Charles and Camilla savour Scotch whiskey during anniversary celebration

The King and Queen enjoyed whiskey tasting and explored Scottish culture at Edinburgh's 900th anniversary festivities.

Pop Culture & Art July 04, 2024

King Charles and Queen Camilla enjoyed a special visit to Edinburgh to celebrate the city's 900th anniversary. 

They received a warm welcome while exploring stalls that highlighted Scottish culture and businesses. During their tour, they sampled 52-year-old Macallan whiskey from Duncan Taylor, with Camilla expressing her satisfaction, stating, "That hits the spot," as reported by the Telegraph.

Evan Robertson, director at Duncan Taylor, mentioned, "The King was thrilled with the whisky," while Kevin Alston, the company's marketing manager, added that Camilla waited for Charles to join her for a drink, knowing he would be disappointed if she drank it alone.

Their day included Charles participating in a Ceremony of The Key at Edinburgh Castle, accompanied by a specially composed piece from the City of Edinburgh Band. Despite gusts of wind and brief showers, Camilla joked about holding onto her umbrella, while Charles light-heartedly interacted with guests. Regarding his health post-cancer diagnosis, Charles shared, "Not too bad."

Body language expert Darren Stanton observed Charles thoroughly enjoying himself, engaging openly with people and even showing his playful side by interacting with a dog. This reflected a relaxed and genuine demeanour during the event.


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