The murder case of a youth, 24-year-old Sahil Solangi, who was allegedly killed in the police custody has been settled through a jirga, headed by Grand Democratic Alliance's leader Moazzam Abbassi, in Larkana district on Thursday. The jirga has slapped Rs2.5 million penalty, payable to slain's father, on SHO Abdul Razzaq Taggar of Waleed police station and Ali Hassan Kaheri.
Sardar Ashraf Solangi co-chaired the jirga which was held at Kot Durab area. The jirga held contentions of the two sides before reaching the conclusion that the cops were involved in the alleged custodial killing of Solangi. The young man was arrested under an allegation of theft two months ago in Larkana.
He was allegedly subjected to torture before his death. His body was found hanging from the roof in the police station. Later, the district and sessions court Larkana ordered the police to register an FIR on the complaint of father Saeed Ahmed Solangi, nominating SHO Taggar, constables, Chandio and Kaheri as well as two sons of Kaheri for the alleged murder.
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