Pakistan calls for Gaza ceasefire

Urges US to lead in implementing two-state solution

APP May 28, 2024
Ambassador Masood Khan addressing "Ambassador Circle Series" organized by World Affairs Council of Charlotte, North Carolina on 25th April, 2024 Photo: Express Tribune


Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States, Masood Khan, has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and a surge in urgently needed humanitarian assistance for the suffering Palestinians in the war-torn enclave who, he said, were being pushed from one location to another in search of safety.

Addressing the 49th Convention organized by Muslim bodies — ICNA and MAS — in Baltimore, Maryland, he urged the United States to demonstrate leadership in ensuring the implementation of two-state solution to resolve the deadly Middle East crisis. The annual three-day convention is being attended by thousands of

Muslims from across the United States and other parts of the world.

Israel’s deadly war in Gaza, now in its eighth month, has killed nearly 36,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children. Around 80% of the population’s 2.3 million people have fled their homes, severe hunger is widespread and UN officials say parts of the territory are experiencing famine.

Ambassador Khan also paid tribute to the South African government for its “singular contribution” to uphold international humanitarian law — obviously referring to the genocide case that Pretoria brought against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Read Pakistan welcomes ICJ’s ruling on Gaza

“You deserve admiration of entire international community. The comity of nations respects you as a standard-bearer for the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination”, he told the gathering where a special award was presented to a representative of South Africa for backing the Palestinian cause.

Earlier, Dr Mohsin Ansari, President of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), said that South Africa “stood up, raised its voice for the Palestinians, went to ICJ and showed the world what courage, justice and truth means.”

Ismail Esau, Charge d’Affaires at the South African Embassy in Washington, who received the award, highlighted the suffering of Palestinians under occupation and the ongoing military operations.

“For South Africa, there remains a special sense of responsibility towards Palestine as Nelson Mandela had insisted that the Palestine issue is a great moral cause of the time and South Africa’s freedom would remain incomplete as long as Palestine is not free,” he added.

In his remarks, Ambassador Khan emphasized that ICNA represents all nationalities with a Muslim identity, stating, “Your presence here sends a message of peace, love, and harmony across the United States and around the world.”

“ICNA is building synergies in the United States with various communities and belief systems. We pay tribute to you for your service to humanity,” he added.

Khan also praised the leadership and influence of Dr. Ansari for his invaluable contributions to promoting ICNA's mission and aiding people in distress both in Pakistan and globally.

Dr. Ansari informed the gathering that ICNA has positively impacted 12 million people through its various activities. He highlighted that in 2023 alone, nearly one million people were served.


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