No new kinetic operation (Edit1)

Editorial June 26, 2024


It is official that no kinetic military operation is in the offing. Perhaps, ceding to a severe pushback from the opposition parties, especially the PTI, ANP and JUI-F, the government has put down in black and white that the proposed Azam-e-Istehkham vision has been misinterpreted, and comparing it with another boots-on-ground offensive on the lines of previous Zarb-e-Azb military venture is erroneous in essence. This clarification has come in due course of time and has done a great service to the nation, as misgivings were in the air on the modus operandi of the bellicose, giving room to fears of renewed displacements in the restive areas.

The Prime Minister’s Office, in a communique, went on to put it straight that the Apex Committee-proposed venture is a “multi-domain, multi-agency” operation which will be coordinated and executed on intelligence gathering, and its aim is to “reinvigorate and re-energize the ongoing implementation of ‘revised’ National Action Plan.” It duly noted that there is no need for a new kinetic episode, as “there are no such No-Go areas in the country,” and “no large scale military operation is being contemplated where displacement of population will be required.” This should put to rest all apprehensions. The decision is a wise move, especially taking into account the abject political polarisation as well as a plummeting economy. Last but not least is the weak footing of the ruling dispensation wherein the allies are seen at odds on issues of budget and governance.

The PTI, a day earlier, had ruled out supporting any military operation that does not have a nod from the parliament, and whose nomenclature is not spelt out in categorical terms. The government’s fallback is a good strategic retreat, and surely comes as a relief to the security forces that are already in a state of war with non-state actors and are bogged down on both the eastern and western frontiers. What is desired is a coordinated mopping to take out disgruntled elements, and to mend fences with Kabul to put an end to cross-border infiltration.


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