opium" while ignoring the path they once tried and failed miserably. Soviet Muslims, from Albania to Kazakhstan, are coming back to the fold of Islam.
Secondly, as an atheist, what place do you have in Pakistan, in an overwhelmingly religious society? The very idea of Pakistan contradicts your "belief" system now. Some Indians and Westerners will have a lot of "admiration" for you and consider you as the "good Pakistanis" among "the rotten fundamentalists that make most of Pakistan" but I take great offence that you are using the name Pakistan to create the boundary for your organization. A simple anology would be: imagine Muslims in Europe created a group called Dutch Sharia lovers, can you imagine the uproar among Dutch? That organization would be placed under the scrutiny of the armed forces and attacked for challenging the very fabric of the Netherlands.
As someone who holds much of the cultural capital that most of you atheists would brag about, I am curious on why while you are so eager to question the "faith of your forefathers", you are incapable of questioning the many bricks and layers (from science to philosphy) that structured your rejection of religion.
World had not came into existence without any creature just like a Chair , a Car , a Bed even a humen being ..... so there is some one who is controlling this world .....
bring this Hazrat Nakhuda to me i will prove this to him ...... there is some one there is really
It's funny to see how most people on this forum are equating atheism with secularism.
check the comments on their website... they are spreading hatred against islam, Allah and our prophet (P.B.U.H)..... i request these people to remove such comments when there is still time.
@Sayyed Mehdi:
Every one has a choice to decide what they want to follow and I have a free choice to decide what i want to follow... and i chose to follow Islam.... you should try to understand islam as well and walk the true path
WhatsInaName, Lol. We're lagging behind because of Atheists? Someone obviously forgot to tell that to countries like Sweden, New Zealand, Japan, Switzerland etc, all developed nations with majority of their populations being Atheist or at least non-religious, and believers in a secular form of government. I wonder how these countries operate without religion teaching them how to sit, stand, eat, drink, pray, talk...
@Danish: "Guess what! If that happens there will be NO Restrictions on you. You will be free to drink more Wine, rape all beautiful girls and kill all those people you don’t really like. Indeed, free thinkers do not really “think” :)"
If only religion is holding you back from killing and raping then, I am sorry to say, you are a terrible person.
I would like to direct your attention to a couple of vids:
There's also a brilliant talk by Sam Harris at TED
Its good to see a diversifying opinion in Pakistan. Let one believe what he wants to believe not what you want him to believe. If you're afraid of Islam being damaged due to people turning athiests, then the problem is in your head and how much faith you have in Islam itself. I pity such fellow believers who relate diverging opinions to ''hurting the image of Islam'' when they themselves are drowned in corruption, lawlesness and perversion.
It had to happen one day. Thanks to extremists, people are now willing to bring in open which they avoided out of fear or respect.
Oh I just noticed a typo in the headline.
It's "Atheists" not "Athiests".
I don't get this, why are people so threatened by a web site created by some freethinkers in a country of 180 million? All the Muslims should know that not all of those 180million people are Muslims or want to be Muslims. They are as Pakistanis as anyone else in this great land of ours and have every right to create websites; communities; get-togethers or what not . Rest assured we are no threat to Islam in Pakistan.
By the way a Proud member of the group!
It is awesome to see this, and hope the atheist community in Pakistan is able to express itself more freely and achieves at least one of its goals: a secular Pakistan. I am not an atheist myself (though I used to be, and even a member of PAA, or at least an organization with the same name), but I still support the atheist community of Pakistan. Hopefully other theists will join me in doing the same?
There you go...another attempt to project the 'soft' image of Pakistan...
"Pakistan has no room for such activities" No room for sane minded people ? No room for people who realize that superstitions and myths are not the way to a better world ?
@ Danish Are you saying that no women in Pakistan are raped as this is an Islamic state? Oh, or are you saying that the Taliban are secularists (Not Muslims) and that is why they kill innocent people including women and children?
Dude, if you seriously think that being an atheist makes you a rapist and a murderer, you need to seriously educate yourself. Ameer of pakistan's largest religious party has publicly said that if a girl gets raped, she should keep quiet and move on. And senseless murders in the name of religion is something you've probably heard of before. Am I right? Now compare that to countries like Sweden (85% of population is non-believer) and Japan (65%). How many rapes and murders have you seen happening there? Remember, Japan is the same country where after the earthquake police was having trouble finding the rightful owners of the lost money people had turned in instead of just keeping it. Would that happen in Pakistan? I doubt! I can't defend all atheists since you can't defend all muslims either since there are good and bad people everywhere but think about it. Most non-believers take their morality to another level. They don't do good and refrain from bad because they will be rewarded or punished. They do it just the way it is. No desire of heaven, no fear of hell, just the pure feeling of content that comes from inside after doing a good deed. But you won't get it.
And then we want to know why we are lagging behind. Now this thought has taken the form of an organisations.
We have the time and money to protest lame causes such as a long march, come out as a huge crowd against the local bodies system, raise hue and cry against electricity shortage. Cry over Aata shortage.
How can we propser when we put our political agenda in front, when we consider our economy more important, when luxuries and food items become important than denying the existence of One God.
May Allah guide us to the true path.
i think these atheist are the blessing from God to be a better theist , you need to be a better atheist first.these people come with a different argument against God everytime , when these questions are replied by intellectuals , our faith gets strengthened further.we own almost all of our knowledge not to those who have agreed , but to those who have differed.