PML-N to challenge Supreme Court ruling on PTI reserved seats: Abbasi

Party leader Hanif Abbasi questions constitutional reinterpretation favouring PTI

News Desk July 13, 2024
PML-N leader Hanif Abbasi. PHOTO: Express

The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) has announced it will challenge the Supreme Court's ruling on PTI's reserved seats.

During a press conference in Rawalpindi, PML-N leader Hanif Abbasi criticised the decision, stating that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf was not even a party in the case but was granted undue relief.

Abbasi questioned the constant reinterpretation of the Constitution, which he claimed favoured PTI.

Abbasi revealed that independent members have been given 15 days to join a party, a period he argued is excessive.

He pointed out that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) only withdrew the party’s electoral symbol due to a failure to conduct intra-party elections, and not because it dissolved the party.

Abbasi also condemned the Supreme Court’s recognition of 39 PTI candidates for reserved seats, calling it an illegal move.

He announced that PML-N, along with other political parties, would file a review petition against the decision.

Abbasi criticised what he described as judicial facilitation reminiscent of former chief justice Saqib Nisar’s tenure.

He accused the court of violating constitutional and legal principles and mentioned planned protests and legal battles against the ruling.

Abbasi stated that PML-N has no threat from the decision but questioned the rationale behind it.

He highlighted the inconsistencies in the handling of PTI candidates and demanded clarity on the constitutional breaches involved.


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