Govt urged to prioritise child protection

Experts call for appointment of child protection adviser

Asif Mehmood July 01, 2024
Govt urged to prioritise child protection


The Punjab government has been urged to prioritise child protection and integrate children’s issues into the mainstream governance discourse.

Search for Justice and the Children Advocacy Network (CAN) Pakistan have called for the Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz to appoint a capable professional as an adviser or Special Assistant on Child Protection.

Talking to The Express Tribune, Search for Justice Executive Director Iftikhar Mubarik highlighted that the Punjab Child Labour Survey Report 2019-20 indicates that 13.4% of children are involved in child labour, with many working as domestic labourers excluded due to the nature of their work.

He emphasised that the magnitude of this issue cannot be managed by a single department.

Mobarik said this appointment would ensure that children’s issues and voices are represented in the cabinet, leading to improved child protection measures in the province.

It would also set a precedent for other provinces and the federal government to implement their political commitment to child protection.

Search for Justice emphasises that the current Chief Minister of Punjab must translate her commitment into tangible actions for children by adopting all necessary legislative, administrative, and other measures.

SFJ suggested developing a comprehensive Child Protection Policy, followed by an action plan based on three layers: prevention, protection, and rehabilitation.


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