Greengrocers defy official rate lists

Lower demand after Eid drops poultry prices

Imran Adnan June 24, 2024
A vendor sells poultry meat at a shop in a Karachi’s neighbourhood on Wednesday. Photo: Jalal Qureshi/ express


Despite the conclusion of the Eid holidays, rampant overcharging continued unchecked, leaving the public at the mercy of fruit and vegetable sellers demanding arbitrary prices.

The government appeared indifferent to addressing the issue of artificially inflated prices and enforce the official rate lists, which were being openly flouted.

A market survey showed that owing to low demand after the Eidul Azha, the price of live chicken fell by Rs53 per kg, set at Rs277-288 per kg, but was sold at Rs320-340 per kg. The chicken meat price decreased by Rs76 to Rs418 per kg, but was sold for up to Rs550.

The official potato prices remained stable at Rs75-80 per kg but consumers had to pay Rs130-140. Onion prices also remained unchanged, with A-grade at Rs100-105 per kg, but sold at Rs150.

Tomato prices increased by Rs10 per kg to Rs90-95, but the sellers charges Rs250 per kg.

Garlic prices dropped by Rs5 per kg for the local variety, set at Rs265-275, but sold at Rs350-400.

Ginger prices saw a Rs10 per kg increase, with Thai ginger fixed at Rs630-650 per kg, but sold at up to Rs1,000 per kg.

Cucumber prices fell by Rs15 per kg for the farm variety to Rs42-45 per kg, but was sold at Rs60-100 per kg. Brinjal prices dropped by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs38-40 per kg, but sold at Rs80-120 per kg.

Other notable price changes include a reduction of Rs30 per kg for bitter gourd, fixed at Rs38-40 per kg, but sold at Rs120.

Local lemon prices increased by Rs65 per
kg, fixed at Rs380-395 per kg, but sold at Rs600-800 per kg.

The prices of various varieties of apples decreased by Rs25 per kg, fixed at Rs330 per kg, but sold at Rs300-800 per kg. Banana prices increased by Rs 10 to 135-140 per dozen, but sold at Rs200 per dozen. Date prices were fixed at Rs450-470 per kg, but sold at Rs800-1,400.

Watermelon prices were fixed at Rs38-40 per kg, but sold at Rs70-100g. Peach prices dropped by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs130-180 per kg, but sold at Rs200-300 per kg. Phalsa prices rose by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs230-240 per kg, but sold at Rs300-350.

The prices of cherry
were fixed at Rs280-290 per box, but sold at up to Rs500, litchi was sold for Rs500-600 per kg despite the official price of Rs315-330 and Jamun for Rs400-600 against the official price fixed at Rs150-155 per kg.


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