Prince Harry to feature in documentary on phone hacking and tabloid illegal activities

Duke of Sussex discusses Britain's tabloid illegal activities in ITV's 'Tabloids on Trial'.

Pop Culture & Art July 10, 2024
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex as he joined the Procession following the State Hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II towards St George's Chapel on September 19, 2022 in Windsor, England. Justin Setterfield/Pool via REUTERS

Prince Harry will feature in an upcoming documentary about phone hacking, ITV has revealed. 

The Duke of Sussex spoke with reporter Becca Barry, discussing his efforts to expose what he calls "illegal activities of Britain's tabloid newspapers."

The documentary, "Tabloids on Trial," which also includes Hugh Grant, Charlotte Church, and Paul Gascoigne, is set to air on ITV1 on July 25 at 9pm.

Harry's conflict with the British media began long before he and Meghan Markle resigned as senior royals in 2020. 

He has filed six lawsuits against the media in recent years. The latest, settled in February, involved Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) over phone hacking. 

The publishers were ordered to cover his legal fees and pay around £300,000 in damages.

The Duke has accused UK tabloids of invading his privacy and relentlessly pursuing his wife Meghan and his late mother, Princess Diana. 

Harry’s lawsuit against the Daily Mirror's publisher is one of several actions he has taken against the British media, which he claims has severely impacted his life and his family's well-being.


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