Forbes names Karachi second most dangerous city for tourists

Karachi's safety score stands at 93.12, making it the second most dangerous city.

News Desk July 26, 2024
An aerial view of Karachi city. PHOTO: AFP

Forbes Advisor has ranked Karachi as the second most dangerous city for tourists in its 2024 list, following Caracas, Venezuela.

The study evaluated 60 global destinations based on seven major risk factors: crime, personal safety, health, infrastructure, natural disasters, and digital security.

Karachi received a safety score of 93.12, just behind Caracas, which scored 100.

Yangon, Myanmar, ranked third with a score of 91.67.

The list also includes Lagos, Nigeria, Manila, Philippines, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bogota, Colombia, Cairo, Egypt, Mexico City, Mexico, and Quito, Ecuador.

Forbes' analysis highlighted that political instability, high crime rates, and lack of adequate health and infrastructure facilities contributed significantly to Karachi’s high-risk ranking.

Tourists in Karachi are particularly vulnerable to street crimes and terrorism-related incidents.

Moreover, the city struggles with issues like inadequate public transport, poor sanitation, and frequent power outages, which further diminish its safety profile.

The ranking is a part of Forbes' comprehensive study that aims to provide travelers with critical information about potential risks when choosing their travel destinations.

In contrast, Singapore has been named the world’s safest city for tourists, with a perfect score of 0.

Tokyo, Japan, and Toronto, Canada, followed in the rankings with low-risk scores.

The top 10 most dangerous cities for tourists according to Forbes Advisor are:

  1. Caracas, Venezuela
  2. Karachi, Pakistan
  3. Yangon, Myanmar
  4. Lagos, Nigeria
  5. Manila, Philippines
  6. Dhaka, Bangladesh
  7. Bogota, Colombia
  8. Cairo, Egypt
  9. Mexico City, Mexico
  10. Quito, Ecuador

Conversely, the top 10 safest cities for tourists are:

  1. Singapore
  2. Tokyo, Japan
  3. Toronto, Canada
  4. Sydney, Australia
  5. Zurich, Switzerland
  6. Copenhagen, Denmark
  7. Seoul, South Korea
  8. Osaka, Japan
  9. Melbourne, Australia
  10. Amsterdam, Netherlands


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