Military institutions misunderstand madrassas, says Mufti Taqi Usmani

Renowned Islamic scholar says govt halted registration process for religious seminaries, demanding resumption

News Desk July 30, 2024
Mufti Taqi Usmani. PHOTO: FILE

Prominent religious scholar and President of the Federation of Madrassas Pakistan, Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani, has stated that there are significant "misunderstandings" about madrasas within military institutions.

In his statement, Mufti Taqi Usmani remarked, "Not knowing about fifty per cent of the madrasas or who runs them is a question being asked by those who even track tunnels underground."

He emphasised that there are misconceptions about madrasas among military bodies.

Mufti Usmani asserted that all stakeholders are united in ensuring the freedom, protection, and autonomy of madrasas, and they will not be deterred from this mission.

He noted that the government has halted the registration process for religious madrasas, demanding that this process be resumed.

"The ban is from the government, not from us," he added.

Furthermore, Mufti Usmani highlighted that the bank accounts of madrasas have been closed, and called for these accounts to be reopened to facilitate transparent financial transactions.

He reiterated his stance against interest-based and capitalist systems, asserting that external forces target them, and lamented that institutions and the government fail to understand this propaganda, resulting in unjust treatment towards them.


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