Position holders receive certificates, cash award

Proud parents attend function held in their children’s honour

RAJA ZULFIQAR July 29, 2024


Appreciation certificates were distributed among the position holders of the matriculation examinations.

A grand ceremony was held in honour of the position holders from government schools who scored high in their matriculation exams. Shields, certificates and prize money worth Rs10,000 per person were given out to the students.

The function was presided over by Chakwal Chief Executive Education Officer, Dr Abdul Waheed.

The Chief Guest, Deputy Commissioner Quratul Ain Malik, distributed certificates among the students with prominent positions in the top ten categories of board level and district level categories. She congratulated them for their outstanding success.

Prominent social personality, Dandut Officer Raja Mujahid, heads of the respective schools and parents of position holder students also participated in the event. The function was held in a private marquee

Deputy Commissioner Quratul Ain Malik appreciated the excellent academic performance of the position holders and said that their significant success was a source of pride for the heads of schools, teachers and parents as well. She said that they had set an example for other children. She urged students to maintain their excellent performances in their future academic career.

Raja Mujahid also congratulated the parents of the position holders, the heads and teachers of the respective schools. He said that the district administration will continue to facilitate the educational development of the district and aim to encourage thetalented students. The DC advised the students to complete their academic career with an unparalleled spirit of hard work and dedication.


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