Imran Khan urges establishment to conduct 'transparent' elections

Incarcerated ex-PM hailed the apex court's ruling favouring PTI, saying the judiciary stood up for the 'rule of law'

News Desk July 13, 2024
PTI chief Imran Khan. SCREENGRAB


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founding chairman Imran Khan has reportedly called on the establishment to conduct fresh elections, expressing doubts over the utility of forming a government under current circumstances.

Imran Khan's comments followed Friday's Supreme Court (SC) verdict favouring the PTI in the reserved seats, according to an Express news report.

Speaking informally with journalists during a hearing at Adiala Jail regarding the £190 million reference, the PTI supremo emphasised the need for transparent elections.

Welcoming the SC's recent decision to allocate reserved seats to PTI, Imran described it as a positive step that restored public hope. "I thank Allah that the Supreme Court judges stood up for the rule of law, where the powerful are also held accountable," he said.

Referring to the reserved seats verdict, Imran questioned if there was any point in coming into power now, he maintained, "The establishment must conduct clean and transparent elections. If we get reserved seats, we will not engage in any political manoeuvring. The only way to save the country is through fair elections."

Earlier today, in what appears to be a major breakthrough, an Islamabad district and sessions acquitted Imran and his spouse Bushra Bibi against their conviction in the Iddat case, clearing the last legal hurdle keeping the PTI founder in jail.

Imran criticised past judicial decisions, highlighting Justice Munir's capitulation to power, and the denial of party symbols.

Imran also addressed the current economic situation, predicting that next year's budget would be harsher than the present one, with increased tax burdens on the public.

The PTI founder also commented on the possibility of negotiation with the current government setup, he stated his readiness, given three conditions: the dismissal of cases against him, the release of his people, and the restoration of his mandate.

Imran also questioned the ethical propriety of Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa hearing his cases, citing personal biases.

"Justice Gulzar's five-member bench had ruled that Qazi Faez Isa should not hear my cases. The Chief Justice's wife has made statements against me," he asserted.

Imran revealed plans for a hunger strike to draw international attention to his situation, accusing ISI of orchestrating staff transfers in jail to intimidate him.

He humorously mentioned that even a cat that had become attached to him was being relocated.

Commenting on internal party issues, Imran downplayed them as private matters.

He demanded a medical examination for a party worker, Abid, whose son had died in solitary confinement and who allegedly attempted self-immolation.


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