Saba Qamar joins Mahira Khan on Khalilur Rehman Qamar's blacklist

Renowned director explained casting Saba Qamar goes against his standards due to her 'bold' choice of attire.

News Desk July 03, 2024

Pakistani playwright and director Khalil ur Rehman Qamar is once again making headlines, this time for declaring that he will never work with leading actress Saba Qamar.

Previously, the firebrand screenwriter had drawn controversy when he publicly refused to work with megastar Mahira Khan.

During a recent podcast, the host asked Qamar if there was any actress he would never cast in his dramas. In response, Qamar explicitly mentioned Saba Qamar, stating that he would not cast her in any of his projects due to her choice of "vulgar" attire, which he believes is against his standards.

“There is no doubt that Saba Qamar is an excellent actress and she performed brilliantly in one of my past dramas. However, her current choice of clothing is against our culture and my principles,” the playwright explained.

He acknowledged that Saba Qamar’s wardrobe choices are her personal preference and that he has no issue with her liking them.

However, he emphasized that he has the right to select actors for his projects based on his own criteria.

The playwright further mentioned actors Humayun Saeed and Adnan Siddiqui as those he would like to work with repeatedly.

It's worth noting that in the past, Qamar faced significant criticism from the entertainment industry, including from Mahira Khan, for his inappropriate comments towards Marvi Sirmed during a TV program on the Aurat March.

Following Mahira Khan's criticism, Qamar vowed never to cast her in his dramas, stating he would never forgive her.


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