TikTok's "Digitine" movement targets celebrities for social media blocking

Movement targets celebs' revenue, holds them accountable for actions or lack thereof.

Pop Culture & Art May 13, 2024
TikTok's "Digitine" movement targets celebrities for social media blocking

A new trend on TikTok, dubbed the "digitine" movement, is urging users to block certain celebrities on social media platforms as a form of protest against their perceived lack of engagement on social issues.


The trend gained traction following the 2024 Met Gala, where attendees flaunted extravagant outfits, highlighting wealth disparities. 


Users compared the event to "The Hunger Games," underscoring the divide between the wealthy and the struggling.

Influencer Hayley Kalil sparked controversy with a video outside the Met Gala, lip-syncing the words "Let them eat cake," alluding to Marie Antoinette's infamous statement during the French Revolution. 


This incident led TikTok user @ladyfromtheoutside to coin the term "digitine," a blend of "digital guillotine," symbolizing punishment for perceived neglect of social responsibility.


Courtesy: @ladyfromtheoutside

The movement aims to disrupt celebrities' revenue streams from advertising and brand deals, holding them accountable for their actions—or lack thereof. 


Hundreds of celebrities find themselves in the crosshairs of this digital revolt as social media users unite under the #blockout movement, urging each other to block accounts of big names who have remained silent on the humanitarian crisis unfolding in besieged Gaza.


TikTok users compiled lists of celebrities to block, including household names like Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Kylie Jenner, and many more, reflecting the widespread frustration with celebrity silence on urgent global issues.


As the "digitine" trend gains momentum, celebrities find themselves under scrutiny for their perceived inaction, with users demanding accountability and engagement on pressing social issues.


Some stars on the block lists, including rapper Lizzo and influencer Chris Olsen, have responded by urging their followers to donate to aid organisations supporting Palestinians. 


However, these actions have sparked debate, with some questioning their sincerity and others applauding their belated efforts.


Israel has killed more than 35,000 Palestinians and wounded at least 77,000 since the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack resulted in the deaths of 1,200 Israelis.


The bloodshed carried out by Israeli forces in Gaza has triggered demonstrations at college campuses across the US to protest the inhumane conditions Tel Aviv has imposed on Palestinians.


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