MrBeast employee refutes fraud claims made by former worker

A current MrBeast employee refuted fraud claims made by a former worker, addressing accusations of staged videos.

Pop Culture & Art July 30, 2024
Courtesy: MrBeast on YouTube

A current MrBeast employee has refuted claims made by a former worker who alleged that many of the YouTuber’s videos were staged and that the channel engaged in fake giveaways. In response to a video released on July 24 by the former employee, who goes by DogPack404 on YouTube, Chucky, a current employee, took to Twitter to dispute the accusations.

The video by DogPack404 garnered over three million views in less than a week, making serious claims about the authenticity of MrBeast’s content. Chucky addressed these allegations in a lengthy Twitter post, stating, "I quickly want to debunk some of the info in this video since the guy who made it was on my team."

Chucky clarified that the former employee worked at the company for less than a month and was not involved in most of the videos he claimed to have knowledge about. "It was my decision to fire him for erratic behavior," Chucky explained, providing the employment timeline from March 25 to April 19, 2024.

One of the key claims made by DogPack404 was that only friends or family members featured in the videos. Chucky refuted this, stating, "This is a wild statement that can easily be proven wrong. There are probably hundreds or thousands who have no affiliation to friends/family of Beast employees. Jimmy doesn’t know more than like a dozen people."

Addressing accusations of scripted videos, Chucky specifically mentioned MrBeast’s "100 Boys Vs 100 Girls" video, asserting it was not scripted. "Jimmy probably had countless people on set for that video and it would have been impossible to hide. I was on set for this and there was no bias for who won," Chucky said.

Regarding the claim of fake giveaways, Chucky responded, "We do not fake giveaways. I have been hands-on with some of them and have personally been the person to connect winners with our accounting department to get paid."

Chucky concluded by stating that the former employee’s termination was due to "erratic behavior," without providing further specifics.


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