End the occupation

Editorial July 21, 2024


The recent ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordering Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories marks a significant step towards justice and peace in a long-standing conflict. This decision, grounded in international law, underscores the global community’s stance against the prolonged and illegal occupation that has caused immense suffering for the Palestinian people. The occupation of Palestinian territories by Israel has been a source of continuous conflict and human rights violations for decades. It was among the reasons that triggered Hamas’ October 7, 2023 attacks. The ICJ’s ruling is a clarion call for ending the systemic injustices faced by Palestinians, including the unlawful seizure of land, displacement of families, and the imposition of severe restrictions on movement and access to essential services.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently remarked that developments in the occupied West Bank are “driving a stake through the heart” of the two-state solution. His statement highlights the urgent need for the international community to act decisively. The expansion of settlements, demolition of Palestinian homes and escalating violence are eroding the possibility of achieving a viable and sovereign Palestinian state. The ICJ’s ruling should serve as a wake-up call to the international community, urging nations to hold Israel accountable and support efforts to end the occupation. This moment presents an opportunity for the world to reaffirm its commitment to justice, human rights and the principles of international law.

Pakistan, along with other nations, must advocate for the enforcement of this ruling and call for an immediate halt to all settlement activities and other illegal practices. It is time to prioritise diplomacy and dialogue over unilateral actions and to work collectively toward a solution that ensures lasting peace and security in the region. The ICJ’s decision may be non-binding but is a moral and political imperative that the world cannot afford to ignore.


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