Three passengers injured as fire engulfs bus

Blaze caused by short circuit leaves vehicle gutted

Our Correspondent July 01, 2024


A fire broke out in a bus due to a short circuit, causing a stampede that left three passengers, including two women, injured.

The injured passengers were shifted to a hospital by a rescue team.

The rescue team also doused the fire but the bus was completely gutted.

The passenger bus caught fire near the Sahianwala Interchange.

The vehicle was carrying 48 passengers who tried to jump out in panic.

According to officials, 44-year-old Manzoor, 26-year-old Saba and 32-year-old Sonia were injured in a melee while trying to get off the bus as the fire spread.

The rescue team provided urgent medical aid to the injured before shifting them to hospital.

According to the police, the bus was on way from Islamabad when the fire broke out in it due to short circuit in the electric wiring.

Two vehicles were dispatched from Shahkot for the rescue operation because the incident had taken place near the town.

Two rescue ambulances and three fire tenders were also dispatched from Faisalabad to douse the fire.

Meanwhile, a patrolling police SSP has suspended the in-charge of a patrol post in Pensera for allegedly receiving bribe.

According to sources, SSP Patrolling Mirza Anjum Kamal paid a surprise visit to Pansera check post on Jhang Road late on Saturday night.

He found that the personnel stationed there were allegedly collecting bribes from the drivers of vehicles after stopping them.

The SSP suspended the in-charge of the post, Sub-Inspector Sarfaraz, ASI Maqsood, Havildar Ehsanul Haq, Constables Ali Murtaza, Safdar Ali and Usman Akram and appointed DSP Patrol Rana Nasrullah Khan as inquiry officer.

The official said in an audio message that the surprise visits woud continue in the future and the personnel who bring the department into disrepute have no place in the patrol police.


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