Interpol arrests 219 in major crackdown on human trafficking network

Week-long operation by police and border guards from several continents targeted human trafficking networks.

Anadolu Agency June 25, 2024
Interpol arrests 219 in major crackdown on human trafficking network

A major international anti-human trafficking operation resulted in 219 arrests and the identification of 1,374 potential victims, including 153 children, in 39 countries, Interpol announced on Monday.

Operation Global Chain, led by Austria in coordination with Romania, Europol, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) and Interpol, was conducted on June 3-9 with the aim of disrupting high-risk criminal networks involved in sexual exploitation, forced labor and forced begging.

The week-long operation involved police and border guards from several continents and focused on criminal networks involved in human trafficking, particularly children.

As a result, authorities opened 276 new investigations and identified 362 additional suspects. They also seized 2,074 criminal assets, including cash and equipment, and detected 363 fraudulent documents, Interpol reported.

Checks against Interpol's global databases yielded 12 matches, including two subjects wanted under Interpol red notices.

"Operations like Global Chain show that no country or continent is immune to human trafficking and exploitation. Whether perpetrated by family members or organized crime groups, the impact on victims is devastating.

"As a global law enforcement community, we are committed to sharing vital information to bring perpetrators to justice," said Richard Chambers, Interpol's director of organized and emerging crime.


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