World Court to issue opinion on Israeli occupation of Palestine on July 19

A record 52 countries present arguments at World Court about legal ramifications of Israel's actions

REUTERS July 13, 2024
A general view of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands August 22, 2023. PHOTO:REUTERS


The International Court of Justice will deliver its opinion on the legal consequences of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories on July 19, the ICJ said on Friday.

A record 52 countries presented arguments at what is also known as the World Court about the legal ramifications of Israel's actions in the territories in February after the UN General Assembly asked the ICJ in 2022 for an advisory, non-binding, opinion.

While Israel has ignored such opinions in the past, the ICJ ruling next week could add political pressure over its devastating nine-month-old war against Palestinian Islamist group Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The UN. affiliated ICJ is the only international court that adjudicates general disputes between nations and it gives advisory opinions on international legal issues.



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