Pakkay Dost, the beloved children's puppet show renowned for its captivating storytelling and emphasis on the Urdu language, is thrilled to announce their partnership with ConnectHear, as stated by their press release. This collaboration will make Pakkay Dost accessible to the hearing-impaired community through the integration of sign language interpretation.
Created by renowned musician Bilal Maqsood, Pakkay Dost has become a cornerstone of quality children's entertainment in Pakistan. The show's vibrant visuals and engaging narratives have garnered widespread acclaim, fostering a love for Urdu and enriching the lives of countless young viewers.
ConnectHear, South Asia's leading pioneer in accessibility and inclusion for all persons with disabilities, will play a pivotal role in this initiative. By integrating Pakistan Sign Language interpretation into Pakkay Dost, ConnectHear is not only making the show accessible to Deaf children but also setting an example for inclusive entertainment in Pakistan. Their team of trained interpreters and accessibility experts will integrate sign language seamlessly, ensuring that every scene is a joyful and meaningful experience for all children, Deaf or otherwise.
"We are very excited to partner with ConnectHear," said Maqsood. "Our mission is to bring joy, learning and cultural enrichment and create a brighter childhood for all children. This collaboration is a significant step towards making Pakkay Dost truly inclusive and ensuring that every child can experience the magic of our show."
"At ConnectHear, we believe in creating a world where no one is left behind," said Arhum Ishtiaq, CTO and Co-Founder, ConnectHear. "This alliance with Pakkay Dost allows us to bridge the gap in children's entertainment and education for the Deaf community. We're not just adding sign language to the showwe're adding joy, imagination, and inclusion to every Deaf child's life."
This partnership marks a significant milestone for both Pakkay Dost and ConnectHear. Together, they are committed to breaking down barriers and ensuring that all children have the opportunity to experience the joy of learning and the magic of storytelling.
Pakkay Dost is a vibrant and entertaining puppet show created by Maqsood, a renowned musician and former member of the iconic band Strings. The show captivates young minds with playful storytelling and colourful visuals, fostering a love for the Urdu language while imparting valuable life lessons. The program has garnered acclaim from parents, educators, and institutions alike.
ConnectHear is South Asia's leading pioneer in inclusion, committed to bridging accessibility gaps through cutting-edge technology. With a mission to empower individuals and promote inclusivity, ConnectHear offers a comprehensive range of services, including virtual sign language interpretation, sensitivity training, inclusive job placements, and awareness initiatives. As of 2024, ConnectHear has connected 1,700 persons with disabilities (PWDs) with inclusive employers, conducted over 60 sensitivity training sessions, and trained more than 2,200 employees.
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