Opposition leader flays actions against PTI


Our Correspondent July 25, 2024


Punjab Assembly Opposition Leader Malik Ahmad Khan Bhachar has criticised the government's recent actions against his party, asserting that no one could ban the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

Addressing a news conference on Wednesday, he condemned an escalation in legal actions against his party. He accused the government of orchestrating a witch-hunt against the PTI, claiming that the establishment of special cybercrime courts was part of a strategy to falsely accuse and victimise PTI leaders and workers.

He questioned the swift establishment of these courts. "Yesterday, the cabinet made decisions and today cybercrime courts were set up," he said. "A day earlier, in a press conference, we were called digital terrorists. These courts are meant for our cases. It feels like we are already under martial law."

PTI leaders and activists staged a symbolic hunger strike in front of the Punjab Assembly. Deputy Opposition Leader Moin Qureshi and PTI Religious Wing President Allama Asghar Arif Chishti participated in the protest.


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