‘Govt exacerbating plight of poor’

PTI leader says inflation badly hit low-income starta

Our Correspondent June 27, 2024
PTI Party flag PHOTO:Express


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Punjab President Dr Yasmin Rashid has accused the government of exacerbating the plight of the poor, alleging that record inflation is forcing citizens to starve.

In a letter written from prison, Dr Rashid criticised the government, which she referred to as the "government of Form 47," for policies she claims are driving people further into poverty.

Dr Rashid highlighted that due to rising unemployment, inflation, and increased costs of essential commodities, as well as hikes in electricity, gas, and petroleum prices, the suffering of ordinary citizens has intensified significantly.

She lamented that these issues are being ignored by those in power.

Citing official statistics from the central bank, Dr Rashid noted that the government’s borrowing has exceeded that of the past two years combined, amounting to Rs80 trillion, taken at an interest rate of 22%.

As per the budget documents, this borrowed money will primarily service existing debt, potentially leading Pakistan towards further financial instability.

In her letter, Dr Rashid also accused Punjab Chief Minister Maryum Nawaz, whom she referred to as "Madam Ruthless," of perpetuating police brutality against PTI supporters.

She alleged that PTI workers were being tortured and new cases are being filed against them.

She mentioned that PTI members Alia Hamza and Sanam Javed have been given physical remand, and for the first time in history, doctors have been handcuffed, suggesting it might be due to the Chief Minister's own unfulfilled ambitions of becoming a doctor.

Dr Rashid’s letter underscores the deepening political and economic crisis in Pakistan, calling attention to the severe impact of government policies on the most vulnerable populations.


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