Khyber to get leishmaniasis centre

Move comes after recent outbreak of disease in tribal district

Our Correspondent July 20, 2024
Khyber to get leishmaniasis centre


Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Health Minister Syed Qasim Ali Shah on Friday met officials of Médecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) and discussed with them the establishment of a leishmaniasis treatment center at the Dargai Hospital in Khyber tribal district.

The move comes after recent outbreak of the disease in the tribal district. Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease caused by the bite of infected sandflies.

The meeting was attended by Director EPI, Dr. Arif, Director MCH, Dr. Khizr Hayat, DHO Khyber Dr. Zafar Ali Khan, Focal Person Health Department, Dr. Mohammad Nabi Jan Afridi, and other relevant officials.

During the meeting, MSF officials briefed the minister on their ongoing projects in K-P, including the establishment of two clinics for the treatment of leishmaniasis at City Hospital Peshawar and Badabher Hospital.

They also informed the minister about their work in Khalifa Gul Nawaz Hospital and Tirah Valley, Khyber.

The MSF officials also discussed their plans to establish a leishmaniasis treatment center at the Dargai Hospital in Khyber district.

They informed the minister that a five-year project has been designed, which will be technically and financially supported by MSF.

The project will also include the establishment of a pediatric health care center and a blood bank.

The minister directed the officials to initiate the project as soon as possible and complete the necessary paperwork to ensure the provision of facilities at the hospital.

He also instructed DHO Khyber, Dr. Zafar Ali Khan, to facilitate MSF in implementing the project and to establish strong links with the Health Department.

The meeting was part of the minister of health’s efforts to strengthen collaboration with international organizations and improve healthcare facilities in the province.


It may be recalled that last month, in response to media reports regarding the outbreak of the leishmaniosis in the Khyber tribal district, Provincial Minister Health ordered sending necessary injections for the treatment of the disease.

Concerned by the situation, he directed authorities to immediately provide injections for the control of the disease in the tribal district so that the infected patients could be effectively treated.

Upon receiving the directive, Additional Director General Administration, Dr. Saraj, coordinated with Medicine Sans Frontier (MSF) to provide the first batch of glucantine injections to Khyber and Mohmand districts on an urgent basis.

Minister Shah also visited the Directorate General of Health Services and instructed district health officers of Khyber and Mohmand to allocate 600 injections for emergency treatment of leishmaniosis.

Minister Shah emphasized that procurement orders for injections were issued promptly to curb the epidemic.


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