"I do not think that ISI controls the Haqqani network,” Khan said.
“Yes, they would have connections with them. And if I was the United States, I would use this connection of the ISI with the Haqqani network to actually get them on the negotiating table.”
Imran said that the US now wants an exit strategy, because people in the US have decided that they want American troops back.
He feels that the ISI should use these links to bring the Haqqani network to the negotiating table, rather than fight them as proposed by the US, because “then Pakistan loses all leverage”.
Lat week, the outgoing US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen called the Haqqani network a "veritable arm" of the ISI intelligence agency and accused Pakistan of providing support for the September 13 attack on its Kabul mission.
"Haqqani could be your ticket to probably a dialogue getting them (Taliban) on the negotiating table, which at the moment they are refusing. So I would think that's a much saner policy than to try and ask Pakistan to take them on,"
Pakistan's government and army rejected the allegations.
Two weeks ago, militants launched an assault against the US embassy and NATO headquarters in Kabul. US officials blamed those attacks on the Haqqani network. Pakistan denies it supports the Haqqanis and says its army is too stretched battling its own Taliban insurgency to go after the network, which has an estimated 10,000-15,000 fighters.
(Read more: Yes we Khan)
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@sanjithmenon: america can not solve all the problems...mwhat an stupid idea. America itself is the biggest problem for world peace. Why ....did iraq ask them to come and hit them and kill a million people....?
Pakistan and U.S are again at a critical turn of ties. Pakistan rendered innumerable sacrifices in war and terror yet these sacrifices are not acknowledged. We faced deaths, resources loss and brutal killing of innocent citizens. Now once again blame game is on. Does this mean that only Pakistan has to suffer? When a few Western soldiers die, it’s big news but when thousands of Pakistani soldiers die fighting the criminals, we are told to do more? What kind of logic is this? It’s time for Pakistan to worry about its own future alone. What did we get for kicking the Soviets out of Afghanistan and ending the Cold War. The world never thanked us for preventing a nuclear WW3 but instead they left us to clean up all the extremists the West supported against communism. Now the Afghanis are behaving as lackeys of the Indians and trying to create problems in Pakistan. I salute to PPP leadership for talking brave and wise decision. The rational approach of Government will not let Pakistan vulnerable to attack or defame image of Pakistan. The decision to call APC is indeed wise and timely, it will not only give a clear message to world that we are united but also united political leadership. One should trust in Government that it will not let Pakistan to play in hands of Super Power.
mr khan you are absouletely right
@javed: then whom you suggest? Nawaz Sharif or Again PPP? or again Musharaf? if you want to see a establish pakistan then bring some change..
@3footninja: "terrorist khan'' or ''taliban khan" the one thing that you can be sure with Imran is that he is on Pakistan's side
Khan is an enemy of the people of Pakistan. He just wants to be the PM of Pakistan. He has no sympathy for the ordinary people. He is so self-centred that he has asked the UK government to cut aid to Pakistan. This aid is to be used for the people of Pakistan. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15055738
Khan is a hopeless politician.
Unfortunately Imran khan is naive to think that Haqqanis would resort to peace talks. Haqqanis would only do peace talks when america is out of afghanistan and the afghan gov (cowards as they are) would not allow US to leave without brokering peace talks with the Taliban. Secondly lets stop calling this group Haqqani's, the correct term is taliban. Imran like all other politicians is trying to take advantage of the situation by hurling slogans at US because that is the flavor of the month.
Asma jahangir on capital talk Said that media is playing an unconstructive role in all this by saying US is going to attack pakistan. I am sure US has enough things on her plate than to come after a country that has sold her sons and daughters for dollars, Whose leaders are corrupt and have assets in US, whose people never stand together against an opposing force, where no one trusts one another.
The day that we make our economy strong would be the day when countries would think twice before accusing us. Its always easy to point fingers at others but right now is the time to stand together and be mature and show US that your immiturity is going to cost you. Stop Nato Tankers, Stop killing our people in South and North Waziristan, Stop issuing visas to US spies and the most important is to REMOVE MR HAQAANI FROM HIS POST OF AMBASADOR TO US. He is a worthless POC and he cannot do anything for Pakistan.
May Allah Bless Pakistan. Ameen.
