Chris Brown faces additional lawsuit from security guard over alleged concert assault

A security guard alleging he was injured while trying to protect four fans who were allegedly assaulted by Brown.

Pop Culture & Art July 26, 2024

Chris Brown faces another lawsuit stemming from an alleged assault at his Fort Worth concert last Friday. Frederick R. Overpeck, a security guard at Dickies Arena, is suing Brown, his entourage, and Live Nation for $15 million, claiming he suffered severe injuries while trying to protect four concertgoers who were allegedly attacked.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by PEOPLE, Overpeck alleges Brown initiated the violence and used racial slurs while encouraging his entourage to join in. The security guard claims he was thrown aside and repeatedly kicked while attempting to shield one of the alleged victims.

Overpeck describes the incident as a "prison yard beat down" and claims his intervention prevented further harm or even death to the concertgoers. He is seeking damages for a cracked vertebrae in his neck and loss of income due to his inability to work.

This lawsuit follows a previous $50 million suit filed by the four alleged victims against Brown, his crew, and Live Nation, claiming they were brutally assaulted backstage at the concert. The first lawsuit also accused Live Nation of negligence for continuing to work with Brown despite his history of violent behavior.

The new lawsuit adds another layer to Brown's ongoing legal troubles, raising further questions about his conduct and the responsibility of event organizers in ensuring the safety of concert attendees and staff.


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