The right to life is the most sacrosanct of all human rights, forming the foundation upon which other rights - such as the rights to education, freedom of thought, religion, expression and gender equality - are built. These rights are inviolable and cannot be denied. Civilised nations accord these rights with pride, articulate them in their constitutions, and protect them by all means. This commitment to fundamental rights is the hallmark of their development and progress.
The right to life includes all the amenities and facilities that a person born in a free country is entitled to enjoy - legally and with dignity. Women, as equal members of society, are inherently entitled to these rights, which are embedded in the broader framework of human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and international human rights treaties have brought women's rights into focus. Article 1 of the UDHR states that all human beings are equal in dignity and rights, while Article 16 recognises an adult woman's right to marry and establish a family. These declarations highlight the global consensus on the equality of rights for women and men.
Women have the fundamental right to choose their life partners, free from restrictions or interference. An adult woman has the autonomy to marry a partner of her choice without requiring the consent of a guardian (wali), as long as it accords with her will. The Qur'an states: "Be mindful of your duty to Allah, in whose name you ask one another, and to the wombs [that bore you]. Verily, Allah is ever over you, a Guardian."
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) consistently stressed respect for women, elevating their status to an unprecedented level before the advent of Islam. He would rise in respect when women entered a room and offer salutations in their honor, setting an example for future generations. This respect for women's autonomy extended beyond marriage and into every aspect of their lives, including their right to education.
Education is for life, and denying someone education is akin to denying them their right to life. Just as men are entitled to education to uplift society, so too are women. Islam does not deprive women of education; rather, it views education as an intellectual necessity for both genders. Depriving anyone of education is a denial of their right to life and dignity.
Education for both daughters and sons is an equal right in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He stated, "It is the duty of every Muslim, man and woman, to acquire knowledge." He also emphasised the importance of treating daughters and sons equally, saying, "A person who is blessed with a daughter or daughters, and makes no discrimination between them and his sons, raising them with kindness and affection, will be as close to me in Paradise as my forefinger and middle finger are to each other."
There is no doubt that all humans are equal in their right to life, dignity and opportunities. Women, who constitute half of the population, must not be left behind. Denying women their rights to education, property and freedom of choice is not just an injustice to them but a loss for society at large. Nations that disregard the invaluable contributions of women ultimately sow the seeds of their own decline.
Women's rights to education, property ownership and autonomy in life choices must be upheld in both letter and spirit. Ignoring these rights is not only a moral failure but also a structural flaw that thwarts national development. Women are equal in status and deserve the right to live with all opportunities and modalities for growth.
The right to life, education, autonomy and dignity must be equally accessible to women. A society's development is intrinsically linked to the status it grants its women. Respecting and upholding women's rights is not merely a matter of justice; it is vital for the survival and flourishing of any nation.
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