I think the suggestion does make sense. There are few interesting points of view:
a. We should not negotiate with terrorists. I think this is where we started out with post 09/11 and now after 10 years, more than 38000 human beings down (Pakistani + American lives), we are still not getting anywhere. So this is a failed proposition unless we want the whole world to keep burning in this fire for eternity. Nobody is saying we should tolerate violence. Its just not the right way to address the root cause of the issue.
b. Option has been on the table but not been pursued so far. If US really knew what they were doing in this war, we won't have a mess in this region. Its about time that countries of the region show some light to the so-called wise men.
c. IK is making the suggestion because he is ISI boy. If you really think so, you hardly know anything about his view on containment of armed forces. But again, you are certainly entitled to an opinion that is divorced from facts.
This suggestion has been on the table for quite a long time ...in fact Pakistan had suggested US to talk to haqqanis for a future political role in Afghanistan but US refused outrightly. Us is more inclined to creating an pro-Indian government in Afghanistan and alienate the 70% Pashtun population. What IK is saying is nothing new.....he is just stating Army's viewpoint as he is the new blue-eyed boy of theirs.
Imran Khan is now an ISI asset.
Pakistan has been unable to use any of it's so called "influence" to get the Taliban to do anything positive -- you conveniently forget that you could not get them to turn over OBL 10 yrs ago and they have flagrantly violated every agreement Pakistan has made with them over the yrs. . Using your so called "influence" as justification for a nefarious policy of using terrorist as a strategic asset is inappropriate.
@Gen Pasha (retd): lol Imran Khans newphew was a serving Officer in SSG and he was killed during Swat Operation Americans have lost 3,000 Soliders and they are negotiating , you are just a fake made in taiwan liberal
You know what happened to Rabbani when he tried to bring Taliban to the negotiating table....
Imran Khan is clueless when it comes to understanding our local militants and their supporters in Al Qaeda. If the Taliban come back to power in Kabul, it will be a huge morale booster for their comrade in arms across the border. All these thugs care about is establishing their fiefdom across the entire region and ruling by intimidation.
We all remember the nightamre in Swat. Do we want to see another attempted land grab by Salafi-inspired thugs like the TTP, Haqqani group or other like minded home-grown jihadi groups?
who should we talk to those ,who kill our children,through acid on ladies,kill other on the name of Islam...never..never
Imran Khan is right!
But who says that US is seriously sincere for peace in Afghanistan (rather AfPak)?
Khan is always right. Just trust him.
My question is simple - if a member of Imran's family had been murdered by the haqqani network - would he still have the same suggestion? - I think not I dont think Mr Khan has seen the effects of a bomb blast on an army convey? Haqqanis are terrorists who have murdered many Army jawaans - they do not deserve the option that Mr khan is offering them
@Hassan Bokhari: Your COMMENT amicably "fits" on you.
What if they blow at the negotiating table?
simple and straight.........this is the way Imran Khan talks....fantastic!!!
Khan,s is the only hope for Pakistan.
@ALE: We would want that to happen too .. But how exactly would you do that? They are a curse to peace and stability and our way of life and bigger threat to Pakistan than any one else. But If Pakistan decides to start an operation .. they will just move temporarily to those Afghan provinces which are under their control in bordering areas and then will launch their attacks across the border ..especially when US troops are withdrawing. Any such operation can only take place when first NATO & US retake those provinces and secures the border completely .. otherwise, its only going to make the situation more messy for us when majority of foreign forces will leave and those left will duck in their Red zones in Kabul just to watch the fireworks in our cities. This operation is a must for Pakistan in NWA but before that there should be precondition of US led operation to secure Afghan side first.
@ALE: I think its not the solution to crush them, crushing them brings enrage among people to take revenge in form of suicide bombings, negotiation is the only possible way to curb them.
USA wants us to do more and more, what Pakistan did in Waziristan is already crossed all the limits.
It's funny how Rueters conveniently omitted the word alleged when the reported "the Haqqani militant group, a chief driver of violence in eastern Afghanistan". Aren't reporting agencies Supposed to report and leave the opinion making to pros?
After loosing, US is now in hurry to come out of this Afghanistan war. So they are not looking other options rather than that they are blaming Pakistan for their own mess....
@Omair SHakil: You're right. The nobel prize for peace which Obama got was also a joke. The Americans are getting slaughtered in Afghanistan and they don't have a clue what to do about it. So much for peace.
Common sense and strategic astuteness is something that they obviously didn't teach Obama in How-to-become-US-President 101.
Finally someone talking sense
Crush Taliban,.. no negotiation should be made with them
Sensible comments by a sensible man!
And this is not the first time Imran Khan has talked sense. No wonder we love him.
God bless Imran Khan
Well this is what makes more sense but ofcourse US establishment lacks some common sense OR they are doing it for a specific purpose
good suggestion!