Chinese investments sought in key sectors

Envoy highlights EVs, new energy materials, chips as areas of collaboration

News Desk July 31, 2024


The Yangtze River Delta, a thriving economic engine and manufacturing powerhouse in China, is emerging as a hub for potential collaboration between Pakistan and China in areas such as electric vehicles, new energy materials and semiconductors, said Pakistani Ambassador to China Khalil Hashmi during his ongoing visit to Shanghai from July 28.

The ambassador’s itinerary underscored Pakistan’s efforts to foster deeper economic ties and explore avenues for investment and cooperation.

During his stay in Shanghai, the ambassador engages in a series of meetings with political leaders, business elite, academics and the media, highlighting the city’s pivotal role as a gateway to the Yangtze River Delta region. The Yangtze River Delta, a vibrant economic region spanning Shanghai and the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, has emerged as a leading force in China’s industrial innovation and economic development.

“The Yangtze River Delta presents immense opportunities for joint ventures and collaborations between Pakistan and China,” Ambassador Hashmi emphasised.

“We see great potential in sectors like electric vehicles, where China is a global leader, and new energy materials, which are critical for sustainable development. Furthermore, semiconductors, a cornerstone of modern technology, offer another promising area for cooperation.”

Efforts have been intensified for Pakistan to attract Chinese investment following Pakistani PM Shehbaz Sharif’s visit to Beijing last month, during which a joint statement was issued, outlining 13 priority export-oriented industrial sectors for Pakistan’s development.

To pave the way for business collaboration, Hashmi stressed the importance of active participation in exhibitions, conferences and events to bridge the gap between the business communities of the two countries.

“The upcoming FoodAg Pakistan, scheduled for early next month in Karachi, has already attracted the registration of 220 Chinese companies. Through these measures, we aim to elevate our economic, trade and investment cooperation to new heights,” he said.

This article originally appeared on China Economic Net



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