Uninterrupted flour supply sought

Minister asks PFA to remain in field

APP July 17, 2024
Uninterrupted flour supply sought


Punjab Food Minister Bilal Yaseen has directed officers of the department to ensure the supply of flour across the province on the Ashura day. According to official sources, he said strict action should be taken if flour was sold at high price in any district.

He said flour dealers and retailers across the province should properly display the rate lists.

Bilal Yaseen said the field operation of the Punjab Food Authority (PFA) should also remain fully active.

He said food safety teams should supervise quality of items at the food centres, while the district administration and teams of the food authority should remain deputed for supervision of quality and arrangements of the Langar and Sabils.

Security and other arrangements with regard to Muharram had been completed on time, he said and added that the district administration and police were performing duty at the procession routes and venues of Majalis. The members of the peace committees must review arrangements in their respective areas, he said.

Meanwhile, the PFA shut down six cooking centres and imposed Rs4.367 million worth of fine on 373 food outlets besides issuing warning notices for improvement to 1,000 others.


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